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Everything posted by jonlisha

  1. Thanks, i picked that pistol up from a pawnshop in Cleveland for $120, i think i need to replace the hammer spring cause im getting real weak primer strikes and sometimes it doesn't set the round off, its taken a lot of work to get this gun back into shooting condition. When i first bought it the poor thing was so dirty it couldn't even reliably cycle one round and always failed to eject, now the only time it malfunctions is when i get a weak primer strike which is every other magazine. All in all its a great pistol, very accurate, very cheap, very fun. I can't find a holster that will fit it though, the thing gets real tiring when i carry it up in the mountains with me.
  2. I swab the barrel after i get done shooting, i give the whole gun a overall cleaning when it starts to jam. These pistols are real touchy, i mean its accurate and fun to shoot but you really have to treat them right or they will jam every other round. As for the size of the shavings, i don't have a picture but they were very large, all in all i probably had enough shavings to make a little over half a .22 bullet, they were very thin of course but about 3/8 of an inch long. My guess is its from several different rounds, see i don't really look down my barrel every time i clean it so thats why i missed it the first time, and i guess with it being in there and me still shooting it just started building up from other rounds.
  3. Whoops didn't mean to post this in handguns i meant to put it in Gunsmithing and Troubleshooting, can someone move it there?
  4. Well today i went to pitt2magic's house to help him out with some yard work but ended up leaving early due to bad stomach pain, get home and my girlfriends throwing up sick as well so i guess its time for the stomach bugs to come out! Well since i couldn't get outside anymore today i decided to clean my guns, now the gun im going to be talking about is the pistol on the left in my picture, its a Charter Arms Explorer II .22lr pistol. Heres the deal, i swab my barrel and spray some Winchester CLP it it after every shoot, never had any problems with the barrel till today. I was cleaning the barrel with a cleaning rod and an old cut up bandanna i use, well it got stuck about 2 inches in, i pulled it out and looked down the barrel to see what appeared to be deep pitting all in the barrel, i sprayed CLP in it and let it soak then i brushed it out but it was still there. I took a large part of the bandanna and sprayed it with CLP and ran it through the barrel, it was a very tight fit but when it came out the other side it was covered in shredded pieces of led, i checked the barrel and it was clean so i guess what looked like pitting was actually parts of a round that tore apart in my barrel. So heres my question, do i need to be worried about this? I only use Remington Thunder bolts in this pistol cause thats the cheapest thing it will feed but i have never had this happen to me. What exactly causes it? Also can this damage my barrel at all, i mean this wasn't just a little bit of lead this looked like more than half the bullet had caked up on the walls of the barrel. Thanks guys.
  5. I own a marlin model 81DL bolt action tube fed .22, look in the classifieds for .22 rifles i got mine for $140 which is good for it being such an old gun.
  6. Can you give a quick summary of why you believe that? I have never read the book myself but have read many things that make me believe he was indeed not a Christian but did believe in some higher power.
  7. I hate beck for one reason, he tends to want to assert that those who are not Christian are not American in some way, see stuff like that makes me mad cause i don't care what religion you come from thats your own buisness, religion doesn't make the American and the constitution says so. Hes overly dramatic about everything and tends to link things together that have nothing to do with each other, so i steer clear of him and all those other "news/entertainment" people, no point in watching biased news.
  8. Seriously? I thought open carry was legal in Tn?
  9. First off to the mods if this is in the wrong place i apologize and ask that you please move it for me, also i couldn't find exactly what i was looking for in the FAQ and i have a lot of conflicting information. Okay so after watching the news and seeing TN rated at number 5 on the nations highest crime rates me, my mother, and my step father all want to carry, my mother took a handgun course in GA once but never carried, my step father used to carry without a permit when he went fishing but thats the only time. They are both of age to carry and have no criminal history, wheres a good place in East Tennessee (preferably near Cleveland/Chattanooga) to get your permit training and what exactly do we have to do? Alright now on the subject of me, im 17 but will be 18 on June 11th, i have read that at 18 i can open carry a handgun but the rules regarding this are not clear, some say the handgun can be loaded, some say it can't but you can have loaded mags on your person, and some say that you can't have any ammo with you if you open carry. So explain this to me? Do i need any license to OC at 18? Can i keep the gun loaded or at least have some loaded mags with me? Also can you define the "Open" part in Open carry cause if i understand it correctly it means the gun must be visible at all times. Before i get jumped on, i don't want to open carry to make some sort of statement to the government or to draw negative attention i just want to be able to protect myself and my girlfriend when we are out and about and i find that my pocket knife is not adequate for this job.
