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Everything posted by Keyless
You are correct and I did leave the word Magazine out. Sorry about that I was in a hurry . But thanks for the info .
I am real interested in the Saiga and I am pretty sure it is what I will buy , unless I run across a good deal from a individual locally . I did notice something in the ad that I need a little info on It said somewhere that a factory AK-47 does not fit without modifacation to the gun . What needs to be done ? I am guessing a simple grinding of some little block or something. Thanks for all the help on these basic questions , But I want to avoid any mistakes .
Smith I just found your post with info on the coversion links . It sound just like what I want . Something affordable to buy and parts availale to customize it like I want . Thanks for the help.
Smith Very nice !! Thats what I have in mind . I had a mak 90 and a SLR 95 years ago and liked them very well but times got hard and kids had to be fed. Again this may be a stupid question but how has the law changed on the folding stock ? At one time it was a no no but I am seeing it done now on a regular basis and am thinking it was part of the Clinton ban that included the high capacity magazines that ran out or something . I sort of lost interest for a while and didn't keep up with all the changes in the laws. Thanks
Thanks for the info. Maybe I should have said that I just want a folding stock. I will try and check both type of folding stocks out . Mike , I enjoy building things and have a small home machine shop with a lathe and mill . I have built a semi automatic Sten with a tube from Indianapolis Ordinance . However , I do want to thank you for the warning , but I think I would enjoy it and I think , I realize what I am gettimg into. I see places that sell receivers that are flat and need bent . I have a press and time. So I figure the worst that can happen is I can loose some time , a little money , and have a parts kit to sell .
I am looking into buying a AK 47 type rifle towards the end of the year. I am looking to get the best I can for the money. There a several different ones out there and as of now my only requirement is , I want a underfolder. I am seeing several listed from various countries. Are any better than others ? Any big things to look for , or to avoid . I am not looking for the best out there but just a decent shooter. I have also thought about buying a parts kit and building one. Anyone done that before? I see parts kits at Apex and I am sure several places offer the parts needed to build a SEMI-Automatic rifle . Thanks for any info.
My friend next door has one and loves it. It was a early one and did have a extractor problem . It did have the problem dicharge of a round and was sent back to Smith for repairs . He did find others that had the same type problem in the early rifles .I am not sure about the ammo he was using or how it has done after repairs . It is my understanding that something has been updated in later production rifles. I will try and ask later today and post any info. I sort of feel that a gun costing that much in a .22 long rifle should be tough enough to shoot anything you could throw at it. I have shot it before repairs but sort of scared of it after the problem. I am only concerned because I shoot left handed . I had thought about buying one untill the problem occured. I also realize that sometimes things show up in the real world that didn't happen during testing . To this I can say Smith is standing behind the product and working with customers .
I guess I should have mentioned , all the saftey's work perfect on full cock. I am glad to hear that it is not uncommon . The action is so smooth it is hard for me to believe it has a problem , but it just doesn't seem " normal " to me that the hammer drops on half cock. It could have been like this when I owned it before and I just never noticed it. Thanks for all the replies .
I have a question about a 1911 copy I recently bought . This is the second time I have owned this pistol and it shoots great. It is a Olimpic Arms Matchmaster and I noticed that when on halfcock you can pull the trigger and the hammer will fall. This pistol has had several modifacations done and I really like it. I saw somewhere that on a series 80 the hammer will fall when on half cock. Is there something wrong with my gun or is it supposed to do this ? It has a great action and I took it all the way down to the bare frame and closely examined the sear and hammer. I don't see anything worn or damaged . Thanks
Basic Black Powder pistol load ?
Keyless replied to Keyless's topic in Curio, Relics and Black Powder
Thanks for the replies. What I have is some powder that is 777 FFF and the measure I bought goes down to 20 so it looks like that will be my starting point. It is a CVA colonial pistol and I am not going to be to concerned on getting it dead on , but just shooting for a little fun and to remember how it was years ago . I shot this pistol over 15 years ago and enjoyed it very much , but then bought some black powder revolvers and sort of put this one to the side. I sold all the revolvers years ago . I found this when cleaning up and now picked up a little interest in shooting balck powder again. My brother in law ( who built the kit ) has since bought several black powder revolvers and we will be getting together to shoot them next week. He has never shot this one that he made . I still have to get some 440 lead balls if I can find them . Can you shoot maxi balls out of a pistol ? That might be all I can find without ordering them. The barrell is around 6" and I sort of see it as a waste to use maxi balls . Anybody know of a store in the Chattanooga are that has 440 lead balls ? -
Sorry to be asking such a basic question . Many years ago I was given a single shot pistol made by my brother in law from a CVA kit. I shot it about 15 years ago and it has been apart in a drawer for years . I found it when cleaning out a desk and cleaned it up and want to shoot it again . I am looking but have not found a good basic starting and maximum load chart. I am seeing a good rule of thunb is 1 grain per caliber . So that would be 45 grains for a 45 caliber . That seems like a little much for the single shot pistol . I am going by the local Books A Million to look for any info but would welcome any suggestions. Thanks in advance .
my Chiropractor gets an A rating from me.
Keyless replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I go there also. He has done more for my back than anyone else. He just applied for his permit last month or so and I was talking to him about how long mine took to come back. . -
Let me clear it up. Mine ran out in October. I applied in August as did my buddy who's also ran out in October. We had originally taken the class together in the late 90's . So I only applied for a renewal 2 months before it ran out. His came back a little over a week ago and mine came back Saturday. I don't know what crack we fell through but I will worry about that next time.
Finally came yesterday March 13 . Renewed on August 18th 2009 . Called twice and was 5 days short of taking 7 months .
My buddy got his back last week at just over 6 months. We renewed within a few days of each other . I talked to some others taht had renewals coming up and told them go early . They got their back in no time . I don't understand the delays on just certain ones.
I called Again today for a total waste of my time. I was nice and again I was told I am on the list waiting for a Backgroud check. I told her I had renewed in August and called in January and was given the same answer. She said they are really behind with all the additional background checks. I asked if she had any idea how long it was going to take ? Her answer was she coulndn't really say because she was not sure. I do know it has not been lost in the mail . I realize that 2009 has been a GREAT YEAR for gun sales . I also see where Tennessee is up 23% in carry permits. I am thinking that the background checks are Federal for permits as are new gun sales checks . I can also assume that at least some other states have an increase in carry permits as well . If this increase causes this kind of delays , I can only hope and pray I am not going to have to rely on the Government if I am having a HEART ATTACK!!! I feel like I am up creek without a paddle.
I have been waiting over 6 months for mine to come back . I renewed on August 18 2009 in Cleveland TN. This is the second time I have renewed and this is the longest I have ever waited. Mine expired in October and all I have is the paper given at the driver license office and my old permit. Is it still legal to carry ? I figure it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six! I did break down and call in January and was told it was there waiting on a background check . I told the lady that I had bought a new handgun in December and the background check took 20 minutes . She said that she would get it in the right hands to see it got took care of. I have a freind who originally went to the same class . We also renewed at about the same time in August of last year. He has not got his back either and was given the same answer when he called . I am off Friday and may call again.