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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Yep. Here we go again!
  2. Oh, and if you thought being a gun nut was expensive...
  3. Yeah, the b*stards at the FCC dropped the 20wpm requirement down to 5wpm about a month after I got my Extra and then dropped it altogether. Not to mention getting rid of the Advanced license that I had to freakin' test through. David, I have a Yaesu FT-7800R in my squad car, but I think I could count on one hand the number of times I've actually had it on. I pretty much keep it in there for emergencies, bad weather, etc. Yaesu (just like the other major brands) makes good stuff and I doubt you'll be disappointed. Personally, I think if I was going to spend over $400 for a mobile rig, I'd throw a couple hundred more in and get something like the FT-857D. The 8900 will only do FM on 10M. When the solar cycle picks back up (and it's on the upswing), you can have a BLAST on 10M SSB. 10M FM never really did anything for me (or most folks for that matter) and I don't think you'll have a ton of company there. You can do SOOOO much more with the 857D. I used to have an 857D (before I had a kid and became broke) and I absolutely loved it. There was very little that it couldn't do. Not to mention - HF IS WHERE ALL THE FUN IS. If you decide that you wanna play in the HF world, the 857D will be ready to rock and roll. If you don't think you'll do much HF operating, I'd stick with either a 2m mobile or, at the most, a dual bander and save your money. 2M is by far the most popular band with 70cm a distant second (around here, at least). If you're like most folks, you'll have one or two 2m repeaters programmed in and rarely leave those channels. That's my I'm more than happy to help you in any way I can, even though I'm not nearly as active as I once was. And fear not about the test (especially if you have a strong background). I got my tech license when I was 14 and completed General, Advanced, and Extra when I was 15. If my dumb butt could do it, I have full faith in you!
  4. That sounds really odd to me. Who goes from Maine to a relatively rural area of TN to sell magazines?
  5. Oh, and TCA 39-17-1308 is the state law that covers out-of-state officers (although it is really unnecessary now that the LEOSA exists). TCA 39-17-1308 (a) It is a defense to the application of § 39-17-1307 if the possession or carrying was: (10) By any out-of-state, full-time, commissioned law enforcement officer who holds a valid commission card from the appropriate out-of-state law enforcement agency and a photo identification; provided, that if no valid commission card and photo identification are retained, then it shall be unlawful for that officer to carry firearms in this state and the provisions of this section shall not apply. The defense provided by this subdivision (a)(10) shall only be applicable if the state where the out-of-state officer is employed has entered into a reciprocity agreement with this state that allows a full-time, commissioned law enforcement officer in Tennessee to lawfully carry or possess a weapon in the other state.
  6. I agree with the above statements, but I will add one thing. There is a lot of debate over whether or not a department can restrict their LEOs under HR22 (LEOSA). One of the requirements to fall under a "qualified officer" in the LEOSA is "authorized by the agency to carry a firearm". I've heard it argued that the CLEO can restrict the ability of an officer to carry outside of duty hours (which I've seen done with the reserve officers in some small towns - they had to get a HCP to carry off-duty) and that would preclude the officer from coverage as a "qualified officer" under the LEOSA. I've also heard that if an officer is authorized by the agency to carry a firearm at any time, they are included. Regardless, if his agency told him no, he might be following their rules to keep from making waves. Also, to be a "qualified officer" under LEOSA, you have to have "statutory powers of arrest". Do probation officers in GA have arrest powers? I would think they do, but they may not. I have no knowledge of GA law.
  7. Bad stuff...
  8. Why don't they just ask for donations to go to Cancun and get drunk. I'm a reasonable man and would be likely to help out a bit.
  9. If your chickens have gills, you might wanna reconsider plan B...
  10. Sounds neat. I know there are a lot of folks who listen to us (Bartlett). You can scan us with just about any 800mhz scanner, I believe. Memphis and Shelby Co use that funky APCO digital system that makes them sound like robots from time to time
  11. Where at? We had a LOT of flooding on the north end of town. Old Brownsville Rd from Eagles Nest to Old Germantown Rd were underwater for a while.
  12. There's crime in Memphis??? Does it just link you up to the Memphis / Shelby Co scanner that is online (I forget the url)?
  13. :rofl:
  14. What all can you pick up with that app in Shelby County?
  15. kb4ns


  16. kb4ns

    Where does RRA rank?

    I like my RRA. Well, my "mostly RRA". Everything but the lower receiver.
  17. Supplies aren't short enough for me to spend over $50 / 1,000. Especially locally. I'd rather wait if I have to.
  18. kb4ns

    Gun City Problem

    Man, this thread really makes me think of a gun shop in Memphis. Sorry that you're having to deal with such a group of jack holes...
  19. I did see some animals pairing up two by two...
  20. Haha! Well, a "Flood Warning for Memphis, TN" just came in to my phone. First one of those I've gotten. I've seen many "Flash Flood Warning" messages...
  21. If you end up getting one of those shelters, post a review of it on here for us. That's something I've looked at getting in the past, but wasn't sure where to start.
  22. Come on Memphis area reloaders. The more folks the cheaper. I saw some small pistol primers at a local gunshop the other day and they wanted $52.99 per 1,000.
  23. You're gonna start something here.
  24. WTB: Boat


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