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Everything posted by Keyless

  1. I have done it a few times and the threading the primer hole and using spacers and a bolt to pull the brass from the die has always worked . RCBS part # 504741 is what I made from the hardware store  Washers for spacers a drill bit , tap and a bolt will probably be less than the ready made tool . You can go to Midway and get a picture of it so you know what you need but it is the same as the video posted above.
  2. Could be , they might have had people at both shows . Did you get one of his cards ?
  3. It was the show in Chattanooga at the Shriner's .
  4. I was finally able to get some more trail boss powder  . A table with more powder than I have seen in a while . I got one of his cards but can't find it now. I was thinking he said he was out of Cleveland . Anyone have the email address ?
  5. Regular 38 special store bought ammo not even + P . The hand takes it to the correct place every time if you apply pressure to the cylinder .  So I bought a couple of video's but neither one showed my exact problem so I finally took a good look at it and here is what I came up with.    In the video's they talk about the cylinder jumping past or out of the lock up slot and leaving a burr coming out of the lockup grove. That is not what mine was doing . The bolt was coming up after the locking grove had passed and clearly hitting past the slot because of the way the mark was made from the outside of the cylinder goin into the cylinder . What I came up with was , for some reason the bolt / cly lock was not coming up and hanging in the frame too long letting the cylinder pass by and then snapping up    There was a rough spot on the hammer where the bolt rides over just before it is turned loose to pop up . It appears to be fixed and I will keep an eye on it . I don't do any fast shooting and you could feel it when it done it .  
  6.  I carry a 33 99% of the time , BUT I use my magazine from my 32 with a grip extension. I personally don't like it without the extra grip. If it were me I would buy the 33 over a 26 anyday. I  have both but  with a 33 you can simply buy a 40 barrel ( uses same magazine ) or a 9mm conversion barrel and 9 mm magazine and go to other calibers .    From what I have read the 9mm can even use the same spring assembly on most ammo the only problem being some of the cheaper low power stuff. If you buy it in 9mm the hole in the slide is too small to go up in caliber. The conversion barrel has the chamber positioned so that it does not need a different ejector and has the outside diameter that matches the larger hole in the slide. I am planning on getting a conversion barrel for my 24 .
  7. I have been looking and Storm lake offers the 21 barrel in a conversion to 10mm as well . The conversion barrels have a larger outside diam. so the properly fit the bigger hole in the 45 A.C.P. slides  My conversion barrel seems to work fine in my 30 and I basically got a 29 for the price of the barrel and a magazine . I started the 10mm love , with a Smith & Wesson but that just got me into the cartridge. The Glock is a much better shooting pistol to me.
  8. There is one listed in knoxville for 350.00 , probably a blue label , but the price seems to be dropping fast . One sold on Gun Brokers a few days ago for 460.00 that a local gun shop had . It was said they can be ordered online for 424.00 but I didn't check it out because this was the first Glock that I just have no interest in owning but after watching the whole review he also mentions that price . Either way that is a big drop from a few weeks ago.    I had started watching the review and just finished it . I also watched several other reviews on it and just can't get excited about a 380 in the size gun that so many are making in 9mm. I am sure they will sell just because it is a Glock but I am not sure of how well they will sell.   I even have a 45 GAP and a G36 . The 45 GAP was cheap but I still don't know why I bought it . I have never shot it . The 36 I really  like and carry often .
  9. Anyone who is looking to get a SF model Glock needs to hold one first. When I bought my 20 I also checked out the SF models and had planned on the SF . But I was amazed that they didn't feels as good in my hands . I don't have big hands and always thought that the 20/21 size are a little big . But to me they still feel better than the short frame SF models . I ended up buying a regular 20 . This is just my opinion .
  10. I am not wild about the sub compacts but if you use a compact magazine and a mag spacer it totally changes the feel . When I am not carrying my 36 I carry a 33 with the magazine from my 32 . It feels great and gives you a few more rounds .
