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Everything posted by Keyless
With all the recent sales and prices , I decided to sell several firearms and not wanting to price them too high or give them away I decided to put them on Gun Broker . I read up some and from what I read an individual can sell and ship a rifle or shotgun . Now the fun begins . the Post Office wants a signed FFL before an individual can ship a rifle or shotgun. Pistols MUST go from an FFL to another FFL if using the post office. ,I guess so they know it is going to an FFL. They must see the FFL copy so they know I am shipping it to the FFL and not another individual. I can go along with that . Next thing is so far 2 FFL holders said they will not send a signed copy to an individual and only to another FFL . Several others requested only a photo copy of my driver license and then mailed the copy of the FFL . I am trying to follow all laws but no 2 people seem to agree on what the law is . I had to inform the Post Office that they could ship from an individual and tell them where to find it on there website. My local Postoffice had showed me what I needed but he is out and the sub didn't know and I didn't want it messed up so I called another one. They told me only an FFL could ship . If there is this much confusion now , I can only imagine what it will be like if they try and fix it.
We didn't figure he would ever get it back anyway. Just try to maybe keep someone from buying it . I am sure someone will buy , but most of that crowd probably doesn't visit here . But I guess you may be right. We figure it was someone he knows .
Advice taken . Keep in mind it may not be a bad idea if buying from an individual , to see if the numbers can be checked to see if stolen. Can any Police officer check the numbers to see if a gun is stolen ? What is the best way to get one checked ?
Lets not have the facts enter into the mix. They don't think and I am not sure that they have anything to thick with . They are spoiled and only want their way . They don't want one or see the need for one, so you shouldn't either . It is a matter of control . We the people are lower than them and they want to tell us everything we can or can't do as well as can or can't have . In order to get to the main objective they must remove as many guns as possible so they do not have to face an armed resistance. When I see the gun free zone sign I go some where else. If my gun is not welcome than neither am I or my money. It will not do any good but it is best to call and or contact the place of business ( and talk to someone in the higher managment ) and tell them why you will never spend any money with them .
I joined the NRA GOA and TFA today and paid for one of them by pay pal but I dont remember wich one ..I try and use it as little as possible . I sold some mags and ammo on Gun Broker last week and told them only put the auction number in and I would take pay pal. Funny thing is how many items on ebay that are gun related are now being paid for by PP . Ebay is now selling gun parts as well .
G john The hat is still legal but only in temps above 100 degrees and only for the months of July and August .
From what I understand it is to protect their local dealers that they supply to . Anyone with a FFL can set up an accout and probably a C&R would work . They will not even ship a catalog to GA or TN and maybe AL . I don't remember on AL . Yes it sucks !!!
When I built mine I always thought it was best to make them 922 without the mag. Just in case I was the one they wanted to make an example out of when a evil magazine got stuck in a rifle missing 1 part for the stupid 922. I like the Houge grips and have bought several over the last few years . In a few months you can get the add ons you want . R T G International has been good as far as mags went but I am sure they are out now .
I have a 74 that I built from a kit and love it. The ammo has not been as plentiful as one would think for several months . I had been wanting to buy a sealed can for a few months and everyone was out of stock. A local store always had a few boxes so I bought all they had the week after the shooting . Prices was still the same as before .To me ammo availability is the only down side. I prefer the AK's to the AR's but that comes from never having enough money to buy an AR when I was raising kids . I have 1 Pro Mag for myy 223 AK , and to me it feels cheaper made than the Tapco ones . It has always worked but it just feels funny to me . Anyway they will work for now and you can order som Bulgarian ones when everything settles back down . I have a couple surplus and then several Tapco's . I had 4 Bulgarian Waffle circle 10 magazines that didn't fit my 223 AK without modifacation . I put them on Gun Brokers and they sold for 300.00 . This is not the time to hunt anything for a AK or AR . It is however a good time to sell . I don't believe the ban will pass and then prices will come back down some. They will probably be some higher than before but less than they are now. To me , you did good .
The problem with the 6.5 Jap is that it is hard to find ammo that FITS properly . It seems the chambers are on the large side and the brass being made now are on the small side. This ammo was bought for a 7.7 Arisaka but I was able to stop them before they shot it in the 6.5 . I did buy a 6.5 and fired a few rounds but the case swells and the primer backs out . At first I thought it was a head space issue , but after doing research , it seems to be a common complaint with the type 38 Arisaka. I ended up making brass from 30 40 Krag brass ( long story ) but it is fine now .
