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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Best of luck to the both of you!
  2. I hear one.
  3. Echo in here?
  4. I think a better poll option would have been "Sell and use the money to buy more ammo!"
  5. That one is 6" x 8". It would definitely cover the spot where your old one was.
  6. Did mine Thursday.
  7. I hate mowin'.
  8. Ahhh good to know. I reload, so I stay away from anything berdan primed, but saw that and was rather curious. Thanks.
  9. Did you try eBay? You can occasionally find stuff like that on there.
  10. I know it's not your fault, David...
  11. There's nothing wrong with buying a bunch!
  12. Obviously...
  13. Please do. I think it was a pretty good letter.
  14. Holy $%^, he's Canadian!!!
  15. Sounds like love...
  16. Like this? Superman Decal, Superman, Ford Decals, Ford Emblem, Stickers, Graphics, Parts and Accessories
  17. Glad you like.
  18. Oh, I know who you are now. I haven't been in Classic in a while. I'll introduce myself next time. If you have a reallllly good memory and remember a Bartlett cop in there about a year or so ago buying a stripped Spike's lower, twas I.
  19. Easy, I kid...
  20. Is she 10?
  21. Looks like y'all had fun!
  22. P mags are awesome. Brownells mags are great. I have a few P mags and a couple dozen Brownells mags. Never a problem out of either. Not the case with some other brands.


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