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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Phallus fine? The government's shaft shaft?
  2. I think if the leather was dyed darker (or black) instead of natural, it'd look like a much more expensive holster. But I don't guess it matters since it's a concealment holster.
  3. A tribute to Khol's stores?? I was wondering about that myself. But the product seems to work great and at a very fair price, so he can call 'em bags for all I care.
  4. Don't let it give Sportsman's too good of a run for the money. Bass Pro did that here and Sportsman's closed down.
  5. Tallywacker taxation is going too far...
  6. Some awesome clips in this post!
  7. Storm's a coming.
  8. I'm definitely with Spaceman on this one.
  9. All of their mags that I have came with orange followers except for a couple which were yellow. I wonder if they decided to stop using the black followers?
  10. Yeah, first time I've ever thought about febreezing a holster. I'm sure the smell will go away soon enough. It's not unbearable by any means. Just odd.
  11. I got the first KHolster I ordered in yesterday for my G19. I was happy to see that (as I expected) it will fit my G26 as well. I ordered it on the 1st of April, so it didn't take as long as I feared it might thanks to the popularity of the sale. I ordered another on the 9th for my wife's LCP. Looks like it's still a couple of weeks out...
  12. If you had 3 manuals, you'd have 3 different recipes.
  13. To aggravate me.
  14. One thing you may consider doing is loading up some with 3.8 grains to shoot first and kinda "compare" the feel of them to the feel of some factory ammo. If the 3.8's seem more stout than the factory loads, I wouldn't press on to the 4.0 grain ones. The 4.0's will "probably" be just what the doctor ordered, but it's a good habit to always start with the starting load.
  15. I've personally never used Clays, but according to the first manual I grabbed, it looks safe to me. I'm seeing a starting load of 3.7 grains and a min OAL of 1.2 (you're OVER OAL which is what you want to keep from building up too much pressure). Let us know how they do!
  16. Have fun dude!
  17. LMAO!!!
  18. Well said! I have to hand it to the women there. They get blamed for everything. Including natural disasters now, apparently
  19. Exactly. It's great to sit around and talk guns, but it's nice having guys (and gals) who have been there and done that who can give input when you have a question. Glad you found a solution for your boolits!
  20. Yep, I'll have to agree with the previous poster who's gonna stick with Android. Better system IMHO and not over-hyped.
  21. Hey, what are ya gonna do? Times are tough... We'll keep our eyes open, bignoise.
  22. Need a nap
  23. Welcome to TGO and good luck finding a shootin' spot.
  24. Welcome!!!!!


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