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Everything posted by Ebow1

  1. I know a guy who went on a cruise for a week and ended up with a bar tab higher then the cost of the cruise.
  2. All I can say is that I was a drunk long before I was a gun owner.
  3. Mine came with a little belt holster. I keep it on me when I deliver as the light in my truck doesn't work and sometimes I need to check the info on the reciept as sometimes it takes me to the wrong place. I also figure that in a pinch I can bonk somebody on the head with those teeth and that'll be a pretty good encouragement to leave the pizza guy alone.
  4. No, but as a dleivery driver I know those who do. I just have a small flashlight with the teeth on the the front to make it look like those breacher attachments people put on 12 gauges.
  5. Yes, a very large maglite is extremely important for being able to see. I would recommend keeping one of those on you as you never know when the power might go out.
  6. Didn't think of this one, don't see 'em often but those Cook's Pest Control comercials bug me "Looky, looky, looky. Here comes Cooky. Cook's Pest Control." Those things.
  7. I was honored to be there and to watch those nutjobs run back to Kansas with their tails between their legs.
  8. My point is that comparing alcohol to crack is pretty much the same as comparing caffiene to heroine. Mike said it better for me, it plain and simple ISN'T black and white.
  9. So you don't use caffeine or tobacco? Those are drugs. By your logic they are just as bad as meth and herione.
  10. Yeah. I drink on a regular basis, and when I was younger there wasn't a difference between drinking and getting drunk. When I'm gonna get drunk my guns get locked up. Plain and simple.
  11. I just got a new background and facebook pic.
  12. Krispy Kreme FTW
  13. I usually just get right up on the bumper of people like that and they scoot forward a bit. They may think you're a prick for tailgating but it gets 'em where they need to be to trip that sensor.
  14. Radio-Mud, one of the DJs on 105.9 I have actively changed te station because he's just so frickin annoying. Not a commercial I know, but sometimes I'm amazed at how annoying this guy can be in his failed attempts to be funny. As far as commercials go those new Xfinity ones on tv and radio with the crappy songs, also speaking of crappy songs those freecreditreport.com commercials are pretty irritating.
  15. What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. Now, I don't like it anymore then you like it. But that's the way he wants it. Well, he gets it!
  16. I've wondered the same thing about that lot, why no one protests their funerals. From what I've heard none of the main family invovled in the WBC have died yet.
  17. I'm actually off that day. I don't have a motorcycle, but I would love a chance to counter protest those people (and I use that term loosely), you can count me in.
  18. I had one briefly. I loved it but the rubber grips on it were just a little too big for me to get a proper grip on it with. Ended up selling it for $50 more then I paid for it, so I was happy.
  19. I died about a week and a half ago.
  20. Doesn't really work as a bumper sticker, but I saw a funny sign in a bar here in Bellevue, "We don't serve women here, you have to bring your own".
  21. The following are some of my personal favorites from a high school writing competition called "Dark and Stormy Night": She grew on him like she was a colony of E. coli and he was room-temperature Canadian beef. The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't. He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant and she was the East River. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work. And by far my favorite of the bunch: Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
  22. Make the world idiot proof and the world will make better idiots.
  23. "Insured by Mafia. You toucha my car, I breaka your face!"
  24. I skipped a little bit but all I will say is this. Leroy, you got into the ethics of the matter, ethically speaking pretty much the entire human race is in agreement that all human beings have a right to life. If people have a right to live then they have a right to die.
  25. Can't believe I forgot about this. When I was in high school, my older brother became notorious for backing into other vehicles, that or side swiping 'em on his way out of the spot. My senior year, when my brother was in town from college I had a buddy make up one of those "How's my driving, call" bumper stickers, and we put his cell phone number with the area code on it.


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