  10. Mine? "If you want to take away my right to bear arms well i guess its only fair that i can take away your right to live." They will start talking about how i threatened them and i just say "Well if you believed in the second amendment you wouldn't have this problem would you?"
  11. I lived on food-stamps once, we didn't abuse the system, we made big pots of homemade chili and ate countless packs of noodles, we never bough name brand anything it was always save or best value. In my opinion food-stamps should be limited to certain types of food, just the basics like meat, milk, bread, fruits/veggies, and a few snack foods, everything else should be payed for out of your pocket. See i have met people here in east TN that will spend $100 on food from food-stamps, then give it to someone for about $60 cash or $80 worth in pills/weed/meth/alcohol. You know we would save the taxpayers so much money if to get food-stamps you had to have a mandatory drug test every 6 months, imagine the good it would do.
  12. I have found some odd things in my day, yesterday while out hiking about half a mile away from my house i found a grizzly scene of animal cruelty. Anyone know about the old abandoned TVA rail roads? One runs right behind my house, all the rails and ties have been taken up so it makes for a great place to jog. Anyway about a mile out theres a bridge over a creek that kinda empty's into a little pond, in the pond i saw two body's of something so i went down to check it out, turned out to be two dogs possibly pit bulls with wire strung around their necks and possible stab or gunshot wounds. One of them had its guts ripped out and strung through the creek, possibly by an animal but it was to decayed to identify if the wound was jagged or smooth, both dogs were bloated and i would say they had been there about a week maybe a little more. That made my girlfriend throw up, the smell was odd and not like your average decay, of course this is the reason i always carry a pistol and lots of ammo when i go out jogging or hiking, lot of creeps in the area. I once found a power poll with about 100 foot of line attached to it out in the middle of the woods, i found this odd cause i was miles away from any houses that i know of and one end of the line was broken and hanging down off the poll, i followed the other end of the line on four wheeler to see where it went and was surprised to find a rundown house up on a grassy hill. I moved in to investigate but as i drove up the driveway i noticed to skinned deer hanging near a well and realized this wasn't an abandoned house so i turned around, just as i was heading down the driveway a man came out of the old shack with a pump shotgun and i floored it. I have not gone near that mans house every since. Oh and i once almost got killed by a black bear, i was about 12 and walking around with my old single shot Remington .22 bolt action on the old railroad behind my house, as i was walking what appeared to be a large black husky stepped out on the railroad about 40 yards ahead of me, i followed it thinking i might have found a new pet cause we all know how kids love to bring strays home. Well i followed it for about 10 minutes without if even looking at me and i had been slowly gaining on it, i was about 15 feet away from it when i started to notice it had a very short tale for a husky and oddly short legs, just then the bear turned back and let out one of those bear roars you see on TV, it ran up a hill to the left and i fired a shot at the ground and ran right in the direction of my house, the shot was to scare it in hopes that it wouldn't come back cause my .22 was no match for a bear and i knew it, i was running home at what felt like 100 miles an hour and when i got home i grabbed my 20Ga break action and headed back out to bag that thing. Luckily it had left the area cause im not sure what effect a 20ga would have on it. The bear was not too large, it could have been a female or possible a young male but it didn't look much larger than a full grown husky. These are all true stories, I'm 17 now and much more mindful of my surroundings when im out walking.
  13. Thanks for that, yeah im a big strong guy (6'4) so i was hoping to get a job moving things or restocking shelves but no luck yet, i look through personal adds and what not but never find anything. Every job i see wants me to have experience and i don't have any work experience.
  14. I know the job market sucks right now my step dad is out of work and my family of six is living on just my mothers income, i really need to get a job but im having a lot of trouble here in east tennessee. Im 17 and have a way to get to work everyday at any time, I'm willing to do any job if it pays, I'm not highly knowledgeable in carpentry but i can do the basics. Any advice would be appreciated, i miss the days when it was hard to get teenagers to get a job, now i would rather be working than hanging out with friends.
