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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    Die Antwoord

    Depends on who you ask
  2. I know, right? My luck, the next storm system will come though and I'll be knocked unconscious by a flying eggplant... No kidding Sgt. Joe. When my wife was pregnant, I told her I kinda felt guilty for the world I was bringing a child into. This ain't the same world I was brought into. But then again, I was brought into a world that wasn't the same as my father's.
  3. Exactly. You can easily kill a radio if you don't know what you're doing. Three words - S W R
  4. kb4ns

    Die Antwoord

    Oh, and I wish I could say that the above video is a spoof.
  5. kb4ns

    Die Antwoord

    Oh, but Memphis has our own band, um I mean stars, I mean, uhhh, people to be proud, errr I mean aware of... YouTube - Im From NutBush (official video)
  6. Kinda makes me think of the old "Rectum? Dang near killed 'em!!" line.
  7. I had to be up early for work and my wife worked overnight last night, so my 3-year-old stayed with my parents. Apparently, when the storm sirens went off due to the tornado warning, they sought shelter in my mother's closet. When I picked her up today, the following was the conversation we had: Me: "Did you sleep ok last night." Her: "Yeah. Except for when we had to go to the closet." Me: "Why did you have to go to the closet?" Her: "We had to go to the closet so we didn't get hit by a potato." You gotta love kids!
  8. I took a two week class at the Police station in Jackson last year. I didn't realize it before then, but Jackson is just a little Memphis. Sad, really. Ok, it was 2003. I entered downtown from the south headin' towards the bypass. It was unreal. That was us yesterday morning. As soon as someone got a call, they had to ask what route they could take to get there. Not to mention you could rarely make it to one scene without finding another scene or two along the way.
  9. The problem that I saw with CB is that it goes almost completely unwatched. The FCC allows 4 watts max legal output from a CB radio. You have folks on there pushing over a kilowatt. You can't talk to anyone without a trucker in another state blowing you off the air with his fancy synthesized voice. It's ridiculous and that is how I ended up finding ham radio as a kid. I wasn't gonna break the rules and was fascinated by radios. Thank goodness for those "elmers" who helped me along the way! VHF and UHF are "line of sight". They're great for around town. If you need some serious distance covered, HF is the way to go. When you get your Tech license, you'll have some HF options, but the only thing you'd be able to do with that 8900 is FM. Like a previous poster said, you won't find very many folks to talk to. Sideband is where it's at.
  10. There were people riding innertubes on the stuff yesterday in Bartlett. I guess they don't think about what all is in that water. Especially with there being so many "issues" with the sewer system in the Memphis area right now.
  11. It's always "worth it". I haven't keyed up on an amateur band in a long time, but that's just because I don't have the extra cash to get back into it right now. If I had the rigs just sitting around, I'd be very tempted to fire 'em back up. I guess I could always get a cheap rig and throw up a random wire hooked to a good tuner. When I was a kid, that's what I did with a used President HR-2510. Made my first HF contact with an old feller in California. Continued playing HF that way for a year or two, making contacts in everywhere from Russia to Australia - all off that 25w 10M rig and a random wire. That was when I got addicted to HF and pretty much put V/U on the back burner. Saved my money and moved on to a better HF rig. Nowadays, you can get a compact radio that covers from 70cm all the way to 160M for less than you spend on most 1911's. Technology has hurt the hobby in many ways, but it has helped in others.
  12. That is effin' hilarious!!!
  13. Lol. What about boat insurance? I might need to buy a boat...
  14. Ok, so I'm seeing all this flooding and it has me wondering if I should consider flood insurance. From what (little) I know, your regular homeowner insurance won't cover flooding and you must obtain flood insurance from the gov't. What about this flash flooding that happens in places that are not "flood risk areas" or "flood plains" or whatever you wanna call 'em? Are those affected just out of luck? I can't ever imagine my house flooding due to its location. But in the last two days, I've seen many houses flooded that I would never have guessed would have seen flood waters. What think ye?
  15. I dunno. Personally, I think I might be tempted to pay regular retail elsewhere...
  16. kb4ns

    Shooting problem.....

    Hate that you've not got the trigger down yet, but at least you know what the issue is. Good luck with the whole not smoking thing.
  17. Well, that would better explain the "SWAT Teams" Obama sent to the Gulf...
  18. kb4ns

    Die Antwoord

    Ummm wow. I don't know about the Vanilla Ice reference, strick. That guy actually makes Vanilla Ice look cool by comparison. I didn't think that was possible... And Daniel, that's about 6 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  19. What is it about Jackson? It's like a severe weather magnet! I had some business to tend to in Jackson after the tornado that came through around 2004 or 2005 (?) and was just beside myself with the damage I saw. I really feel for the folks up around Jackson. Y'all keep hangin' in there.
  20. I never ventured over there, but one of our guys lives back there and I didn't hear anything bad from him. Billy Maher Rd got messed up pretty bad. I never even tried to go north of Daybreak on Billy Maher, but from what I heard the other officers saying, Billy Maher north of Fiske is gonna be shut down for a while. There was a massive tree across the roadway as well as a lot of missing asphalt. :-\
  21. Yeah, that ticks me off too. I was watching WREG this morning and they must have said "two people are confirmed dead" half a dozen times just while I was getting dressed. This time, it was tornadoes in northern Mississippi that did it, not flooding.
  22. I've been thinking about the "shotgun, shovel, and seven acres" speech I'll have to have with the young men when my daughter gets older. I don't think you'll need to say a word to the young men - she can handle 'em
  23. Welcome to TGO!
  24. Yep, they pretty much answered it. I'd add that many companies that don't even sell guns (Brownells, Midway, etc.) will give you a discount as well if you have a C&R FFL.


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