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Everything posted by sjames90
Great advice. I found a person who works in the same organization as me who I invited to lunch next week to talk "turkey". If you know of, or if you are, from Murfreesboro and want to get together holler at me. Coffee is on me.
I'm far past age 21, heh. However I wasn't really considering it for carrying to hunt. I was more wanting something as a backup like I carry normally. You never know when you might need something for protection and you can't shoulder your rifle fast enough. That was my intent with that question.
I couldn't agree more with this. I'm still a hunting beginner, but know enough that the experience of the hunt is more important to me than harvesting an animal. Being outdoors, having some alone time with my gun , enjoying nature. And if something happens to cross the path of my gun, all the better. But not getting an animal wouldn't constitute a failure. And everytime I get to go out, I learn something new for the next time.
LOL, as Bubba runs back from the processed meat isle claiming he's already field dressed it.
LoL, if you come across one of these take a pic and send to me. Seriously though, great advice. I really appreciate you guys willingness to share.
Dave, appreciate the info! Any other opinions or suggestions from others?
I'm very new at hunting in general and have several questions. So take it easy on me guys (been mauled with sarcasm before on other sites when requesting newbie information). Before calling TWRA and asking them, I thought I'd bounce some off of y'all and see what I could find out. I know I could probably search websites for several hours and find some of these answers, but TGO is here... and I thought I'd use it I'm looking for a lot of advice from experienced hunters like those on this board. Personal opinion is great. Facts are even better for my specific questions. I watch a lot of the Outdoor Channel and learn a lot. But knowledge from those who are actually in my area is what I need to be successful and have fun. I have no personal land for hunting. My father-in-law has about 38 acres that he said I could go check out in a few weeks. So in the meantime, I'm banking on using a WMA for hunting. I'm in Murfreesboro, so I'm guessing the closest WMA is Percy Priest? Is that correct? Anyone here ever hunt there? If so, any advice? I contacted my local NWTF chapter by recommendation of someone on another thread here for information about turkey hunting since that season is fast approaching. I'm hoping to hear back soon from them. But in the meantime: 1) Can you take 4 wheelers on WMA land? 2) Can you take blinds or stands into WMA land? If yes, do you guys utilize these when turkey or deer hunting? Any recommendations on the affordable good ones? 3) Are the WMA areas extremely packed during turkey and deer seasons? How does one negotiate a decent place to hunt with lots of other hunters on public land? What are the unstated rules when dealing with other hunters? 4) How much gear do normal hunters take? I mean, do you carry a backpack full and blind for turkey hunting? For deer hunting, do you lug a stand with backpack and gun? What else would you need to take with you for each of those game? 5) Do most people field dress big game? Or do you take it out? Or can you field dress them on a WMA? If you can't for some reason, how does one get the big game out without an ATV? I don't have a truck once I actually get it out anyways. Am I just out of luck? 6) Does TN require insurance for ATV's? 7) I see the limit on deer is 3. Is that for the whole season? 8) What's the rules for hunting doe? I always thought (or heard) that you can't hunt does. If you can, how does that go toward your quota limit? 9) What kind of optics do you guys carry? Binoculars, rangefinder, spotting scopes? Any recommendations on affordable brands and models? 10) What's a good affordable brand/model scope for each turkey and deer hunting? And for squirrels for that matter. 11) What's the best gauge for turkey hunting? I have a .410 that was passed down to me, but I'm guessing it's probably not good enough. I also have a side by side 12 ga that was passed down to me. But I never see turkey hunters on tv using a side by side. 12) Do you guys use a GPS to find your way in and out of WMA's? If so, what's a good affordable brand/model? 13) What do y'all use for scent reduction? Is it as important as everyone says on tv? 14) Are you permitted to take a handgun on WMA property if licensed to carry? 15) What are your opinions on gun color? Is camo better all around? Or tactical black? I hardly ever see a wood stock on guns on tv. Just wondering why. I realize this is a lot of information requested. Any answers and advice on ANY of these questions would be appreciated. Hopefully after several experienced hunters peruse this thread I can get an answer to most of these questions. Thanks in advance, and feel free to shoot advice on items not listed above for a newcomer.
Awesome! And great looking wall all around
Thanks for the info above. I to am looking for someone to convey my interest in turkey hunting. I contacted the local NWTF chapter (ends up being someone at work I already know).
Welcome to TGO from a fellow Boro'an!
Welcome to TGO from the Boro! My grandfather used to sing me a sing when I was little that your location reminded me of: "Me and my wife and my wife's pap, walked all the way to the Cumberland Gap. We got to the river and we couldn't get across, so we paid five dollars for an old grey hoss. We took him to the river and he wouldn't swim a lick, so we busted his head with a sycamore stick!"
Welcome to TGO from the Boro!
Welcome to TGO, from the Boro!
Very true on the resale value! For the cost of most used Glocks you can almost buy a new one. But are great for trade-ins.
Because for the price, you didn't care to own 48 Hi-Points.
I'd rather own a Hi-Point than the Rohm model 10 22short revolver my dad gave me. I'm thinking he's trying to tell me something.
Absolutely good for you on quitting. I tell my buddies that I'd buy their first pack of nicorette (except I've heard that stuff tastes like crap and doesn't work). Anything I can do to help them out. But hey, if you can get a piece out of it, way to work the deal!
I just recently purchased a Ruger M3 Target and it's a great plinker. Very accurate and Ruger makes a great and reliable product. I need to get one of those autoloaders tho, my thumbs hate me for it now.
For that price, sounds like a good range gun.
This would be cool, but finding 380s are few and far between. In Murfreesboro, as far as I know, you can only find 380 at the Outpost in Christiana.
I went to that show. I'm pretty new to gun shows and firmarms. But this type of experience definately turns me off to wanting to purchase from someone there. I've heard from some friends that these shows are more or less for people to get familiar with what's out there. The deals are elsewhere. But I sincerely hope you get that resolved. And I sympathize with the situation.
Greetings from Steven in the boro! I stumbled across this forum a bit ago while searching for good online firearms stores. Very glad I found it. Lots of great information and an excellent way to trade and buy locally. I grew up in middle/west TN and was around guns my whole life. I always had a fascination with them, but not until recently have I been infatuated with them. My dad handed down 3 to me; a 30-30, Marlin 60, and a .410. I purchased a Taurus PT111 and a Ruger Mark III Target pistol. Traded for the Taurus at the Outpost and bought the Ruger at the RK Gunshow last weekend at the Expo Center in Murfreesboro. I can't get out and shoot them enough! Looking forward to chatting with you all.