  15. I don't see much of a problem with it law wise, freedom of speech ever heard of it? As to its place on this site well thats up to the moderators, one thing people have forgot on this planet is that you have the right to be offensive, if someone has a problem with a way your acting and its really not hurting them or anyone else then i think the problem lies with the one who was offended.
  16. You failed to observe the design, of course they found ways around the old problems or they wouldn't be making them.
  17. Alright you guys broke me down, i sent an email to the training service that sigmtnman posted, thanks for the link sigmtnman. If the price is not to high and they present themselves as professionals i will do the training thing. i will post the results of it and hopefully i will have a good dog that will be with me and my girlfriend for a while.
  18. I don't like to criticize but i feel i need to, why a judge? I mean you can find a much better carry gun in a large caliber that's a snubbie so why carry such a long awkward gun if your not in the woods? Just a thought.
  19. Lmao i have had people try to sell me police trade in glocks, they said "this isn't a regular glock this is a police trade in glock, its higher quality than what civilians get so its worth more!"
  20. Oh i always figured it made the stall owners mad if you just fondle their guns and don't buy them, thats pretty much why i wanted to go, just to know my way around a few more guns cause i have never touched an AR 15 or any high priced stuff like that, in fact i don't own a gun thats worth more then $200.
  21. Good plan, im trying to fix my metabolism by eating several small meals a day to shed a few pounds, i have also switched from drinking sweet tea and coke to water and green tea, i still have a coke with supper though. Its amazing how good you feel when you start drinking more water.
  22. Well heres the deal, yeah it would be great if i could take out time and train the dog but heres the problem she is getting into my neighbors garbage and they are going to shoot her if they catch her so im trying to get her on a line so i can train her without her leaving the area. bringing her inside is not an option for a few reasons, shes a big dog and we don't bring large dogs into the house as a rule, we have house cats and she has already shown that she wants to kill them, and last but not least i have tried to get her inside to give her a bath and she stops at the door and if i try to pull her she runs like crazy. I wish i could afford a lot or something but i just can't, i just need a way to keep her from running until i can tame her.
  23. I might have a two year scholarship lined up for Cleveland state for some of my test scores, i might get jumped on for this but i dropped out of high school and got a GED, i basically did it because a USAF recruiter told me to, he said i can make up a year of high school in like one month of college and it won't even show when i go to the AF. I scored high enough on my GED test to get some sort of hope scholarship, i scored a 612 and i guess thats good. I want a bachelors of science then in the future get a Masters in Aerospace Engineering and try to work for Boeing. Sorry to rant in your thread i just don't find a lot of USAF guys on the internet or in real life so i never really get to ask them questions about it and to be frank i don't trust a lot of the things the recruiter tells me.
  24. Alright so i got my girlfriend a dog for our anniversary in Feb, this dog was a 6 month Airedale Terrier that we saw in the Tennessee trader, when i went to pick the dog up she was locked in a 6'x6' cage with her brother and the owners said they had never been out of the cage, the floor was covered in crap and she looked to be in quite poor health but i payed the man $20 just to get her out that cage, i wish i could have saved her brother from that hell but i had no room to keep him. Well when i was trying to get her on a collar she got loose from me and ran around for weeks before i got close enough to her to get a collar on her, when i did the did what most dogs do when they get tied she jerked and pulled to get out and to my amazement she slid out on the first try. I figured i had it to loose so i tried again a few days later and tightened that collar as much as i could, well she slipped out just as easy to i came to the conclusion that her neck mussels are so large she can't be restrained by a collar. So i bought a large nylon harness like the one pictured but with thicker straps, i tightened it up and put her on a line and she couldn't get out of it, feeling accomplished i went inside for a few hours well i went out there last night and she was on the back porch wagging her tale and jumping as if to say "you can't tie me up hahahahahaha", to my amazement she didn't break her harness but through some Houdini like skills she slid right out of it at some point. So what else can i do? I can't set up a lot for her cause i don't have the wire and have little money (besides shes a terrier so she would probably dig under it), what kinda collar or harness can i put on her to keep her on a line? Heres what she looks like though this is not a picture of her, she won;t stand still long enough for a picture. Heres what the harness sort of looked like, the design anyway.


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