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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns


    I love it.
  2. Sadly, she probably wasn't exaggerating. There has been a LOT of flooding. Nothing like I've ever seen here.
  3. Kinda what I figured. Sad
  4. You passed on this one???
  5. Well? What do you think of it?
  6. Congrats! They're great guns. Now Go trick it out and shoot it!!
  7. I've had great results with Wilson 47D mags. I have a CMC (not sure which model) that I use as a range mag that has worked well. Kinda interesting to see this thread. I was asking a couple of weeks ago if anyone had tried the CProd 1911 mags and nobody had. Good luck!
  8. Umm, wow. I just watched the original ("real" video). I have no idea what the hell I just saw...
  9. Yep. I knew we were in trouble when I got in my squad car this morning. As soon as I flipped my radio on, I started hearing cars on the radio that weren't supposed to be on duty. There are lots of flooded businesses and homes here in Bartlett and many flooded out cars. I know that Bartett Fire had to do some swift water rescues on the north end of town. Looks like more rain is here. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  10. Little more wear than I expected, but I still don't think it was a bad deal.
  11. How effective are those "oil booms" they are spreading out in the water? I know nothing about them, but seeing them on the TV, they don't look like they would do too much.
  12. Ok, so you use the Sentry boxes as your decoys...
  13. I think you definitely got a deal. I used a Beretta 96D Brigadier (DAO) when I went through the Shelby County Sheriff's Academy years ago. They sold off all of those guns 4 or 5 years ago after transitioning to a Sig. I decided that I wanted one. It cost me well over $300 in auction, plus shipping, plus transfer costs. The 96D is not a very desirable model and I still sunk almost $400 into it. I think you did just fine
  14. My thinking exactly!
  15. Oh yes, how I miss the free tape. And yes, I usually print my own postage and send dozens of packages a month out from the house. This time, I figured I'd use up that ole stamp I had sitting around. That'll teach me...
  16. Simply awesome. Thanks for sharing
  17. Daniel, you ROCK!
  18. In Memphis, G&A are the only ones I know of that do the LE pricing for Glocks. I just called and they want $429 for the base models thru the LE program. I think last time I was there (a month or so ago), they were still under $400. I wonder if Glocks just went up across the board??
  19. Welcome to TGO!
  20. PM sent
  21. I think we're more than 9 years late. Much, much later. I reckon BO wasn't a fan of Michael Jackson. I don't recall the flag being at half-staff after his death.
  22. Exactly. If Mexican nationals were coming to America to spend their money and support us in some way, it might be different. What we have here, is the equivalent of a leech requesting you to drink more beer so he can catch a free buzz.
  23. I think I'd just look for an instructor that would issue some sort of "certificate for training" without an expiration date. It's looking to me like there are some instructors out there that are just trying to rip folks off. I could be wrong, but I've seen nothing in the TCA about having to renew it. As LEOs, we never have to recertify, the security officers with training for impact weapons never have to recertify. Why would anyone else?


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