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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    Handgun Insurance

    The issue I have with State Farm is that my agent informed me that I could add as much firearm insurance as I wanted for a very reasonable rate, but I have to call them and update the policy each time I acquire a new firearm. Hell, they'd drop me because they'd get tired of answering my phone calls to "update"!
  2. Welcome!!!!!
  3. I haven't seen that particular flavor in quite a while. I saw it a year or two ago at a couple of online retailers and haven't seen it since. There are a couple of auctions on gunbroker right now. And I mean just a couple and I think they're both by the same guy - Federal 38 Special 158gr SWC-HP (1000 rds) : Pistol Ammo at GunBroker.com I'm starting to wonder if they discontinued these or something.
  4. I've only got a small handful of them - maybe 8 or so. I'd send them to you, but it's not even really worth the postage for that small a number. I'll keep setting them aside and holler at you if I ever get enough that shipping them is worth it
  5. I just love a feel-good story!
  6. No, it's just speer small primered 45ACP. I've run across a few GAP pieces I chunked back in the bin. The GAP round is verrrry obviously different.
  7. You can visit with a member up to two times before they expect you to join. I went once with my FIL and I'm glad I did. The 'tard on the golf cart helped make my mind up and I didn't end up spending my hard earned money on a membership there. I've been looking at Desoto's club. Thinking about trying them out.
  8. Ran across some small primered 45 brass in my recent range pickup bag. Do I need to adjust my current 45 loads any with these provided I go ahead and use small pistol primers? Do I need to only use small "Magnum" primers? Should I just chunk these? What say ye?
  9. Oh, and welcome to Memphis
  10. I would think your next closest Wally World might be Austin Peay. I'd stick with W. Memphis As far as safety, it's all relative anywhere in Memphis. You should be fine on the island, but like a previous poster said, situational awarenes is the key anywhere you are.
  11. That's about the biggest turnoff for me. Kinda like the Smith's that had a big "SW1911" taking up most of the side of the slide. Tone the logo down a notch, please.
  12. Thanks for the info guys. I've known a few guys who staggered FMJ and HP rounds in their 380's. Guess that's the "best of both worlds" approach...
  13. Welcome!!
  14. Cool. Thanks. I know I have read about certain Kel-Tecs not liking certain Cor-Bon rounds and things like that. Wasn't sure if there was any brand that did not function well with LCPs.
  15. Tried searching the threads, but didn't see what I was looking for. Sorry if this has been adressed elsewhere. So I finally got on Gunbroker and found an LCP for the misses. Got it transferred in and picked it up the other day. It's looking like she'll have to settle for whatever carry ammo I can find. Now I'm not all that familiar with the types of 380 ammo out there and their reliability (I'm more of a 45 through 9mm guy), nor am I real familiar with the LCPs. Is there any certain brand(s) or type(s) of 380 defense ammo I should avoid? Is there any brand or type that's known to not jive well with an LCP?
  16. Need range time...
  17. That's pretty neat. Spent about 20 minutes playing around for no good reason
  18. Glad to hear the 9mm AR mags work great in case I ever pick up a 9mm AR (really want to!). The mags I've dealt with are their 223 AR mags which are top notch.
  19. Anybody tried these? CProducts' AR mags are awesome for the price. I have several of them and absolutely love 'em. I ran across these CProducts 1911 mags. They look nice and the price is nice. Anybody tried 'em out yet? Link to the mags on AIM's website- C Products 1911 8rd .45acp Magazines
  20. Welcome!!
  21. Where'd you buy from?
  22. If I was willing to spend an extra $200 to move up from the Springfield Mil-Spec, I'd just throw in another $200 and get a Kimber Custom. The Remington doesn't look too appealing to me.
  23. I don't usually give Memphis credit for anything (besides crime rates), but Memphis does have a really nice zoo. Can't speak for the others as I've never been anywhere else.
  24. They'd do a better job than what we have now...
  25. Exactly how I feel!


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