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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Hey Sgt Joe!!!! Yeah, I got the feeling I'll be seeing Jackson for dinner most nights...
  2. I'd be interested to see a law that supports a property owner's right to seize another person's property. Say I have a sign on my door that says "Weapons will be confiscated". Then, you come to my house to show me your purdy new Dan Wesson. I can just keep your gun and tell you to hit the road? That's not the way it works. I cannot speak for the way things work at Titans games. Never been there.
  3. dlm37015, just for clarification, I don't mean YOU, I mean the folks actually running the shows.
  4. And if they stick up a sign saying your forfeit any baseball caps when you enter? Or how about you'll forfeit your children if you walk in with them? They could put a sign up that says you may b*tch slap random people for fun, but that won't stop you from catching an assault charge. A sign is a sign. It can be made from paper, plastic, metal, or cheese, but it won't change what is law. You don't want ammo in there, tell people that they have to take it back to their car or leave for good. Charge them with criminal trespassing if they refuse to go. Sign or no sign, it's theft of property.
  5. I agree 100%. But there shouldn't be theft. Especially not by those acting on behalf of the venue.
  6. I gotta visit Jack and George. Been meaning to for way too long now!
  7. Or the fish?
  8. Call of Duty?
  9. I agree. Every LE agency needs 'em! I'd trade my issued P226 for a Glock 22 any day of the week.
  10. I'm not sure if they've changed or not, but I believe the UT Police at the Memphis HSC campus had a S&W model. Not a Sigma, but one of the metal S&Ws (they all look about the same). University of Memphis PD carries the same .40 cal Sig P229R DAO that Memphis PD carries. They used to carry Sigmas several years back, but every time they turned around, they were having issues with them.
  11. That's the one, RTCA. I might look at taking it someday. I'm in no rush, though. Kinda tired of schools. I spent 7 weeks in different schools last year. Kinda feel like I've been sent back to college.
  12. Thread is immortal!
  13. It won't stop!
  14. I'm with you, Sgt. Joe. I haven't been to a good gun show in many years.
  15. Oh, and OS - (as I'm sure you know) even if, somehow, they could articulate "disarming you for personal safety...", that still gives no right to keep the ammo.
  16. For f*&^s sake!! Do they have TCA books up there? It's starting to sound like Memphis PD...
  17. That is why I suggest filing an official complaint with the department. It may not get results, but it would be the most effective choice given the options. I agree that many pr!cks need some physical therapy, and it sure would make you feel better, but it's not gonna end well for anyone. :-\
  18. I think he meant that it was BS that they did it.
  19. Seriously, if I did that to someone while I was working, I'd expect to receive a complaint. And with how clear the law is, I might even get a few days off without pay. It'd be an "expensive lesson".
  20. I'd have been quite pissed. They had no right to seize your property. If they didn't want your ammo at the show, they should have told you to take it home or to just leave and not come back. They have the right to do that. Not take your ammo. I'd file a complaint. If they were in KPD uniform, I'd take it up with the department.
  21. Had Taco Bell.
  22. Yeah. My bad.
  23. Sounds like they need a No need for them to be a


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