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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Yep. Sorry, but I can't help you on the disassembly. That would be the blind leading the blind my friend...
  2. You'll do fine. I hope. I'd stick with that stock spring though. If you were doing competition shooting, I'd say get you a new lighter spring, but I wouldn't do it in my EDC.
  3. kb4ns

    Handgun Insurance

    OS, definitely take a look at it. I thought my State Farm homeowner insurance would cover mine too, but after talking to my agent one day, I found out that they only cover up to a certain amount (I think it was $1k total). I have to have a separate rider on my policy to cover all guns. Unlike the previous poster, I don't worry about State Farm having my serial numbers, etc., I just don't feel like calling them and updating it every time I buy or sell a gun. I'd almost never get off the phone with 'em.
  4. I don't see why you'd need to buy another factory spring if you have the one that came with it.
  5. :rofl:
  6. Bom chicka womwom.
  7. Wow. Very sad.
  8. Be sure to clean the gun, too. And don't post any pics...
  9. Well the factory spring should be 13lb. I would think that should do you fine, but I personally wouldn't wanna dip below 10 if you decide to find you another.
  10. Or, you could get a 20lb spring!
  11. I just did some googling, and the Wolff springs come in all sorts of flavors, but the lowest is 9 lb. I'm thinking that the 7 or 8 might be a bit low, especially now that you've worn it a bit.
  12. I'm curious, why'd you decide to go with a lighter spring the first time?
  13. I would think it should, as long as you clean it up real well when you change it back, just in case buildup was all or part of you issue.
  14. That's as good a thought as I can come up with. I've never really heard of issues with Remington's primers. I'd wonder if there's a possibility that the ammo was exposed to moisture, but that's not gonna be the issue if you can tell there was obviously a lighter strike. I'd clean the devil outta that thing and, given your round count, consider changing out springs again just to be on the safe side since it's your EDC. I'm pretty sure Wolff makes springs for the 96, but haven't heard any reviews on them.
  15. So this happened with multiple rounds? All from the same batch of ammo?
  16. Well, that and you apparently picked up some Visine...
  17. Hate that I couldn't get by there early enough to put many faces to names, but I did get there in time to verify that Jack does resemble his avatar Nice meeting you, Jack. Also, if you're looking at doing RUSA again next time, their hours are 1 to 6 on Sundays, so that should help a little bit in narrowing down the meeting time.
  18. Well said. The only thing I can't stand more than a republican is a democrat. Thank goodness I don't scare the dickens out of any of the sheeple...
  19. I posted a reply on that thread. I'm interested, but it'll depend on what day since I have so much going on. I don't get on arfcom very often, so I might forget about it. If you see that they've come up with a date, please post it here or PM me.
  20. I've never heard of a "Stumblebum", but if it's anything like a beach bum, I'm interested.
  21. I believe that poll has been around for a while and may have actually been posted on here before. Didn't stop me from voting again, though
  22. Patience grasshopper... I know, easier said than done.
  23. You just couldn't resist, could you...
  24. Not usually.
  25. kb4ns

    Drinkin' problem.

    I always remembered "Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear." I got the phrase backwards too many times and decided I should never mix the two regardless.


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