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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. kb4ns

    Gasoline Question

    Most of the high school students in the Memphis City Schools system can't read.
  2. Let's hope! It's insane to disarm someone on their way to/from work (which is essentially what they are doing).
  3. Haven't seen any data related to motorcycle fatalities and these. I hope they don't increase due to these cable devices. I know that an unusually high number of deaths on interstates are the result of a vehicle crossing into oncoming traffic. The DOT has a tough job of deciding what measures to implement. If you project that you'll save the lives of 30 motorists a year, but the cost is 5 motorcyclists' lives, I guess you have to go with the lesser of two evils. BTW, I just pulled those numbers out of my rear end - I don't know what, if any, projections they may have. The point I am trying to get at is that it can't be an "easy" decision, but I hope and pray it works out to the benefit of everyone.
  4. Good. Why can't people just let nature be nature??
  5. Nice lookin' rifle!!
  6. Is it at least pretty?
  7. Awesome. I knew there had to be something like that. From time to time, I'll post something in one of the forums I rarely visit and it'll be days later before I realize I need to respond to someone's question or comment. I appreciate it guys.
  8. OK, maybe I missed one of the most simple buttons on the site somewhere, but... Is there a button / link where I can see all of the threads I have commented on regardless which forum they're in? I've been kinda browsing from forum to forum looking for bold titles with a check mark in the box to the left.
  9. Here is a video I found on youtube of a night launch. Truly breathtaking. I could only imagine how awesome it would be in person!
  10. Roger, Roger.
  11. Well stop researching stuff!!
  12. Well said!
  13. So he walked through twice? In your video, he actually shakes hands with everyone. I missed something somewhere.
  14. I posted that video on FB. A friend of mine commented "I would shake his hand... only to keep him from pulling away from the left cross".
  15. I like just plain ole glazed, or the glazed ones with chocolate on the top. I don't play when it comes to doughnuts!!
  16. Good comparison. But, on the upside, the gun should behave the same way every day of the month.
  17. Personally I couldn't care less what they do to sex offenders. But... this is a slippery slope!!
  18. Lady friend? Owns a Kimber? What are you waiting for? MARRY HER, MAN! Jack, the jury is still out. I'll be off work, but have to head out of town some time on Sunday. Not sure yet when we're leaving.
  19. They're going "green". Father and son can carpool to school together to save on "greenhouse gases"...
  20. They're after our ham gear too?!?!
  21. I don't shoot much .380 - so little in fact that it's not even worth reloading for me. If I find 150 rounds a year, that's probably more than I'll shoot. Like Garufa said, most folks don't care to shoot too much .380.
  22. Wow. That is a lousy website. I just checked it out. Decent prices, though.


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