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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Time to buy the wofe a laptop. That's what I had to do! I appreciate the input. Since I already applied the blue goo to these, I'll probably go with your suggestion whenever I have to open one up. Thanks!
  2. +1 Loved that movie. As far as the new one, I'll rush out (to my mailbox) and watch it right away (whenever Netflix sends it to me and I take the time to watch it)...
  3. Hells yes. You ever tried to mount a dish on yo shades??
  4. The article says that the affidavit lists $10,506.00 as the loss. That's an average of $350.20 per pair. At first I was wondering if it was a burglary where they lumped damages and loss together, but I don't see any charges on her that suggest she damaged anything or "broke in" anywhere. The charges I see pending on her are 2 counts of Theft of Property $500 - $1000, 8 counts of Theft of Property $1000 to $10000, and 2 counts of Theft of Property $10000 - $60000. She's been stealing more than sunglasses it seems... But, for the $10,506 in sunglasses... musta been some bad @ss sunglasses...
  5. kb4ns

    New 1911

    Old rule, new rule. Regardless, it's a rule!!!
  6. I'm with enfield on this one. I have mine about halfway between center and the right edge. Say this is my bench, and the X is my press- l-----------------------X----------l I'm right handed. Works great for me.
  7. You're a special kinda person...
  8. OK, I think I get that. Now where the hell were you an hour or so ago before I put the blue loctite on???
  9. Apparently. I don't get it. Mine came assembled.
  10. Not so much. It again comes down to whether we can find valid id on you in the computer. If I stop someone who has a valid license or ID card, but they don't have it on their person, all I have to do is put their name & DOB (or SSN) in the computer and all their info and their DL picture pops right up. Now if you're in the country legally, but don't have any form of ID issued by any US state, you might have to worry, but realistically - is there anyone out there like that??
  11. Well, if they're not here legally, they go to jail anyway. We don't write them a ticket based on the information they give us and trust that's who they are and that they'll take care of the situation. It goes like this - I stop an illegal alien. I ask for a DL and he says "I no have one" or "I no speak engless". I have him give me his name, d.o.b., etc. I return to my trusty computer in my car and put the info in that he gave me. If I can't find positive identification on him, he goes to jail. Once in jail, he can have someone bring a valid (read: US issued) form of identification, he can post a bond, or he can wait to see a judge. Anytime an illegal immigrant is arrested, the jail contacts ICE who usually refuses to come pick up the individual. ICE's stance on the issue changes quite often. Occasionally, they'll come pick up someone who was arrested for a simple traffic violation, but 95% of the time, they won't come get them unless they were picked up on a felony. It's also important to note that they won't deport anyone until all charges are taken care of. ICE will put a hold on the individual and (usually) when the judge sees the ICE hold, they'll dismiss the charges (or sentence them to time served) so that ICE can come and get them for deportation.
  12. The above chart is for a right handed shooter. A left handed shooter would need a "mirror-reversed" chart. Does "mirror-reversed" make sense? I just pulled that term out of my rear...
  13. Yes sir...
  14. Some of those camera guys have big brass ones! I wouldn't be standing where they are...
  15. Haha. I didn't even think to try the website 'til you said that. And you're right!!
  16. I dunno. I bet the other guys just ignore him and keep on truckin'...
  17. He wanted to buy it all himself!!
  18. Yep. Hop to it!
  19. Or the other girlfriend...
  20. Well, I got this when I tried to vote a second time: We didn't record your vote, because you or someone from your computer's address has already voted.
  21. Yep!
  22. kb4ns

    New 1911

    Hurry up!


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