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Everything posted by Ebow1

  1. Yeah, I gotta say if I'm the owner and people are coming around not buying anything, not doing anything, just hanging around and not leaving, I'm telling them to leave and I'm putting up a no loitering sign. I am by no means a people person, but when I was at Blockbuster there were a few people who would hang out and talk about the movies with us that were pretty cool. I certainly didn't mind that as I worked at a slow store and it was nice to make the time go by faster. I don't like it when people just hang around without any conversing, it makes me think they're up to no good, and I don't want to preoccupy myself with anything because I'm keeping an eye on them. A lot of parents used to leave their kids in our store as some form of free babysitting while they went to the grocery store next to us. That definitely bugged me as nothing destroys the organization of a movie store faster than an unsupervised kid. We had one 9 year old who was alright. We had to wait 5 weeks before we could rent the video games for free but he had one of those gamepass things where he would just rent X amount of games a month for a monthly fee. He would always talk to us about which games were worth renting and which ones weren't, so I did him a favor and convinced his mom that Dead Space was a completely acceptable game for a 9 year old.
  2. This needs to be rectified immediately. I will send the "man" (I used that term loosely due to the aforementioned nail polish and capri pants) a tv in exchange for the rifle. Since the rifle has been previously handled however, I cannot send in a 39 inch flatscreen. I'll pick up something at the pawn shop that may, or may not work.
  3. Oh we have plenty of attempts at humor around here.
  4. Barring outlandish paranoid conspiracy theories, perhaps the most obvious would be a nation with space capability, nuclear weapons, and a massive electronics industry which would make giant profit replacing all those fried components... Well that's no concern. It's not like there's some giant asian country with about a billion people in it that has all those things that we are also massively in debt to as a country an-oh crap.
  5. Is it just me, or have these stories just been coming out of the woodwork since the Aurora shooting? I have serious doubts about that shooting being a liberal plot to further an anti gun agenda (I mean I have no doubt they are using it to further an anti gun agenda, but I do seriously doubt that they intentionally orchestrated the whole thing and time it with the UN Small Arms Treaty solely for that purpose). But I have never seen these kinds of things crop up in this kind of frequency and I certainly haven't even seen this many get caught in the planning stages. Something about this mass of foiled shootings that I seem to hear about a new addition to every day is just off, and I wouldn't be surprised if this part actually IS a conspiracy on somebody's part.
  6. They need to fast forward that footage, put it on a loop, and put the old Benny Hill music in the background from the chase/runaround scenes in his skits.
  7. Ha! If there's two things I do well it's wasting time and money.
  8. I can't count how many times I've been walking just a little bit behind somebody just to watch them throw a door open without a glance and let it shut right in my face. I always give a glance back when I'm at a door, to see if there's anybody else comin', and if they're close enough that it wouldn't be weird to hold the door that long I hold it open for em.
  9. You mean they're not allowed to talk about birds?
  10. Figures
  11. A ban on large capacity feeding devices? I have to warn the other fat people!
  12. Plus, Dolomite, I'll bet that knife company didn't even have ANY kind of information provided about safe and proper knife handling. You should find a bilboard with a lawyer in a cowboy hat and call the number on it IMMEDIATELY, before the wound heals anymore and doesn't look as bad.
  13. I think the reporter meant to say that it is shaped like a barrel, not knowing that they are commonly referred to as drum magazines. Also no there is not one present. I'm betting he was standing in the doorway and dropped the gun there when it jammed. Also, all this talk about hi-cap mag bans makes me want a 50 round drum mag for my 1911. Just to be ridiculous.
  14. I was planning on going to the Bellevue 8 tonight with a buddy of mine to see the Batman movie, but I drove by earlier today and they had what appeared to be a temporary posting. They had a piece of paper taped to the door explaining their right to search bags and backpacks and whatnot for safety reasons and it simple ended with "no weapons or firearms". I imagine these typse of postings will go done after the Aurora shooting fades out of the media, I'm just wondering if anybody knows of theatres in the Nashville area that do not have any kind of posting, as I'm betting this is company wide.
  15. Even if this had been a physical store and the transaction had been face to face it would be bull#### to blame the retailer. This guy operates a website that filled an order for a vest to hold spare mags and ####. That's it.
  16. Or threw french fries at them.
  17. My. .45 is only two numbers. So is my 12 gauge.
  18. I support Daffy Duck due to his firm stance on rabbit hunting rights.
  19. I'm going to call my buddy who brews his own beer and get to work on this right away.
  20. Challenge ACCEPTED. This may take some time though, as I'll have to have a kid and wait until they're old enough to understand to shoot daddy in the mouth with the salt gun.
  21. Yeah, I always put my wallet in a different pocket than usual when I carry, just for the simple reason that if I don't then they're both to the right of me (OC on right side, a little to the back, wallet in back right pocket) and I realize that going for my wallet looks exactly like going for my gun for a second, so I'll keep my wallet somewhere on the left for the time being.
  22. Worry not about stupid questions, for I have stupid answers aplenty.
  23. Just the commercials about that show bug me. As far as I can tell it seems to be a show about a lazy foul mouthed woman who wouldn't have a job at all if her family wasn't running any kind of business. Am I right?
  24. I'm thinking the smoke grenades/sensory overload played a big part in the lack of action. Mass confusion which is already making people panicky and then the realization that people are getting gunned down just feeds the already existing panic. Look at flight 93, the flight that took action against the 9/11 terrorists. Although the plane was taken over, the were left in the passenger area, for the most part alone, some confusion, but no sensory overload like with this shooter, they are able to figure out what has happened and calmly come to the decision to stop it. The movie shooting was sudden, it was chaos, and it didn't give anybody time to cultivate a response, only to respond to their immediate reaction that it's hitting the fan.


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