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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. An armed society...
  2. I did the Prime free trial once a year or two ago. It was nice. I didn't realize you could do a second free trial, though. I absolutely LOVE it. I'm thinking that it may be the best flashlight I've ever bought. I have had about a dozen or so "quality" flashlights (Surefire, Streamlight, etc.), but this one has it all. Bright as heck and multiple easy to use power settings for when you want to conserve the juice. Plus, the strobe feature is really neat to play with.
  3. Not worried about that as an LEO, but if I see the mayor or an alderman, I'll be sure to pass on a for everyone.
  4. Unless they are posted, yes. (sorry, I just couldn't help it...)
  5. This is Lexington, TN for God's sake. It's not Vegas. Google has given me some good information on RV hookups and a golf course...
  6. Will do. And thanks for the suggestion on Los Portales! Heehee. I could see that splashed all over the front page of the Communist Appeal.
  7. As in 'my wife would 86 me'? Yep.
  8. boatman, I appreciate the ideas. The family friends I used to have up there lived in a nice house on Beech Lake. I was thinking about taking a fishing pole with me. I might have to check out Parker's Crossroads. I love civil war stuff.
  9. I dunno, but I can say why I think he cheated. She's terrible lookin'...
  10. Found it. Page 86 in the "Faithfulness" chapter -
  11. Yeah, but I'll be out of town. I think that's ok. Hang on, let me consult my Tiger Woods Marriage Manual.
  12. I might be interested. I'm not 100% sure what "butch blonde" means, though...
  13. Is she hot??
  14. I think that's in Lexington, KY.
  15. So next week, I'll be spening Sunday night thru Friday in Lexington, TN for a school that the Lexington PD is hosting. I used to have close family friends there, but they've since died and I haven't been there in years. What is there to do in Lexington? Any good places to eat? Any other attractions??
  16. ^ What he said!
  17. Broadview Security Hilarious!
  18. Ok, in that case - time to buy yourself a new computer...
  19. Wow Jack & Sun. I go and actually do some work and come back to find all of this on the thread? Just can't leave you two alone...
  20. Loved both videos! Ray Stevens rocks!
  21. Washington (CNN) -- Mexican President Felipe Calderon asked members of the U.S. Congress on Thursday to reinstate a ban on assault weapons to help clamp down on violence in both Mexico and the United States. During his speech Thursday to Congress, Calderon said the challenge to Mexican security has "roots on both sides of the border," including the high demand for drugs in the United States. Tackling other politically sensitive issues such as immigration, the Mexican leader said, "I strongly disagree with the recently adopted law in Arizona. It is a law that not only ignores a reality that cannot be erased by decree" but also introduces the "terrible idea" that racial profiling is acceptable. Calderon on Wednesday had characterized the Arizona law as discriminatory. The measure, which will allow law enforcement officers to ask for proof of legal residency of anyone who is being investigated for a crime or possible legal infraction, has drawn widespread criticism in Mexico. Critics contend, among other things, that the law will lead to racial profiling against Hispanic residents. <!--endclickprintexclude--> The Mexican government rejects efforts "to criminalize migration so that people [who] work and provide things to this nation will be treated as criminals," Calderon said in a briefing to reporters on Wednesday, alongside President Barack Obama. "We oppose firmly" the Arizona law, which is "partial and discriminatory." A Mexican official familiar with arrangements for Calderon's visit cautioned that it would be wrong to let the controversy over Arizona's law overwhelm the rest of the visit. "It will not define the visit or the relationship," the Mexican official said. "The U.S.-Mexican relationship is much more rich and diverse than one issue." A senior Obama administration official, however, acknowledged that "this is an issue that has resonated in Mexico [and] is of deep concern to the Mexican government." The two countries also face other common challenges, including climate change and organized crime -- a rising threat to border stability, Calderon said Wednesday. Drug violence claimed 6,500 lives in Mexico last year. About 90 percent of the cocaine that is smuggled into the United States moves through Mexico, which is also a gateway for marijuana and other illegal drugs. Moving in the other direction, Mexican authorities in recent years have seized 45,000 weapons that could be traced to the United States. But what ultimately "turns us into good neighbors" is a common belief in "freedom, justice and democracy," Calderon said. Obama on Wednesday noted that his administration is screening 100 percent of southbound rail cargo. He also cited new initiatives to cut U.S. demand for illegal drugs. "As your partner, we'll give you the support you need to prevail ... against the drug cartels that have unleashed horrific violence in so many communities," Obama told Calderon. Obama also ticked through a list of items he said the two leaders had agreed upon during their meeting. On the economy, he said, they had agreed to streamline regulations while strengthening protection of intellectual property. To facilitate trade, they had reaffirmed a "commitment to a 21st-century border that is modern, secure and efficient." He also pledged to expand joint initiatives promoting renewable energy and "smart grid" technology. Obama also noted Mexico's current seat on the U.N. Security Council, highlighting the two countries' agreement on possible sanctions against Iran to stop Tehran's nuclear program.


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