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Everything posted by musicman

  1. musicman


    Len .... wow.... great thoughts. Thanks so much for stepping in. This is the kind of stuff to wrestle with. I got some more growin' to do!
  2. Oh hey, I just noticed I have my identity back!! <----------- see the little boy icon. I was beginning to wonder! Maybe if we had these little icons growing up, we wouldn't even have this thread!! (It's another JOKE!!!!)
  3. Good deal, Joe. I still hope you'll understand my intent wasn't to be "pushing" my beliefs, as you say. Sharing and pushing are two different things, kinda like: "Want some of my crack?" and "Here, buy some of my crack for $10, you know you want some!" I'm still hoping I can come down and partake in all that is "HERO GEAR!" sometime soon. I want to go when I'll actually have money to spend .... so maybe I'll see you in like six months to a year?
  4. musicman


    Good deal, Joe. I still hope you'll understand my intent wasn't to be "pushing" my beliefs, as you say. Sharing and pushing are two different things, kinda like: "Want some of my crack?" and "Here, buy some of my crack for $10, you know you want some!" I'm still hoping I can come down and partake in all that is "HERO GEAR!" sometime soon. I want to go when I'll actually have money to spend .... so maybe I'll see you in like six months to a year?
  5. Alright alright alright... it doesn't seem like any of the people who were actively participating in the discussion got their feelings hurt, and it actually sounds like they enjoyed it. (However, there have been some remarks in the last page of posts that are getting close to or over the line, I think) Should we stop our non-gun discussion in the OFF TOPIC forum to make the people who don't like thread drift happy, or should we just go on about our way? It seems like a couple folks jumped in just to complain about a conversation there were not a part of. When I don't like a thread, I read another. We have literally thousands to choose from. Joe, Mars, and whoever else.... I'm sorry if you were offended by my posts about my personal beliefs. BUT, I am NOT sorry for posting them, nor will I retract them. My intent was not to shove my belief down anyone's else throat. Nowhere did I state that you should adopt my value system. If anyone takes it that way, that is on them. I think if someone to actually read my long post with an open mind the would glean the opposite. If a mod wants to take them down, that's fine. I have no ownership in this board, and it and all it contains are property of the owner. I'm cool with that. I enjoy this interaction. Have a good day, ya'll!
  6. musicman


    Alright alright alright... it doesn't seem like any of the people who were actively participating in the discussion got their feelings hurt, and it actually sounds like they enjoyed it. (However, there have been some remarks in the last page of posts that are getting close to or over the line, I think) Should we stop our non-gun discussion in the OFF TOPIC forum to make the people who don't like thread drift happy, or should we just go on about our way? It seems like a couple folks jumped in just to complain about a conversation there were not a part of. When I don't like a thread, I read another. We have literally thousands to choose from. Joe, Mars, and whoever else.... I'm sorry if you were offended by my posts about my personal beliefs. BUT, I am NOT sorry for posting them, nor will I retract them. My intent was not to shove my belief down anyone's else throat. Nowhere did I state that you should adopt my value system. If anyone takes it that way, that is on them. I think if someone to actually read my long post with an open mind the would glean the opposite. If a mod wants to take them down, that's fine. I have no ownership in this board, and it and all it contains are property of the owner. I'm cool with that. I enjoy this interaction. Have a good day, ya'll!
  7. musicman


    I love you guys!! Allan was a great dude, and I look forward to seeing him at all of our events. He had some cool rifles too, and that was the first time I ever shot a 7mm Mag!! I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but I won't let that get in the way of any friendships I have. I'm glad we're cool Dixie. Everybody run out and hug somebody, QUICK!!!
  8. I love you guys!! Allan was a great dude, and I look forward to seeing him at all of our events. He had some cool rifles too, and that was the first time I ever shot a 7mm Mag!! I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but I won't let that get in the way of any friendships I have. I'm glad we're cool Dixie. Everybody run out and hug somebody, QUICK!!!
  9. As anyone who's seen me at the range knows, I'm a wheelgunner. However, I don't discriminate and will gladly turn money into noise with a semi- or full- auto pistol, rifle, shotgun, grenade, mortar, rocket, missile, you name it!
  10. musicman