  11. I started buying models that I can buy a barrel and change calibers due to the last year of ammo availability . I prefer to buy any given compact , sub compat or full size in 40 or 357 instead of a 9mm . A conversion barrel and magazine can change them to a 9mm but you can't go from 9mm to 40 or 357 without a slide and other parts.  ( This is for the smaller frame 9mm ,40 and  357 guns . I don't count the 45 GAP in this section because they are sort of oddballs and it would not be easy to change them to a different caliber.)    I also have a 10mm conversion barrel for my G 30 so I am in no hurry to buy a 29.  I am not sure what barrels are out there for the larger full size 21 . I know the 20 has 40 and 357 barrels available and even use the same magazine , but I have not looked into the 21 .    I like the 23/32 size but you already have a 19 . I would have to ask a few questions before I could suggest anything.   Are you looking to stay in the calibers you have now?   What are your plans for the new Glock ? Home protection , target/ range /practice , carry or other .   I also like 10mm and 357 but the ammo can be pricey and sometimes hard to find. Does that matter to you ?   I have a G 24 and plan on getting a 357 and 9mm conversion barrel for it someday . That would be great for target practice but big for a carry gun. I have 11 Glocks and like them all , but for different things.  I have a G  36 and really like it as a carry gun.   Can we get a little more info on the intended use of the new Glock . 
  12. I bought a Uberti cattleman used the other day and it seemed fine then. A few day later the hand spring broke. I found it after I noticed it was not always locking up correctly. I did a repair on the spring but still not getting a 100 % on the lock up. Every once in a while it will go past the bolt .    I have checked for burrs and had it apart several time . Checked the bolt , the lock up slots in the cylinder and the hammer . There were some burrs on the cylinder and it helped when I removed the burrs.    It is not always the same cylinder and it may go 25 times and lock up eveytime and the it will overshoot the bolt. I don't feel safe shooting it and not sure what to look for. I wouldn't feel right selling it and not telling the buyer of the problem either.    I am not a gunsmith but do tinker and don't mind working on it but not sure where to go from here. I am thinking of ordering some DVD but have not been impressed with previous DVD's that I bought for other guns.    Any suggestion on good info , what to look at or a gunsmith in the Chattanooga are that does action repair on single actions .
  13.  I have bought several lone wolf barrels on ebay. You only need to order the replacement barrel for the same size Glock when going from 40 to 357 Sig or 357 to 40 . On my sons 23 we just ordered a barrel for the 32  , magazine works for either caliber , this can give you more options for ammo . Of coarse this does no apply with the 35 or 24 because they never made them in 357.   . When you go down to 9mm from 40 or 357 you need the conversion barrel and a magazine. I have not tried one yet on a conversion to 9 mm but I want one for my 32 because I don't have a 19 .   I do have a Storm Lake conversion barrel for my G 30 to go from 45 ACP to 10 mm . I have only shot it a few times but the cost of the barrel and magazine were way cheaper than a G 29 . Seems to work fine.
  14. Dug my book up and the 24 came out in January 1994 and and is a 40 version of the 17L 9mm . it also states   " that is was one year after IPSC were embarking on a 6 year tear of experimentig with high capacity pistols in 38 super with red dot sights and loud, obnoxious compensators on them. If you were not shooting a pistol with 25 round ( later 28 round as the details got worked out ) magazine with a dot and a comp that blasted paint off all the props , you were not competative  ".    It goes on to say that the introduction of Limited 10 in the late 90's would have given it a chance ( talking mainly about the fixed sights and 40 caliber ) but it would NOT fit in the box so they shortened it and made the 34/35 pistols.   They are still being produced but in limited numbers .
  15. I also have a 24 Gen 3 , that I bought last year (new) and have not shot it yet . At the time I bought it you couldn't find ammo and I didn't have any 40 ammo. I sort of lost interest in shooting with all the availability and prices of ammo . They seem front heavy until you load the magazine and then they feel pretty good . Factory adjustable sights and the longer sight radius might help if I ever shoot it.   I am thinking I read that it is too big for some of the competitions and something changed a few years after it was introduced and the 34/35 came out to fit in the box and the 24 will not. My memory is not very good and I know nothing about competition shooting , so I may be totally wrong.
  16. The 2 newest versions helped me with mine. I will probably buy more later but I can live with what I have for now . Currently I have 1 of every size except the 34 / 35 ( and now the 41 and 42 )  and have not been in a hurry to buy one of those . I have 1 in 45 GAP , 1 in 10mm , 3 in 45ACP , 2 in 9mm 2 in 357 Sig and 2 in 40 S&W . I had really been hoping for something other than a larger 45 or a single stack 380 that is bigger than several other brands that are available.    I still believe another intrest will help more than anything. I am hunting for a rifle that I have not been able to find and I know if I spend the money I have set back for it , I will find one the next day . So for now I am in remission , but a single stack 9mm the size of the new 380 would have probably caused a relapse.
