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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. You'd look right on one...
  2. That's funny right there. :lol:
  3. They gotta start putting governors on those things. They're outta control.
  4. kb4ns


    Such a better time. Hate that I wasn't there for it.
  5. Pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing it!
  6. They're not disabled on the "Minuteman Perogative" video above. I'm with you, though. My ADHD won't let me sit there and watch a 30 min + video that could have been summed up in 1/3 of the time.
  7. :rofl:
  8. I'll definitely have to give that one a try. Next time I'm at the store, I'll check the toy section out and pick one up. I've removed their nesting materials time & time again, but they just come back.
  9. Awesome! Glad you're gettin' one back!
  10. kb4ns

    Four Lions

  11. The sparrows are rarely seen. The owl would be mounted right out in the open and look tacky. I don't think that putting it one the attic would have much effect. I might just have to break down and get an air rifle to take care of the problem... Thanks for the ideas guys.
  12. I'm not sure where I'd put a fake owl that wouldn't look just completely tacky. I know, I know - I'm picky. But the tactics have to keep momma happy, and I don't think she's gonna go for a fake owl. :-\
  13. They're way smarter than the BGs around here!
  14. The little b*stards are too fast for my (lack of) skill and a slingshot.
  15. Haha. I live in Memphis. Doubt that'd go over well. But don't think I haven't thought about it.
  16. There's other sparrow families set up at my neighbors' houses on either side. These things are everywhere!
  17. Sparrow trap? Go on...
  18. Cops suck...
  19. Yeah, seriously! You can't start a thread like that without pics!!!
  20. I have a nice little family of sparrows that have taken up residence in the eave of my house. They have quite a nest built up. I've tried everything humane I can think of. I even placed another screen on the outside of the eave to keep them from coming back in, but the crafty little boogers managed to make a hole in it somehow and get back in. I don't want to hurt them, I just want them gone before they break through the inside screen and end up in my attic. Any ideas?
  21. That's what I was thinking. Other than the trigger thing, I loved the ad!
  22. Cool. I'm definitely not complaining. Like I said, it's my opinion that the HCP fee is insanely high anyway!


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