No problem , I just thought someone could use it and I hate to see anything go to waste .
Sam 1 I am not sure we want anyone who would even stay in a place like Chicago . Even without the gun laws who could live in a place like that , High crime , home of the dead that vote , A big killer for me is Cold Weather ,and so on . Of coarse I don't think I could ever live in the city again , no matter where . And a big city , NEVER !!
Oh Shoot , it is Easy , have you ever seen an AR in 6.5 Jap ? It was less than 2 full boxes of 20 and I had tried to sell it a half a dozen times for what my son gave for it.( He bought the wrong stuff ) The shipping is the deal killer. It has to go UPS and then you add another 15.00 on top of the one dollar a shot for the ever so popular Japanese Arisaka in 6.5 and they are beating your door down to buy it. Now if it had been the high powered 223 then we could have made some big bucks. :pleased:
I did find that in some research a little while ago . The buyer is the one who is to comply or he is in violation. They ( IL ) doesn't care about the seller . I was just trying to avoid a headache if I could. Thanks
No greed here . Lost money on these but got tired of them sitting around . He is emailing a copy of his FIOD and from what I am reading that should be enough . I will also get the DL . I can not believe what people would put up with and stay there . i figure I will print it and put it up so it will be lost if I ever need it. The more I try and get organized the worse it is when I look for it.
I sold some ammo on Gun Brokers and need to ship it to Chicago . This is just proof as to how well a gun and ammo ban works. From what I understand I am going to have to ship it to a FFL holder or get a copy of his FOID card. I had to look that up and it is a Firearm Owner I. D . card. And how many murders were commited there last year ? Answer 532 We are not talking about handgun ammo but 6.5 mm Japanese . I saw the Chicago address and thought it would be best if I looked at places like Centerfire to make sure I didn't break some stupid law I didn't know about. I am waiting to hear back from the buyer now . Does anyone know the exact laws for there ?
ABQ shooting, with a... you guessed it
Keyless replied to Sam1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Shooter on any meds ? I would bet he is but I have not heard . -
Lets not confuse them with the facts. They don't think that the unborn child is a human . They are wrong on that one as well In order to save one life ( from a criminal with a gun ) , using their logic brings a much bigger question . How many have to be beaten , raped ,car jacked , home invaded or even be murdered because they couldn't defend his or her castle , because the honest law abidding are going to be the only ones to not have a gun ? Home invasions are very high overseas where guns are banned and from what I hear they often attack the elderly . It is really hard for me to believe where we are as a nation . It is like no country out there learned from the past history . Britian had to have us send them guns at the beginning of WW 2 and what would they do now if attacked . I would vote to send them Piers Morgan and a bundle of sticks and that would be it. Do people really think the past can not be repeated ? Every country that gets disarmed , get the bonus of a Dictator . History shows us what follows . The Government of Hitler ,Stalin , Mao and other have killed more of thier own people than any war . I would like to think it would never happen here but we are using the same directions and I don't see how following the same coarse of action is going to turn out any different this time. This is like watching the same movie over and over thinking it will end different this time . Not an overnight transformation but look where we where 40 years ago to now. Then look around at all these panty waisted morons who believe the global warming crap , that it is better to have the hybrid car to save the universe that drill our own oil and tell the forien oil suppliers where they can put their dipstick. What will it be like in another 40 ? Or at the current speed , say 10 years ?
Dolomite Looks like what I need. Thanks
Not given enough time . He does not belive in the Constitution. Given time he will trample on all of it.
Dolomite What Savage model are you refering as to get other than the Axis or Edge ? I like to tinker and I am also interested in getting another rifle in a small centerfire caliber . I am guessing you can change barrels within a range of the case head being the same ? Buying new will probably be what I end up doing because I am looking to get a lefty ? Not trying to hijack but just get us both a little more info.
Very good and I passed it on . It is sort of sad , but that that is just about the way it is . The last person people listen to is someone who knows what is going on. Common sense is not very common . My brother in law was talking about the post office bringing a rifle from Sears and left it leaning against the mail box pole . I am guessing it was in the early to mid 60's .
Great video , He makes some of the same points that I have .
I would think that the 7.62 x 39 could be improved on with some handloads . I sure do like my old SKS but they have gone nuts on price like everything else right now . Probably best buy now would be in bolt or lever guns .