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Everything posted by kb4ns

  1. Maybe it meant anything you wanna buy (parts / accessory wise) will run you $100 more than any other brand?
  2. Is it a movie where you get kidnapped? Kidding aside, I'll have to find it. Don't care to have HBO, but I assume I can grab it from netflix...
  3. That's just wrong. Funny, but wrong...
  4. I'm not much of a motorcyclist. I did, however, go check out Bumpus HD here in Memphis one time. 'Bout crapped myself when I saw their prices! They're proud of their product, that's for sure! I was talking to a Lexington TN PD motors officer who informed me that "HD" did not in fact stand for Harley Davidson. He advised me that is stands for "Hundred Dollars". Apparently, no matter what you want with the logo on it, it'll cost you about a hundred dollars. I thought that was quite funny!
  5. That's so sad to hear. I'm glad he's getting treatment now and hope he finds a great home! No animal deserves what poor Riley there has been through!
  6. So much more than that. I'd move to NH in a heartbeat if I was lookin' for a move. Check out freestateproject.org - there's some neat info on there.
  7. Most agencies go with a full size pistol for the uniform guys - Glock 22, Sig P226, etc...
  8. Happy late birthday!
  9. I've only worked for one agency that issued a compact for uniform patrol (G23) and the standard issue was 3 13 rounders. They've since switched to G22s.
  10. kb4ns


  11. It wouldn't be as funny if it wasn't so dead-on!
  12. kb4ns


    You're nowhere near "craziest" on this one...
  13. Welcome!
  14. They suck ***!
  15. Hate hotel beds!
  16. Ready for home.
  17. Tired of school.
  18. I'll PM it to you.
  19. Was he talking out of his mouth or...???
  20. kb4ns


    True dat. I'm a full-time LEO and my city pays me $40 a month just for having my EMT. I thought about letting it lapse since I never use it, but shoot - right now I'm gettin' free money for it.
  21. Apparently!
  22. Well I picked up an AT&T "gophone" today. Works fine. It was cheap and only costs me $3 per day that I use it for unlimited talk / text. It costs nothing on days I don't use it. I guess it'll be my "travel phone" until my T-Mobile contract is done.
  23. So I'm looking at Wally World's website. I think I'm just gonna go get one of those pre-paid phones (either AT&T or Verizon) to use when I travel. Until my contract is up, that is. Then it's buh-bye T-Mobile.
  24. Nope. I believe in your self-imposed ban on video posting, therefor I cannot contribute to your delinquency...


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