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Everything posted by Ebow1

  1. It's on random.
  2. I tried to become a Marine, got through a couple weeks of basic. Guy in my platoon had a Confederate flag tattoo on his back. The reason the Confederate flag isn't usually allowed, I was told by my recruiters, is the fact that it supports a government that is in direct opposition to the U.S. government. Marine recruiters are the best at working around whatever problem may be keeping you from joining. Most people with a Confederate flag tattoo just have to sign something that says they're not anti-America or racist, and they may get a bit of flack from a D.I. during inspection but that's about it. I was questioned a bit about a tattoo on my arm that has the words "Your time will come" at the corners of an hourglass. It was never meant to be threatening, but it could be perceived that way, and as such I was asked about what kind of message I was trying to send out with a tattoo like that.
  3. Ebow1

    My House vs Flood

    I know where you're at. I'm just over off Poplar Creek myself, we were fortunate enough to be on a hill.
  4. Well, me StreetWK05 and Lagerhead all seem to be in roughly the same area, I'm just on the edge of Nashville near Pegram so I'm right there next to Lagerhead, or at least not far. Sounds to me like we got the makings of a local chapter at least for the West Nashville area.
  5. Didn't you see Shaun of the Dead?
  6. Ok, whoever starts up the local chapter first please notify the people here so we can join the chapter.
  7. Yeah, I've gotten a couple cuts that wouldn't've happened if I was using a straight edge. My belt had broken, so I had duct taped it and poked the holes back through, but eventually I needed to cut that tape off and re-do it. Blade slipped off the belt right into my thumb. You would've thought it was a cut, but if you looked closely enough you could see 3 holes. What happened was the serrated edge had actually stabbed me and gone done to the base of the serration where the blade comes together and as such it looked like a cut.
  8. I got some pictures around Bellevue but it was all with my phone and I don't know how to get them online from there. I've got one of somebody kayaking through the Publix parking lot off HWY 100.
  9. My first thought was to drag him out to Beech Bend and hold his head under while I asked him if it was real now. Of course he was never actually at the store he was demanding I get to. People like him are the cause of sudden violent revolutions when left in charge of a country.
  10. Anybody interested in setting up a local chapter?
  11. He's the kind of person that you can tell just really needs to get beaten into an ER for a couple days.
  12. I was out here in Bellevue for it, for the first day we were an island. No way in or out, some roads roped off with police caution tape, some entire neighborhoods at the bottom of hills flooded. I was able to pick up 40 from McCrory yesterday. I work for the Dominos in Bellevue and my district manager was actually pissed off that I was "making excuses to get out of work". I got pictures of blocked off roads, and somebody kayaking through the Publix parking lot. He still refuses to believe I was stranded, apparently I somehow fabricated what little news coverage there was, bribed police to block off completely legitimate roads, and made the Boone Trace, Lexington Point, and Riverwalk subdivisions that got all but washed away completely disappear. Not to mention the fact that his underling actually lied to me about road conditions to try and get me to come in the day before that. The instant I find another job I'm leaving that place.
  13. I owned the Thunder Plus in .380 briefly. When I did shoot it, it fed 50 rounds FMJ no problem.
  14. Can't shoot 3 inch anyway. The M97 is 2 3/4, no bigger. I think 2 3/4 12 ga buck'll get the job done though. If it doesn't, I'll have a bayonet mounted on there for a reason.
  15. I noticed those while browsing, didn't pay much attention to be honest.
  16. I'll probably go with the Winchester Super X 00. I liked using their .410's in my Judge. Once I have a decent stockpile then I'll start looking into specialty shells, like those Terminator Double Slugs.
  17. Seeing as how I should be getting Norinco's 12 ga Trench Gun replica in the near future I was wondering what everybody would recomend for buckshot in a 2 3/4 shell.
  18. Are you kidding? I plan on mounting a bayonet on the trench gun, my .50 AR15, and having a bayonet lug on any other AR uppers that I get.
  19. If I do I'm undoubtedly getting the 12 ga trench gun first, it's harder to find.
  20. Aw Hel maybe I'll just get both.
  21. I'm sorry but I do have a bias for using steel when it comes to weapons. You can preach all day to me about the benefits of plastic and polymers but in the end, I'll always prefer the feel of steel in my hands.
  22. Just took a look at the ATI upper. It too uses plastic mags, and I know there was all that whatnot about them being more durable and corrosion resistant and all that but I just don't think I can bring myself to use plastic mags. Looks like I'm goin' for the Norinco trench gun replica.
  23. Excellent feedback guys, I've gotten plenty of info, but I'm more then likely going with the ATI .410 upper. Also I will most certainly be posting about it whenever I get my hands on the Beowulf. Unfortunately that's gonna be awhile, what with the finances being what they are.
  24. New plan. Purchase Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf AR15, and .410 upper. I was already saving up for the AR, but I was thinking I needed to get a shotgun as well to tactically round out my aresenal/collection. Now that I know I can do that, it's perfect.
  25. I've got a bag full of mostly pocket knives I've been trying to sell. I'm all for it.


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