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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    My House vs Flood

    I bet that creek isn't so popular anymore...
  2. Haven't seen this one here on TGO yet. Please excuse me if it has been posted and I missed it. According to the email I received, it is up at US 59 and SR 43 in Marshall, TX. I love it.
  3. Well, that what I usually do, but neither the powder sites nor the Berry's site, nor my manuals have anything for this one. The best advice I have found was this statement from the Berry's site: So, I guess I'll just go with the starting load for a 185gr jacketed bullet. I was just hoping someone here might have a recipe they use.
  4. For a better idea of the size, here it is next to a Beretta 96.
  5. Well I finally got the other kholster I ordered for my wife's LCP. It's itty bitty by comparison. Neither she nor I have put it on to try out yet, but I'll let you guys know what we think of it. The pic was taken with my work PDA in less than ideal lighting. The holster isn't discolored like it looks. That's just from shadowing.
  6. Exactlty. That's why I threw the mayo in the sinko. That's as much celebration as they're getting out of me. I won't be rushing off to the quickie mart to pick up any Dos Equis...
  7. Careful Jack. That might make too much sense...
  8. This is as festive as I get...
  9. I think there's a reason that using a firearm on someone is called "deadly force". Expecting the firearm to do any less is the wrong mindset. If I live the rest of my life without having to kill someone, I'll be quite happy. However, if it comes down to a "them or me" situation and I have to use "deadly force", I expect them to be killed. Anything less than death is luck on their part.
  10. Pretty much the problem I have. That's why I'm thinking about the plain edge. Been eyeing the Spyderco Tenacious G-10.
  11. I'm very picky. I would only trust the personal defense rounds made by Speer. Or Winchester. Or Remington. Or Hornady. Or Federal. Pick one of the many good brands of HP ammo. Make sure it works reliably in your gun. Clean your gun. Put it in the magazine. Put it in your holster. Done.
  12. I've never been much of a knife guy, but I've always had one in my pocket for when I need one. I've always carried a half serrated blade. I'm starting to think of going with a plain blade, assuming it'd be easier to sharpen. What do y'all think?
  13. Wait. Maybe I didn't understand the thread...
  14. kb4ns

    My House vs Flood

    Man, that stinks. I feel for you.
  15. Economy harmonics maybe?
  16. Yep
  17. Wow on the video. +1 on Rightwinger's assessment
  18. I have no idea. It has been that way for a loooong time. Under Sheriff Gilless, they had a commission that was good at all times. After Lutrell took office, it came with a "valid duty hours only" stipulation. The only thing I can figure is it may have something to do with working at the airport (the main hub)??? I dunno.
  19. If someone meets the requirements of the LEOSA, they're covered. Federal law preempts local or state law. Well said.
  20. The scary thing is, half the time I see ultramax ammo for sale, it's a good bit more expensive than anything else in stock.
  21. Oh, and give us some feedback on those $0.92 batteries! I go through quite a few CR123's and saving money is my kinda thing.
  22. Buy some more ammo. And then some more gas, water, and batteries.


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