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Everything posted by EMTRN

  1. My two favorite OWB holsters are the Galco Concealable which runs from 80-100 bucks and believe it or not, the Glock Sport Combat holster which is less than $20.
  2. Thanks for the love, guys!
  3. I've been on here since 2007 and I read everyday, but don't post very often.  Decided to become a benefactor finally and I hope more of you will do the same!
  4. SCAM.  The way he phrased his sentences screams English as a second language. 
  5. I have heard that in Louisiana, they tow any vehicle without proof of insurance.  I love that idea, but I don't see how they have time for all of that.  If we started that here, I would be towing half of the vehicles I stop. It would be very time consuming.  
  6. I have time. :pleased:
  7. I can call the insurance company and verify, but I have never actually done it.  If it is not expired on the card, I don't worry about checking.  If it is expired or they don't have the card, I will write them for it.  When they come to court, if they bring proof that the insurance was valid and in effect at the time of the stop, our judge will dismiss the charge at no cost. If they acquired insurance after the stop, our judge will dismiss the charge but still require them to pay the fine.   Does that answer your question?   I will have people with cards that expired 2 years ago that tell me that I need to call their insurance company and verify that it is in effect.  Not going to happen.  I hate calling my own insurance company.  I'm not going to navigate through the menu and hold for a representative while sitting on the edge of a highway because they did not put the new card in their car. 
  8. Mine are in my avatar. I will post better ones later. My black lab Buford died in october of 2011. I still miss him!
  9. Prayer just sent!
  10. I have had the Lansky system for about ten years. It does a great job.
  11. The best thing you could do is get training. You can use household items to accomplish most of what you can do with these trauma kits.
  12. EMTRN

    Act of Valor

    Good movie. Acting seemed along the lines of "Fire Proof," if anybody saw it a few years ago. Good action parts, but the plot could have been a little more interesting.
  13. EMTRN


    CMMG makes good stuff.
  14. EMTRN

    Body Armor

    Look up TCA 39-17-1323. Unless you are doing something illegal, you can wear a vest. I don't know why anyone would want to wear one. I have to wear one on duty and it is not fun. I can't find anything in my TCA book about selling a vest. I don't believe there are any laws against selling it to someone who can legally own one.
  15. Thanks to everyone for the advice and thanks to tnscooter63 for coming out and helping!
  16. Hey guys, I moved into a house today from an apartment. The house has had the power off for 2 months. After MLGW turned on the power, I turned the heat to 68 and left to move my stuff. When I came back it was 80 degrees in the house so I turned the heat all the way down to 50 and left for another load. When I got back, it was 90 degrees in the house with the thermostat set all the way down on 50. I have it turned completely off right now. When I have it on auto, the heat is not kicking off. The house is only a couple of years old, but it does not have digital thermostats. They are the switch that you move up and down manually. I need ideas, or a recommendation for a good HVAC repairman in Memphis. Thanks, Paul
  17. Beltman belts are great. I have had one for 5 years and have worn it every day. It still looks good and is a great gun belt.
  18. The Shotgun part killed my times. I was reloading from the pockets of my fleece, while everyone else had nifty belt shell holders. I was satisfied with my rifle and pistol scores, for a first time effort. I guess I have more gear to buy now. Soon I am going to open up my own holster and gear rental service.
  19. I believe squad 1. My name is Paul, and I think I was the only Paul there.
  20. I shot 3 gun at MSSA Saturday for the first time. Had a great time. I just need to get some low recoil slugs so I will be able to use my shoulder again! Thanks to Crawlin for the invite.
  21. Somerville PD: Glock 22
  22. There was a Sigma 380 years ago.
  23. Hey guys, I have not been around much due to my wife's never ending to-do lists. I just wanted to let everyone know that my son was born on the 18th. Mom, baby, and 3 y/o sister are doing well. Someday I'll get some sleep again!
  24. I think EVERYONE is on too much medication. Most symptoms that people take medication for, can be relieved with diet and exercise!


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