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Everything posted by Backon4

  1. went back to get it and it was sold. Left them my number in case they get another one in.
  2. Going to go by and pick one up today after my Drs appointment. Think we are supposed to go shooting tomorrow. I've got about 1000 9mm reloads loaded up so no ammo cost. If I don't like it I will just put it up on here for sale or trade it for a something else.
  3. So I need another handgun like I need another bowl of ice cream but I was at the fun store earlier and they had some used c9's for $100. I am very tempted to go get one. This will not be any type of defense weapon just mainly a range/truck gun and to teach people basic safety and shooting. I mean it's a bill and I waste more than that in junk food in a month. I have read some really good reviews and I can't see how for $100 I could go wrong. So do I go buy one or do I use the money for something else?
  4. Went ahead and ordered an esee izula today. Been eye balling it for a couple of months. This will mainly stay in my pack but wanted something I could beat the hell out of and not worry about tearing it up. The lifetime warranty they have is what finally sold me.
  5. I wouldn't go that far, I'e broken far more snap on and mac then I have my craftsman, sk, or proto tools. To be honest the only thing I like about some of the snap on and mac or matco are the socket wrenches because of the tighter gearing. Other than that they are just ok. You better have 3 or 4 of the main sizes (10mm, 12mm, etc) cause I was breaking 1 or 2 a week and got tired of waiting for the truck. For the money you can't beat the good ole craftsman sockets and you can go to sears any time to get a replacement, which rarely happens. Back to the original topic. Go shoot them side by side and then make your decision. While you may like the features or feel of a gun it all comes down to which you handle best.
  6. I shot both side by side before I made a purchase. I ended up going M&P because of the recoil. I was looking at compact .40's and the higher bore axis made the XD much snappier and less manageable. It all came down to which I felt would be the better tool for the job. I equate this like a snap on vs proto vs mac vs matco vs sk vs kt vs craftsman. Everyone will have their opinions as to which is better but in the end they all get the job done so get the one that you are most comfortable with and fits your budget.
  7. I've been contemplating the same thing. I have been looking at the esee izula. Everything I've read says it is hard to beat. It will probably be my next knife purchase.
  8. All of them I have seen come with the opener. I plan on picking up a can at knob creek.
  9. You can get 91/30's for $109 at dunhams. A little more for laminated stocks. I plan on getting another to leave stock to go with my scout setup one.
  10. Through the weekend. Ordered me 3.
  11. So you don't have to bring product with you, you just have to put it in the cans and then pay? If so this sounds like a great deal. How do I find a member to go with me?
  12. Bought my bag for this at the gun show this past weekend. Plan on putting some extra ammo, a few energy bars,my cold steel bushman, metal match, leatherman, maps, compass, extra socks, fleece, simple first aid kit, some sun flower seeds, and a few others in there. I always have a case of water in the trunk so water isn't a big issue. I have given this a lot of thought over the past few weeks because I travel so much and the odds of me actually being home if something happens is 2 outa 7 so I figure I had better do something. Going to work on getting it all together next weekend while I'm at home. Everything will be in vacuum sealed bags to save space and keep everything dry.
  13. Now subsonic 308 with a suppressor on a bolt action savage, same thing. Sounds like a bb gun until you hear the clank on the steel. I was in shock.
  14. You suck, lol. Pretty sure you just cost me my next bonus.
  15. So tell me more about this. I've got a lower sitting and am looking for something different. Was going to go beowulf but this has me intrigued. Does anyone do a ready to pin on upper?
  16. I'll second roze, Their price on jhp is about the same as most peoples cast.
  17. I've got 22lr, .223, 9mm, .40, about to load 2k 45, 7.62 54r, and some 12g. I honestly can't see running out of ammo but the only other thing I can see maybe having is an AK and a couple of k of the 7.62 39.
  18. Had this happen to me just a few weeks ago. Simply fill out the appeal, wait a few days and then call the TBI. Stay in contact with the store.
  19. Backon4

    i need a 1911

    I Just buy what I want and when she asks I say I've had it forever and just don't shoot it much. Works every time
  20. JSE surplus puts together some nice uppers. I have one now and another that will be here any day. They have several at $375 with BCG but I ordered this one without and then ordered a PSA BCG.
  21. My buddy has a Rock River, I have a Stag. Almost no differences between the 2. Both have great tight tolerances, good finishes, and both shoot equally well. If I had the choice I would get whichever I could get the best deal on.
  22. Not all all berdan primed. All of my steel is boxer primed.
  23. Why won't the sell to TN? Doesn't make any sense.
  24. Well that sucks..... Where can I get some supplies for a decent price here?
  25. In Chattanooga for work need some primers and powder for this weekend. Can you buy local at Natchez?


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