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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. So you were using us??? I feel so betrayed...
  2. Yeah he does. I've always been a big fan of the Nuge.
  3. kb4ns


    Glad you're out of the "meat locker". As far as the Palin thing- More at link: Hacker Declared Guily of Hacking Into Sarah Palins Email | Computer Safety Tip
  4. I don't see a spot to vote. Did they close the polls or did I miss it somewhere?
  5. Those doughnuts have been wearing me out...
  6. Amazon's "Free Super Saver Shipping" finally got my stuff to me. It was a nice day to visit my mailbox. My new Spyderco Tenacious G-10 and Fenix PD30 arrived. I don't know which product I'm more thrilled with. They both rock!
  7. Honestly, from the lowest level to the tip top, I trust no level of government to have our best interest at heart these days. Politicians, for the most part, have their personal interests at heart. Politicians are like lawyers - 99% of them give the rest a bad name (that's a joke - the number isn't quite 99% ). Many other folks in positions of authority (including some who do the same job I do) will use their job for personal gain in some form or fashion. It's not everyone by any means, but overall - I do not hold much faith. It's sad, I know, but it's our world as I see it. However, the level I distrust the most resides at the federal level. We were given a nice layout of how this whole country thing was supposed to work when our country was first formed. Since then, it has been twisted and distorted so much that it disgusts me.
  8. Right. They'd never expand to other criminals what they're doing with sex offenders... without some sort of previous rulings that would have lead them there. Oh wait... I don't think we have to worry about them doing this sort of thing to other offenders in the near future. But there could come a time when they decide to expand upon this. I'd hope not, but I can say that I don't always trust big brother. And the notion that we'd eventually see them trying to lock up speeders (or any other repeat misdemeanor offender) indefinitely is, as I see it, asinine. Exactly. If they are that much of a threat to the general public (which I believe they are), sentence them accordingly.
  9. There are still Mexicans in Mexico?
  10. I'm with you Jamie. That looks much better than the other models they currently have. Like the hammer and the "chin".
  11. kb4ns

    Gasoline Question

    I thought I read somewhere that it was at least weekly to back and forth between DC and CA. I agree, though. Shame, shame. Especially coming from the state with the most "green" morons.
  12. I got rid of my super dooper fancy pants phone because I was tired of paying the insane bill, but the shazaam app was pretty cool. It would "listen" to whatever music could be heard and tell you who sang it, the title, album, etc. No more "what's the name of this song???" moments.
  13. Maybe he read it somewhere on the internet. You can believe any source there.
  14. No kidding. We live in Memphis. Between the work-related stories I choose to share with her and the media, you'd think she'd be chomping at the bit to exercise her right to self-defense. I just don't get it. I guess it's nice living in that utopia. :-\
  15. No problem. You just can't beat a good gun belt for under $20 shipped! I got a black one. Wanted a brown one, too, but they were sold out of them.
  16. Your work looks good. Thanks for sharing the info!
  17. When my wife went throught the HCP class, she used my G19. She decided she wanted a G26 to carry. I bought her one and she never carried it. Told me it was too bulky. I can see that when you look at how ladies dress. She decided she wanted an LCP. I bought her one. Has she carried it? Nope. I don't know what the issue is. I'm not gonna push the issue because I don't want her to get pissed and resent gun totin', but it's really starting to get on my nerves...
  18. I can't help but agree with that.
  19. I guess I need to go watch that movie again. I remember "We have clearance, Clarence." "Roger, Roger." "What's our vector, Victor?" But that's about all I can remember. Time to bump it to the top of the Netflix que...
  20. kb4ns

    Buick woes

    Awesome! I'll keep that in mind...
  21. You could be one of 30 as well. You spend at least some of your time in a car, right? :-\
  22. In case it hasn't been thoroughly stated-
  23. kb4ns

    .22 Plinker?

    A buddy of mine has had the same experience. His mosquito spends most of the time in the safe now...


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