  17. tercel89    I can see what you are saying . But my point is most people that have a Glock , have one the same physical size as the 25 or 28 . The 26/27and 33 are the exact same physical size as the 28 and the 25 is the same size as the 19/23 and 32.  The 25 and  28 , I think , were to meet the need in countries that can not have guns in the same caliber as military and police . They do not meet enogh ATF "points" to be imported , but they could be built here and get around that . Other than collecting I just don't see the need for a 25 or 28 in this country. I just thick they would be a hard sell in this country. Again just my opinion.     I did get my Smith SW 380 " Sigma "  out and it is almost the exact same size of the Glock 380 in the video. To me it is still a little to big for my pocket on most pants , so I get to save my money a little longer .
  18. A 380 , that is not considerably SMALLER that a 9 mm size pistol  , is a waste to me , in this country . Some countries do not allow civilians to have guns in calibers that are the same as thier military . Ammo is higher and less powerful than the same ammo in a 9 mm . Ther is better 380 than 20 years ago but there is better 9 mm as well. I am guessing that this is in the size range of a Sigma S&W 380 / Kel Tec PF9 , I will have to check but to me the popularity  rise of the 380 has been due to the super small pistols they are making and Not because of the actual cartridge.    A plus is that it can probably have a 9 mm version soon. Thier other 380's can be sold here  "IF THEY WOULD JUST BUILD THEM HERE " . But again why buy a 380 that is the same physical size as a 9mm ? Again , no one asked me and what do I know.    As for the larger 45 , That does not interest me for now either . I already have a 21 , 30 , and a 36 . It has to have a very limited market as would the 10 mm model in the same size . I have a 20 and like the 10 mm but it has a limited following and it is still not uncommon to say you have a 10 mm , just to hear someone reply with " don't you mean a 9 mm ? " .    Concealed carry I would think is where they have let thier competition make a bunch of sales. Just think of all the LCP / Kel Tec P3at / S&W bodyguard / PF9 Kel Tec / LC9 and so on that have been sold . Glock fans who have already bought one of the smaller competiters pistols are not likely to buy a Glock just so they have another Glock. A few might , but for the most part , I would think those sales are gone forever . TOO LITTLE , TOO LATE in my opinion
  19. No need for me to buy one. I would have been interested in a single stack 9 mm or even a true pocket 380 in LCP / Keltec size . This just saves me money .
  20. Believe it or not Ebay shows up some odd parts sometimes . Bob's gun parts has some but I think it is a mom and pop operation and sometimes takes a little longer . Not that its a bad thing , just letting you know.
  21. It must be replaced with another itis . My Glockitis is in remission for now. However a G-42 might cause a flair up . Mine was replaced by lever actionitis for now .
  22.   I like the 35 Remington and just bought a 444 Marlin . For some reason the 357 Magnums are a hard to find and cost more than other calibers. I found a 357 Marlin 1894 in a pawn shop a few weeks ago and a 444 last week at another pawn shop . As soon as deer season is over there will probably be popping up for sale more often.     If you plan on using a scope , I would stick with a Marlin or Henry . Marlin being the easiest to scope . Some Winchesters are angle eject and mounts are available but to me the Marlin is a better option . I normally take the scopes off of my lever guns , but I only shoot for fun .
  23. I had the opposite happen to me , so it must just be how whoever is working looks at it or wants to treat you .      I had went to a Walmart and they had gotten some 22 magnums in stock . I think about 10 boxes or so. I told him I wanted 3 boxes and he asked did she want 3 boxes also because she can get 3 boxes too. I told him no , that I had bought a 22 magnum a few months ago and I just didn't have much ammo for it . but thanks and to leave them for someone else .
  24. I have a Marlin 25mn and it is accurate as can be. I also bought a Henry Golden boy but have not shot it yet. The Marlin is a good option . Easy to scope and probably can be found used for a fair price .
  25. If they would just make them in the GA /USA they could sell there current 380 auto's here in this country  . The current stupid ATF import point system is keeping them from being imported . Even so a 380 that is the same physical size as a 9mm is going to be a hard sell to me . I would think a true SMALL 380 say Kel Tec / Ruger LCP size and a single stack small 9mm would be a better use of there time. But that is just my opinion . 


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