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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. So I made it here in one piece. The little Mexican restaurant isn't bad. But, so far, the highlight of the trip has been being verbally reprimanded by cashier granny at WalMart for trying to buy beer at 6:15pm. Apparently, everyone is supposed to know that in Lexington, you have to buy beer before 6pm on Sundays. A sign near the beer would have been nice...
  2. Welcome!!
  3. I didn't say that it sounded like fun for me. It just sounded like fun.
  4. I haven't seen this anywhere else on TGO (hope I didn't miss it somewhere). This is McClintlock (R - CA) responding to Calderon. To him I say - AMEN! #!
  5. Sounds like fun!
  6. What is Riverbend? I'm too lazy to google it.
  7. Wow. Things sure work different up there in America's Hat. I've been doing it wrong for years, too...
  8. kb4ns

    Sarco Inc

    Yeah, I tried to buy a C&R gun from them once. When I called to place the order, they told me that my C&R was not on file with them. I informed them that I had sent in about 8 months prior and they said that they only keep them on file for 6 months, then destroy them. WTF?? I figured they didn't want my business too bad and decided against the purchase.
  9. Y'all have fun.
  10. It was a state trooper, wasn't it? It definitely wasn't that long ago. More than 5, less than 10 ago.
  11. You'd think. Infidelity, associating with a known felon, as well as other "ethics" issues can cost you your job. Whoa buddy!!!
  12. Glock23ForMe circa 1989...
  13. I think someone here established that these weren't LEOs, but private security guards. It's a moot issue for the OP's problem. However, if it were a situation where an LEO is in department uniform, it doesn't matter if he's on-duty and assigned to an event or if he is authorized to wear his uniform while moonlighting. If he is in uniform, he is acting as an agent of that department. Most, if not all, departments (mine included) that allow you to moonlight in uniform under certain circumstances make it clear that you are held to the same policies, rules, etc. that you would be if working your regular duty assignment. And a complaint on an officer moonlighting (or just plain off-duty) would be handled the same way it would be if it was from an on-duty event. On-duty or off-duty or anywhere in between doesn't matter. If my wife thinks I have a girlfriend on the side and notifies my agency, they'll open an "ethics investigation". I've never seen it happen at my agency, but I've heard of Shelby County deputies getting suspended for ethics violations for infidelity. Don't know it for fact, though.
  14. Glad he's out. Hope he actually posted bond...
  15. Fried Cajun Catfish.
  16. Had some tonight.
  17. I'm heading up there tomorrow.
  18. I'll give you that one for sure. Traning is knowledge. And knowing is half the battle!
  19. Honestly, I'm not a sports person at all and never find myself at any sporting arenas, but I can't see a sports arena not giving you the option of returning the beer / snacks / whatever to your vehicle if you asked. I have been an LEO for several years, but do not profess to be perfect when it comes to TCA - I learn something dang near every day. That is why I stated that I'd be interested in seeing a TCA that allows it. As I see it so far, it's still theft. Maybe a theft that is generally tolerated, but theft none the less.
  20. Fried. Deep Fried...


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