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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I just looked. Looks like any other fine upstanding Memphis citizen... Theft of property over $500 Aggravated assault Failure to appear in a felony case Vandalism $10000 to $60000 Violation of probation Disorderly conduct Driving while license suspended, revoked, or canceled Another theft over $500 Public intoxication And of course, speeding
  2. Of course I am joking. I don't really want a toll booth between TN and MS. I prefer a wall. Kinda like the one they have in China.
  3. Great story. Glad no "good guys/gals" were hurt. I do, however, hate statements such as this:
  4. Whoo hoo! And since I missed this thread the first time around, I'll say it now - Congrats!
  5. Do you think it's the vodka, the rum, or the juices? I'd suggest trying a nice Long Island iced tea...
  6. If it was my movie, it'd been a really quick plot. Man says, "If you press this button, I will give you $1M, but someone you don't know will die." Woman presses button. Roll credits...
  7. I don't doubt that. I just haven't yet run across a situation that the 12v hunk 'o junk didn't work for. Tells me that I may not need another unit right now.
  8. Yeah. I've been looking through the latest Harbor Freight catalog. I need one of those... Oh, I need that... And one of those... Maybe two of those... It's just sad.
  9. I was thinking "terrible"...
  10. Hey Smith, can I borrow $488k? I can cover the rest. Oh wait, I can't even cover the sales tax on it...
  11. You did well. These MS folks are gettin' a little out of hand. And they are EVERYWHERE. I'm all for some sort of toll booth at the state line. A MS specialty tag with 1885 in it, huh? I'll keep my eyes open. I rarely have the same issue in my company car. And if I do, I've got a form for it...
  12. The news just said that they believe it was done intentionally. Said the driver was "arrested for vandalism and attempted second degree murder." If you look at the sign in the picture, I'm thinking they should pursue a charge for "encroaching upon a handicap parking space"...
  13. I believe this is it, Jamie- YouTube - The Box (2009) Official Movie Trailer HD :Release Date: November. 6 (2009)
  14. I appreciate the input guys. I'm still not sure. Right now, the majority of what I'd need a compressor for is tires. I have one of those cheap 12v compressors in my pickup. It's junk, but it works. I might be looking into buying a solution for a problem that doesn't exist...
  15. Kinda thinking about getting one of the little "pancake" style air compressors. I don't need an air compressor often, so spending big bucks on a big compressor is out of the question. What do y'all think about them little compressors for the casual user such as myself?
  16. That's my understanding as well, OS. I don't wanna complain about 10 cents anyway. As many antis as there are in the world, we could have a much worse tax.
  17. I guess technically my EDC is this: As far as when I'm off work, it just depends on what color dress I'm wearing
  18. Yep. State ammo tax. You'll find it anywhere ammunition is sold. Some places work it into the price, others add it on. The good news is that it's per box, so when you buy the 100 round or 250 round value packs, it's still just 10 cents. He was probably trying to figure out why yours looked like it may be in a holster and not just tucked in your waistband like everyone else there. Congrats on the WWW. Once you get used to carrying, you won't even think about it.
  19. I think it'll all depend on what you're using it for. If it's to carry your blanket and pillow back and forth to grandma's house, it'll probably last forever. As a bug out bag, it may not make the cut. And after you made that one post, I did a little googlin' myself without finding any reviews on the 50 year old company. Kinda leaves you scratching your head, doesn't it?
  20. Exactly. Nothing like some good ole fashioned discussion to keep you thinking on your toes!
  21. Can I get an "amen"??
  22. I never have appreciated the look of a tanto blade. Just doesn't do it for me.
  23. kb4ns

    NRA Rant

    This thread reminded me to join GOA. I'd been meaning to for a while. Just did it.
  24. kb4ns

    NRA Rant

    Gotcha. I can see where you're coming from.


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