    Wow... well put, dude!
  11. Wow... well put, dude!
  12. musicman


    Dixie, please don't leave. I enjoy your posts and you have a lot of good things to say. I'm sorry that this thread has bothered you. I am actually OK with where it has gone. As you may have noticed, I copied this from another board you and I both frequent. Please don't deprive us of your participation due to one thread which has turned in a direction you don't like. I second guessed myself when I posted this joke, thinking that the thread may develop into something like this. However, I decided that that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have gay friends, too. I love them like I do any other. However, I do disagree with their choice. I disagree with it just like I disagree with my friends who are still heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol. I still love them. I actually find myself going farther out of my way to love them than I do for my friends with no obvious outward issues. (Though we all have our inner problems.) I agree, it is sad that most homosexuals are treated like crap. Just like the rest of our population, they can be great producers, thinkers, engineers, financiers, etc. I believe it is wrong to exclude them due to sexual preference. We miss many good things when we begin to exclude people. HOWEVER, I will not condone giving the benefits of a true marriage to homosexuals, and I will not inconvenience my life merely to make it more comfortable for a homosexual to live out his or her choice. I become very indignant when the extreme opposite happens and gay pride is shoved down my throat and I am made to feel bad because I don't give every homo on the block a pat on the back for making their choice. I still struggle with the issue of whether or not it is a choice or something built into their life. Homosexuality is not a new issue. It has been around since Sodom and Gommorah, and will always be with us. I don't know everything. I know it must be a terrible feeling to know that the things you desire are contrary to what should be, and to be discriminated against because of it. For awhile (in the hayday of "Queer Eye", etc) it was the worst thing ever to be a straight male. I am young (25) and always learning. The longer I'm around, the more I found out I don't know nuthin'. The more I grow as a Christian, the more I am learning that it's not my job to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong and that they should change because I said so. NOTE: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISAGREEING WITH SOMEONE AND DEMEANING THEM BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM. I think my job is to simply love, and let God work in people's hearts. Jesus did lots of walking and talking with folks a few thousand years ago, and it seems he always spoke of loving your neighbor, not telling him he needs to paint the fence or mow the yard. Jesus seems to be the guy who would mow the yard for his neighbor and not complain that his yard was unkempt. It seems to me that Jesus' life was not very "religious" at all. What's religious about fishing and walking? Unfortunately, we have put a lot of extra garbage into Christianity. "You have to dress up", "You have to have your life in order BEFORE coming to church", "No alcohol, tobacco, etc" None of that garbage is in the Bible. Do I dress up for church? A little, because I want to. My life is not in perfect order... that's why I go to church!! I don't drink or smoke because I don't think they are things that help me, not for any religious reason. However, I am hurting myself just as much by being a fat turd. My extra 100lbs is probably causing my body more harm than a 1/2 pack of cigarettes everyday would. That's something I need to work on because I think so, not because anyone else tells me. OK so at this point it's becoming obvious that all I'm doing is rambling, so I'll stop here.
  13. Dixie, please don't leave. I enjoy your posts and you have a lot of good things to say. I'm sorry that this thread has bothered you. I am actually OK with where it has gone. As you may have noticed, I copied this from another board you and I both frequent. Please don't deprive us of your participation due to one thread which has turned in a direction you don't like. I second guessed myself when I posted this joke, thinking that the thread may develop into something like this. However, I decided that that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have gay friends, too. I love them like I do any other. However, I do disagree with their choice. I disagree with it just like I disagree with my friends who are still heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol. I still love them. I actually find myself going farther out of my way to love them than I do for my friends with no obvious outward issues. (Though we all have our inner problems.) I agree, it is sad that most homosexuals are treated like crap. Just like the rest of our population, they can be great producers, thinkers, engineers, financiers, etc. I believe it is wrong to exclude them due to sexual preference. We miss many good things when we begin to exclude people. HOWEVER, I will not condone giving the benefits of a true marriage to homosexuals, and I will not inconvenience my life merely to make it more comfortable for a homosexual to live out his or her choice. I become very indignant when the extreme opposite happens and gay pride is shoved down my throat and I am made to feel bad because I don't give every homo on the block a pat on the back for making their choice. I still struggle with the issue of whether or not it is a choice or something built into their life. Homosexuality is not a new issue. It has been around since Sodom and Gommorah, and will always be with us. I don't know everything. I know it must be a terrible feeling to know that the things you desire are contrary to what should be, and to be discriminated against because of it. For awhile (in the hayday of "Queer Eye", etc) it was the worst thing ever to be a straight male. I