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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Funny you posted this. After catching a bit of the national news last night talking about other states refusing to do business with AZ, I told my wife I'd love to take a vacation out there and blow a ton of money to show my support!!
  2. Ok, ok. Y'all are the exception to the rule...
  3. I thought the uniformed officers carried a Glock 22. Did they change?
  4. Speaking of MATCU and their sign (which I guess is technically a "gun & knife buster" since it shows a gun and a knife with the circle/slash ), I had a funny thing happen to me in the one on Perkins about 4 or 5 years ago. I was standing a the teller conducting a transaction when this young female security officer came up to me. She said "Sir, we have a no weapons policy in the bank". Now I'm tripping out trying to figure out how in the hades she saw my pistol in my IWB holster under my somewhat baggy t-shirt. I was thinking she was some kind of awesome for spotting it. I responded with "huh??". She pointed at my front right pocket where the clip and tip of my pocket knife were visible. She asked that I just remove it from clipped to my pocket and let it fall down into my pocket as to not alarm anyone. Strange request, but I figured it was easier to just do it than make a big deal of it. I'll give her props for being on her game, though. Most security folks around here (or around Perkins and Knight Arnold anyway) wouldn't stop texting on their cell phone long enough to notice if you had an MP5 slung around your back.
  5. It was not intentional. Of the ones I have in my range bag, they all drop free. Maybe it'll "break in" and start dropping free one day? Maybe not. Either way, glad you'll be able to make use of it as a training tool. IIRC, I think I remember someone saying that the magwell in a hair or two tighter in the Gen 2 models, so that may have something to do with it. So far, about the only issue I've seen with the KCI mags is that they're a little rough around the edges (literally). Nothing a little fine grit sandpaper and a few seconds doesn't resolve. Still one of the best deals in an aftermarket mag out there. "Aftermarket" is an old Latin word meaning "do not rely upon in self defense situations".
  6. You don't need a pattern. Just throw it in an inner tube and go. I did find it somewhat difficult to get it through the valve stem, though.
  7. For ATF purposes, a CLEO can be the Sheriff or Chief of Police. I don't really think it matters. I live in Memphis, but sent mine to the Shelby County Sheriff. The Sheriff is the CLEO in any county, so it can't be "wrong" to send it to him.
  8. Is there a difference between cottonmouths and water moccasins? I thought they were two names for the same snake?
  9. Sadly, it's this way. Doesn't mean it should be, though.
  10. I just snagged one. With tax & shipping, it came to $18.54. If their belts are as good as their holsters, I just got a deal! Thanks for the heads up, Gillespk!
  11. Welcome to Tennessee and TGO! Enjoy your new home and freedom!!
  12. Mmmm hmmm.
  13. Best I can do right now is order a pizza from Papa Johns.
  14. That clears it up.
  15. Wow, that came out much better than I expected. At the least, I can say that it came out much better than it would have if I tried to do it!
  16. I went to Bass Pro this afternoon. They still have a bunch of the Win SXZ stuff as well as a bunch of 9mm NATO Win ammo. They have something in just about every flavor except .380.
  17. That's awesome! I want one!!
  18. Well, there goes his credibility.
  19. One of the best lines of all time!
  20. Wow! Like giunsablazin, I'm startin' to feel pretty wimpy...
  21. Bronker, YOU issued the mandate, right after you took your first sip of the kool-aid. You don't recall? That Glock kool-aid is so sweet, it'll make you do things you don't remember!
  22. ATF Online - Publications - Firearms - Curios or Relics List To be recognized as C&R items, 478.11 specifies that firearms must fall within one of the following categories: Firearms which were manufactured at least 50 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas of such firearms; Firearms which are certified by the curator of a municipal, State, or Federal museum which exhibits firearms to be curios or relics of museum interest; and Any other firearms which derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event. Firearms automatically attain C&R status when they are 50 years old. Any firearm that is at least 50 years old, and in its original configuration, would qualify as a C&R firearm. It is not necessary for such firearms to be listed in ATF’s C&R list. Therefore, ATF does not generally list firearms in the C&R publication by virtue of their age. However, if you wish for a classification of your particular firearm under categories ( or © above and wish your item to be listed, you may submit the weapon to the Firearms Technology Branch (FTB) for a formal classification.


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