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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Sporterized! Ugh. Another great gun ruined.
  2. Welcome to TGO!
  3. Go get your guns. No need to "transfer" anything inherited. Hope everything goes smooth for you. I hate seeing what people become when "free stuff" or "free money" is around. Pretty much everyone in my family knows I don't want my name anywhere near their will. It's not worth it.
  4. It's unlawful for a dealer to transfer a handgun to a person under the age of 21. There is no law preventing an 18 to 20 year old from owning a handgun. If I wanted to give my 19 year old cousin down the street a Glock for his birthday, I could. If he wanted to go to the gun shop and buy it, he'd be out of luck.
  5. Welcome to the forum!
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome!
  8. This. Just to be sure, you are using "Clays", not "Universal Clays" or "International Clays", right? I've never used Clays, but I have used a lot of Universal Clays and have had great luck. Of course, 3.0 of Universal Clays would be way under the standard load for 115gr 9mm. I know a few people who've gotten their Clays confused. Probably not your issue, but I figured I would throw it out there.
  9. ^^^So this thing is some kind of large wedding ring?
  10. I think that was part of the debate last time this came up. The TN Sheriff's Association stated that they had no knowledge of the letters and that they weren't involved in any way. I think the Sheriff's Association is trying to stay out of politics. If you really feel the desire to do something, look up COPS (Concerns of Police Survivors). They do all sorts of stuff for the families of fallen officers. They have summer camps for the children, retreats for the widows / widowers, etc. They also put on classes across the country for LE agencies on how to handle line of duty deaths. I had the pleasure of going to one of those classes last month. Very informative. Great organization. And if you like nifty stickers, I have a bunch of here. PM me and I'll send you one.
  11. Seems likely. I found these two old threads- http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/10024-letter-tn-sheriffs-association-mail-today-2.html http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handgun-carry-self-defense/5934-tennessee-public-safety-coalition.html Looks like they MAY not be anti-gun, but they're definitely not PRO-gun. I'd trash the application... unless you just really want to be cool and get that front license plate. It'd really set off an HCP badge. Kidding, of course.
  12. From their website: I know they are a legitimate organization because they actually do stuff for LE agencies, but I don't know much more. As far as the 2A, I'm not sure if they have any opinions or influence one way or another. Definitely something to check into before considering whether or not to donate.
  13. Welcome to TGO!
  14. Welcome to TGO, Jeff!
  15. Welcome!
  16. Sorry for your loss.
  17. The link here is AFTE, not ATFE. Your dyslexia is showing. Nice link, though. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Yep. I just mailed my to the Sheriff along with a note explaining what it was. Never heard anything about it.
  19. Welcome to TGO!
  20. Welcome
  21. Welcome to the forum!
  22. Welcome to TGO.


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

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