am young (25) and always learning. The longer I'm around, the more I found out I don't know nuthin'. The more I grow as a Christian, the more I am learning that it's not my job to tell someone that what they are doing is wrong and that they should change because I said so. NOTE: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISAGREEING WITH SOMEONE AND DEMEANING THEM BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM. I think my job is to simply love, and let God work in people's hearts. Jesus did lots of walking and talking with folks a few thousand years ago, and it seems he always spoke of loving your neighbor, not telling him he needs to paint the fence or mow the yard. Jesus seems to be the guy who would mow the yard for his neighbor and not complain that his yard was unkempt. It seems to me that Jesus' life was not very "religious" at all. What's religious about fishing and walking? Unfortunately, we have put a lot of extra garbage into Christianity. "You have to dress up", "You have to have your life in order BEFORE coming to church", "No alcohol, tobacco, etc" None of that garbage is in the Bible. Do I dress up for church? A little, because I want to. My life is not in perfect order... that's why I go to church!! I don't drink or smoke because I don't think they are things that help me, not for any religious reason. However, I am hurting myself just as much by being a fat turd. My extra 100lbs is probably causing my body more harm than a 1/2 pack of cigarettes everyday would. That's something I need to work on because I think so, not because anyone else tells me. OK so at this point it's becoming obvious that all I'm doing is rambling, so I'll stop here.
  14. That oughtta do the trick, and minus and unnecessary noise!
  15. Gee... I hope you're right, but sometimes it doesn't seem like that's true. As for the money part, when I was younger there were years where my Dad paid nearly half his income directly to some brother of his I never met named "Sam." As for the guns, maybe I can own as many as I want, but a lot of people in some states can't own what they want. Am I missing the point?
  16. Wow... talk about thread drift.... and I don't mean the topic, I'm talking about those collars!!!
  17. I was born in 1982 and (obviously) missed all that fun stuff. However, I still really appreciate your post, Rabbi. So are you saying we're going to be in deep poop for a decade or two then? Do you think we will again see a pretty good bounce back and good growth, etc, like in the late nineties and the turn of this last century? I really find all this stuff fascinating, but I am just so young and have lived through so little that I honestly have no clue what's actually going on.
  18. Ha!! Tokarev, that 38 load is what I brought to the range last weekend! It did shoot well, as evidenced by the golfballs flying around. That was the first time I tried that load and it's a keeper. I was shooting Hornady 158gr LSWCs with it, as I bought a crapload a couple years ago when Midway had them on sale.
  19. I like a max load of H110 (I think it's 16.6 gr, but I'm away from my loading log) under a 158gr jhp/jsp. I only shoot it out of Rugers or my Marlin 1894. It's pretty spectacular on thing like water jugs and bowling pins when coming out of that rifle! I also have a really nice and soft plinking load for .44 mag using a 240 lswc and HP38... 6.1 gr I think. Feels like a .38, and I can get all the holes touching each other at about 15 yards. Good enough for me!
  20. Here's a good breakdown on S&W model numbers and changes. http://www.handloads.com/misc/Smith.Model.Changes.asp That deal on the Tropper sounds great. Colt isn't making production revos anymore, and their prices seem to climb much higher and faster than even my beloved Smiths.
  21. I'm stealing this from another forum..... A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was. He had a lump in his throat as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. 'Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?' she asked. 'They're mating,' her father replied. 'What do you call the spider on top?' she asked. 'That's a Daddy Longlegs,' her father answered. 'So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?' the little girl asked. As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied, 'No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs.' The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat, saying, 'Well, we're not having any of that brokeback mountain crap in our garden.' Brings a tear to your eye...doesn't it?
  22. While I personally like the story and am a Christian myself, we are a country made up of folks with different personal beliefs on religion and values. As this story illustrates, it's our men in uniform that give us this great privilege. What's so cool is that here on this forum I know we have people of all kinds of beliefs, but here we are, having a good time and learning more about guns 'n stuff.
  23. I feel you there, man. Every time we shoot I realize how sad it is that I have NOTHING built on a semi-auto platform anymore. It's not because I'm too dumb to know how an auto works, but that I had to sell about half of my guns awhile back. Some of my revos took awhile for me to find, and I don't know if I could easily replace them when money gets better, but I know I can always buy another P22, 10/22, plastic fantastic, etc etc. Smith isn't making P&R model 19s anymore. The semi I miss most was my A2 config AR. Something about a 30rd mag and that nice, comforting bark makes my soul weep at its departure.... that and it's a killer gun for playing redneck golf!!
  24. musicman

    Colt D.A. 38

    can we see a pic of this 100+ year old Colt?
  25. That was cool! I didn't know you were taking a video, I forgot my makeup! Yea, my shoulder is a little red today, too. Gee, I don't know why... I mean, the things' got one of those nice steel buttpads and all! Maybe for everyone else's sake I'll look into a slip-on recoild pad in the future.


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