Haha. As far as the campus police thing, I wouldn't even call them "security police". They're just police. The officers at the U of Memphis have a "mutual aid contract" with the city of Memphis which allows MPD jurisdiction on campus as well as giving U of M officers citywide jurisdiction. The U of M officers carry City of Memphis ticket books, go to Memphis traffic court, take calls in the city near the University when MPD gets backed up (read: all the time). They have even been known to work some special assignments elsewhere in the city (such as during Operation Blue Crush - In 2006, they had officers working "the crush" in Orange Mound and Binghampton).
Now most colleges have a security force as well that handles things like unlocking / locking buildings, routine building checks, escorts, etc, but they're not POST certified officers like the PD officers are.
From your previous post, it looks like you're already aware of the campus police issue, but I added the previous paragraph for anyone else that might read over it and find it interesting. If a UMPD cop tries to pull you over on the opposite end of town, far from campus, don't give 'em the finger and drive on.