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Everything posted by Ebow1
Working on the paper now, and I gotta say, I really do write better when I'm drinking.
Yeah we can scratch all the talks I've been doing. I'm trading in my Amercan Classic for a Ruger SR 1911, and getting some more gear.
Time to trade in the Metroarms American Classic.
Well now I'm eyeing the approach of an AR in .308 with a scope and bipod, and a PTR-91 in .308. The one modeled after the really short MP5. A good building clearing submachinegun.
I gotta say I'm liking the .45 acp AR config.
I like bulldogs too. I've always thought it would be funny to have bulldog and a jack russel, just to watch the jack russel bug the crap out of a bulldog that just wanted to lounge around in peace.
On a side note, if you ever have a desire to waste another $200, I'm sure I can find something to do with it.
The knife looks very nice. As far as the burbon goes, I'll say this much. I was tending bar down in New Orleans during Mardi Gras for the Knights of Columbus (something I do so I can get free drinks all week), when a women from Kentucky brought to my attention that they don't stock burbon. I've known for years that they have Jack Daniel's, and that is not burbon, but this is the first year that a customer actually pointed that out. After I made a series of Kentucky jokes, she asked me in all seriousness why they don't stock burbon. I said "Because, it's from Kentucky!"
Wonderful dogs. The one I talk about was name Lika, and had 2 different colored eyes, as is more common amongst huskies then any othe breed, and I remember her being a MASSIVE dog, but part of that is the fact that I was a small child.
I have to admit I have a special fondness for Huskys and always will. When I was a small child, the family next door had a husky fenced in a yard that was far too small for it. It would frequently climb the fence and come and play with me and my brother, and treat us like we were it's cubs. I took a pizza delivery to a house that told me not to be scared of their husky even though it was barking. I told them I don't think I could ever be scared of a husky. No matter how similar they are to wolves, I just have too much of a fondness for them to be scared of them.
I will admit, I have no qualms about hunting coyotes solely to kill them, as they are a threat to cattle and those who raise them, but even in that case it's just cruel to make the animal suffer before it dies. If the animal that is a predator is truely a threat to your livestock, then put a round through it's heart and be done with it. There's no reason to kill it any other way.
1. I seem to have an uncanny talent for making the last post on a page, causing my to select the page I made the last post on without knowing it. 2. Yeah, the whole antique thing, if you give any metal antique (especially silver) enough time without ever cleaning it, it will take on a rainbow appearance that dramatically skyrockets the value.
1. Why just domestic animals? Abuse of any animal, as bad as it is, takes on a new meaning when applied to domesticated animals. Domesticated animals are animals that have come to discard their fear of humans, and regard us as friends over the decades. To abuse them is not only a horrible act against the animal, but a horrible act against the relationship forged between man and that animal. Basically, if a man abuses a wild wolf, so what? His missing arm will probably teach him not to do that again. When a man abuses a pet pit bull, or a husky, or a bulldog, or a shi tzu that animal that has learned to trust and value us, has now developed animosity towards us. 2. Male chimpanzees have been known to literally tear human male genitals off of the body during an attack. Chimpanzees have a very simple attack pattern. Arms, genitals, and then face. Being that chimpanzees are incredibly stronger then humans (despite their cuteness) they are far, far, stronger then any human being can hope to be, and extremely dangerous. Canines and primates behave in very different manners. For examply, bearing the teeth is a sign of submission amongst primates (smiling). Amongst canines, it is a sign of aggression (snarling). 3. Your dog was malnourished and aggresive when you got him. In that case I'm glad you were the one to get him. It is unfortunate when any domesticated feline or canine learns to distrust humans through a bad owner, but the fact is that the non-domesticated animals have shown hostility to being domesticated, otherwise we would've done it by now. That's why I only addressed domesticated animals.
Being that I don't know any details I can't really say much, but I've always been disgusted by those who abuse domestic animals.
Hel if anybody here would help me get into hunting I wouldn't know how to thank them. I feel like it was a part of my childhood that shoud've happened but never did.
If I was in E TN and not Mid TN, I'd be happy to go with you. I don't know hardly anything about hunting myself and have never been, but I'm looking into it. I know when I was a kid my grandfather always wanted to take me hunting with him but my mom wouldn't allow it. I was pretty upset about that, especially when he died of lung cancer when I was 12. I can remember thinking about the amount of time we could've spent together if my mom had let us go hunting. To be fair, the entire reason he wanted to take me hunting is because I could call turkeys and get 'em to call back without any kind of turkey call device. Anyway, bbot trying to hijack your thread, so I'll give an attempt at an aswer in good faith. From what I've read just about any shotgun shell is legal for use on turkeys. Don't quote me on that though.
I've heard the same thing from classmates, but I've also heard the exact opposite from classmates. (Before you dismiss my classmates as irrelevant sources who know nothing about firearms, keep in mind I'm in a police science degree and have a decent amount of classmates who are gun nuts). I got a buddy out of Texas who has shot one of the Socom models and says he absolutely loves it. My plan was to get an M1A Socom II, and mount a folding bipod and pistol grip on the bottom. If I do go with a Springfield M1A, that's how I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get that urban camo bastard, deck 'im out how I like, and give 'im a name that honors my ancestors.
Well, whatever it is, don't clean it. At least not until you figure out for certain what you wanna do with it. If it is any kind of antique then the biggest mistake you can make is trying to clean/fix it. If not, and you wanna use it for decorative purposes, then knock yourself out, but hte fact of the matter is that restoration absolutely destroys the resale value of any antique. Now, I have to redeeem myself being that I am a human male and have just given an indepth answer about antiqueing. That being said I willl explain my answer: 1. My dad used to work for a scrapyard (Steiner Liff for those who know it) and talked constantly about the treatment of precious metals. 2. After that job he went to work for a coin store and talked EVEN MORE about the treatment of precious metals. 3. I recieved an antique telescope as a tip while on delivery with Domino's and asked my dad the best course of action to take, and essentially recieved a crash course on how to handle basically any metal antique. 4. All of my knowledge about antiques has been used to make a profit off of them and has therefore eliminated any claim to me being a girly man due to my knowledge of antiques as those profits have been mostly used to purchase gun stuff.
I was thinking about talking to Nashville Sporting Arms if I went the route of building one. Mr. Tenpenny over there is my old high school chemistry teacher.
I've made several posts recently contemplating what to spend my Ebay money on. Discussion from a variety of gear, to the Barret Rec7, to the Springfield M1A. Well it's happened, without even buying one I've gotten the EBR bug. I would get a 6.8 spc without question if it weren't for ammo costs and availability. I have thought of the solution of getting a 6.8 AR and a .223 upper so I can plink the .223 whenever I want and keep the 6.8 for when it's time to take care of business. I'm even considering the route of building my own AR. The problem is this. I know practically nothing about them except that I really want a 6.8 spc. So now it begins, suggestion time.
It was a joke on the whole fake military unit thing.
So does he go to a civilian court or does he get court martialed?
Good point. I should've said no gun enthusiast.