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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. I'm not aware of my provider (T-Mobile) charging for texts to the 5 digit numbers. We'll see when the bill comes...
  2. My wife hinted and hinted that she realllly wanted a netbook. I bought her one and she rarely uses it. She complains about the small keyboard / screen and the fact that the netbook is slow compared to the laptop and desktop. Ever notice that their names are always Fred or George or Bob? Right...
  3. I've never dealt with newegg, but I can vouch for TigerDirect.com - they rock!
  4. Did not realize that. That's great for the folks that can do it. I think they charge was too much for the HCP anyway. I've never seen anything in TCA that would suggest that a permit holder from another state would be considered a "renewal" instead of an "applicant" in regards to fees. That's not to say irt's not there, I just haven't seen it.
  5. Gonna get a pocket holster for it?
  6. I just can't see the DOS doing that for a new applicant from anywhere. I know that the website says it, but I think I'd go there expecting to pay $115 and hope for the best.
  7. Sneakboxer, Taking the HCP class will fill you in on about everything you need to know when carrying a gun in TN. I wouldn't blame you a bit if you saved the cash you'd spend on the class and use one of the above exemptions to obtain your permit. But, if you do, I would strongly urge you to spend some serious time going through all the state laws, case law, etc regarding weapon possession, deadly force, etc. while you're waiting for the permit to come in.
  8. It used to be that way. This was amended in 2005. If you can show proof that you meet the requirements in Blackhawk93's post, you can skip all of the class. I waited until they changed the law to get my HCP. I walked into the DOS office with my POST certificate. Paid the money. Did my fingerprints. Got a permit a couple of months later. From TCA 39-17-1351(e):
  9. Galls.com had some nice Aker reinforced belts on clearance for $9.98 last week. I snagged one. I can't get their website to come up right now. Don't know if they still have any.
  10. kb4ns

    Ruger Alaskan info

    They get pretty big around his neck of the woods- It's not just their size, it's their views-
  11. Yay! Yet another Jon who spells his name correctly! Welcome to TGO! -Jon
  12. How long of a wait do you expect before your FFL gets it in?
  13. Geesh. Took you long enough!! Looks good!
  14. kb4ns

    My Mossberg

    +1 Just ask Bronker about the kool aid! Nice looking shotty, Caveman!
  15. kb4ns

    My BAD Habit

    You're right. I'm concerned about your safety now. You better box all of those up and send them to my house... Nice collection!
  16. Ok, I've been playing with it. Pretty cool. And free. I like free!
  17. Dang good video. Thanks for sharing, Worriedman! For Sgt. Joe- Amazon.com: Bill of Rights Poster (23 X 29): Office Products
  18. Not always a pretty job. Bless you gentlemen for your commitment to our country!!!
  19. Yep. Sad reality.
  20. Goes down smooth, doesn't it??
  21. The code requirements are gone for all license classes now. Like David commented, there are a couple of questions on the exams regarding CW operation, but the old days of a portion of the test requiring you to listen to a tape, write down the conversation, and then answer questions about the conversation are gone.
  22. I forgot about the 897. And David, since one of your primary reasons for getting into the hobby was communication during emergencies, this might be right up your alley. Same goes with anything off of eBay or anywhere else sight-unseen. If you use a credit card through PayPal, you should have adequate protection in the event you get a bad deal. I've completed thousands of transactions on eBay and have been extremely lucky for the most part. Try to only buy from folks that have been around a while and have pristine feedback. Also, I personally would want to make sure that, if the seller was an individual, he or she was a ham. The amateur radio community is much like the TGO community - by and far a great group of folks, most of whom are very trustworthy.
  23. We're headed towards dangerous territory here. We have enough "debates" going on TGO between the "Glock vs 1911" and "OC vs CC" longstanding disagreements.
  24. The Roth IRA sounds like a really good idea, but I'm in no position right now to open any further accounts. It wouldn't make much sense to be contributing to something that gains a little interest while I have bills with higher interest rates. In a few years when I get out from under this huge pile of debt I created for myself, I'm definitely going to have to look into it.


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