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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Huh?
  2. Gotta give 'em a little flick of the wrist.
  3. Yeah. I know Chip Holland does some classes here in Memphis at RangeUSA, but they don't advertise the classes. You have to email him directly. I know that's not much help to you out in K-town, but in case anyone else is reading this that is in or near Memphis.
  4. As far as the training: 39-17-1308. Defenses to unlawful possession or carrying of a weapon. — (a) It is a defense to the application of § 39-17-1307 if the possession or carrying was: (9) By any person possessing a club or baton who holds a certificate that the person has had training in the use of a club or baton for self-defense that is valid and issued by a certified person authorized to give training in the use of clubs or batons, and is not prohibited from purchasing a firearm under any local, state or federal laws
  5. ASP Batons - ASP Tactical Baton
  6. I wouldn't care less, especially if you've got a HCP. Legally, the HCP means nothing for carrying an ASP, but the way I see it, if you're trusted with a firearm, the ASP is no biggie. Keep in mind, this is just ME. Definitely not every LEO. And yes, if you had a certificate of training for the ASP, it would be a defense to unlawful possession.
  7. The regular Glocks (17/19/22/23/26/27/31/32/33) are $425. Other models cost different amounts. See the link above.
  8. http://www.gssfonline.com/GSSF_Pistol_Purchase_Program_Information.pdf
  9. Yeah, but we'd have to figure out how to get out those rivets (or whatever they are) that hold the kydex to the leather. They look the same on both sides (just a little flatter on the back). Ideas?
  10. I've got the Brownells book. Three bucks and it does all I need it to.
  11. No database. More just checking to see that your collection and your bound book match up. If you have a C&R gun that's not in your book, you might have issues. If you have something listed in your book, but the gun is not in your possession, you might have issues.
  12. :bowrofl: That's funny right there...
  13. Welcome!!
  14. With prices like the kholster's, "living and learning" isn't near as painful as it could be! I think that if I had it to do over again, I'd still cut it, but I'd cut it a little more like my Crossbreed is cut (about halfway between "full moon" and "combat cut").
  15. Tomorrow's MY Monday
  16. Kinda late getting this, but here is the second choice: "In danger: These people could be trigger-happy yahoos or stumblebums whose weapon might go off by accident."
  17. Yeah, I'm with Mike. The FCD is just what the doctor ordered for autos. I tried the 3 die set when I first got into reloading 9mm. I quickly ordered the factory crimp die...
  18. Must have. Like I said, I understand that safety is very important. Had I been actually handling a firearm, or even actually stepped over the line, I could see a friendly reminder. But the response I got was what you'd expect after taking aim at a person.
  19. Sorry, just now saw the request for more info. To make a long story short(ish); Went one time (first and only time out there for me) with my FIL. We were the only people out there (on the entire range) at the time. My FIL went downrange to put up targets while I unloaded the guns / ammo from my truck. While carrying two rifle cases to the shooting bench, I stepped onto the "do not cross while someone is downrange" line. I did not step over it, but the toes of my right foot stepped onto the line. The only firearms around were two rifles fully enclosed in cases. The "tard on the golf cart" popped up from who knows where and started yealling and going insane about the rules and stepping over the line and making an utter and complete ass of himself. At first, the smartass in me began to come out, but we were already there and I really wanted to shoot, so I just stood there staring at him like the tard nugget he was until he was done. I then turned and walked away. My FIL has been a member out there for a loooong time, but after that day, he said he hasn't been back since. He joined the Desoto club and started shooting there. I'm not sure if he has renewed his MSSA membership or not. I can tell you that after that experience, I wouldn't join if they waived every one of the fees they have. I understand that safety is paramount, but you have to use a little common sense in dealing with folks. A simple "hey watch out for that line" would have sufficed if he felt that something just had to be said.
  20. I would LOVE to, but I chunked the letter right after I received it. Never woulda figured I'd need it.
  21. The Department of Safety is the agency that handles issuing (and reissuing) handgun permits. You could go ahead and contact them to see what they say. You may very well need the assistance of an attorney, and like saintsfanbrian said, there are some here on TGO that are very familiar with firearms laws and Dept of Safety procedures. Good luck!
  22. Funny thing is... I got that same sick feeling in my gut when I saw that picture as I do when I see Richard Simmons on TV...
  23. Welcome to TGO, Andy! Keep her!
  24. Well it was the first I'd ever heard of it as well. I'm not sure if it applies to the flat rate boxes as well as the envelopes (or maybe it just applies in her little world ). Don't get me wrong. I've received plenty of packages in a flat rate envelope that were really pushing it. I've seen folks trying to ship stuff the size of a VCR in a flat rate envelope. You have to draw the line somewhere, but with mine today, come on. Really?


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