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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Yep. Just like guard rails, they are designed to "break away" at the impact point (but remain intact over the length of them) to help decelerate the vehicle instead of just stopping it instantly like a brick wall would. I used to see guard rails that had been hit that were jacked up and think that they failed. Little did I know, they are designed to give way. Sudden stops do quite a number on your internal organs.
  2. kb4ns

    Gasoline Question

    That looks like a law school library they're in. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
  3. Still find myself chuckling everytime I see it. My wife would have killed me. Literally.
  4. kb4ns

    Gasoline Question

    Wow. I'm suddenly in the mood to study...
  5. Can I borrow it when you're done?
  6. Me think you story funny. Get Benefactor on TGO.
  7. kb4ns

    Gasoline Question

  8. Haha! I think it would come down to the officer you are dealing with as to whether or not you might get charged. As defined by federal law (and as others have pointed out), a "firearm" is the part with the serial number (almost always the frame). If I was to deal with you while I was at work, I would give you brownie points for disassembling it and have you run out to your car and lock it up and I'd get out of your hair. But I'm not every officer. I'm very gun friendly (better said - very responsible gun owner-friendly). INAL, but my advice would be- Lock the frame in your car, throw the barrel, slide, whatever else you want in your pocket, and go on about your business in whatever establishment you please. It's not worth risking everything that could result from a charge.
  9. Sgt. Joe, I agree that those cables may keep a few people from successfully avoiding a crash, but I think they're worth their weight in gold when it comes to their intended use. They put them there to keep vehicles from crossing over into oncoming traffic and hitting another vehicle head-on. When I was going through school to be a crash reconstructionist, they were talking about putting them up. Looking at the data I saw, I have faith that those cables will save many lives over the years to come.
  10. kb4ns


    Of course!! Isn't that what everybody watches each night?? They come on at night, right?
  11. Yes. Drives me insane. Nothing worse than taking a theft report from someone on a stolen gun and the only description they can give is "uhhh, it was black." We can't enter it into NCIC without a serial number. And with no NCIC entry, you'll never get your gun back if it's recovered. PLEASE keep good records of your guns. And tell your friends to do the same!!
  12. That's awesome! Just spent about 20 minutes playing with it. I'd never seen that before.
  13. Wow. I didn't realize a single propane tank would last that long. Hope it works well for you when they get more active here soon.
  14. My sentiments exactly. Don't like him one bit, but he is the president. :-\
  15. I had NO IDEA what to expect when I clicked onto this thread.
  16. I'd shake the man's hand and call him sir out of the respect for the position. Same reason that I'd call a horrible boss 'sir'. Guess it has to do with my raisin'. My daddy is 65 years old, but if he got stopped by the greenest rookie officer with the worst attitude, he'd call him 'sir' just because of the position.
  17. Do you leave it running all the time or just when you're outside?
  18. Put them both down.
  19. kb4ns


    Hasn't changed much now that BO has been elected. Now even BET covers him.
  20. Ain't that the truth!
  21. So birds are scared of round shiny things?


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