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Everything posted by huntingman
How Long Have You Had Your TN Handgun Carry Permit
huntingman replied to runco's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
14 years -
Thank you for the response. I have done that.
Which forum should I post a knife for sale in? I have noticed knives for sale in the gear and the non-firearms trading posts... I posted a knife in the non-firearms trading post but it may sell faster in the gear trading post.
I picked up a Ed Brown Kobra Carry ss yesterday. For my own safety around my wife I'm not even thinking of a "Next got to have gun", at least not out loud. Just between us........... another Ed Brown.
Coyote Round of Choice for ARs in .223?
huntingman replied to Sidewinder's topic in Hunting and Fishing
x2 Cheaper stuff works just fine. I use whatever I can find in 55 gr. in SP or HP. Right now, my AR-15s are zeroed for 55 gr. Never shot the 45 gr. White box. -
Congratulations ! I'm also getting the sickness for a 1911. Just that I've never owned one. I've been looking at one like that myself.
Congratulations everyone, nice looking birds. Something must be wrong with me because I've never had the desire to turkey hunt. Well, that leaves more for everybody else.
I've hunted bobcats with a rifle or bow for nearly twenty years and have done a little research on the animals and along with my own experiences, I hope I can help. Bobcats are one of the most challenging game, if not the most challenging game animals I've ever hunted. With that said, I've quit hunting them because I think with a generous supply of bobcats on hand, I see fewer coyotes on my farm. Now, this is just my own observation and it may not be related. First off, bobcats have to be around in the first place. Now this may seem funny, but it's true. Just because there are bobcats in an area doesn't mean they are where YOU are hunting or will ever be there. Bobcats just don't walk around aimlessly, they have a purpose and generally have a pattern. What I've found is if you have bobcats in your hunting area they will always be there and successfully hunting them won't be difficult. You can Google about where bobcats den and places they like. I've found, at least where I hunt them, is that they like rocky areas with abundant thick stuff, cover. They require plenty of small game such as turkeys, rabbits and so on. I would look for cat poop and all that I've seen has had hair in it. Also, look for a pile of turkey feathers. A game camera may help to locate bobcats, I've had a few pics of them on my game cameras. While I have an abundance of bobcats, I only have a few pics of them. The game cameras were located on deer trails and I wasn't trying to get bobcat pics. With that said, I do feel like bobcats use the same game trails other animals use or a trail near by, as my camera pics show this to be true. It is well known that bobcats are nocturnal with most of their movement being at dawn or dusk. Well, this may be true, but if you're hunting the den area sightings can be more like mid morning and can go on through the day, especially if it is a young bobcat or a female with her kittens. I once watched three bobcat kittens playing under my stand, and I'm sorry to say, it was the one day I didn't have my still or video camera. I've never seen or heard deer so upset as I witnessed on that day, real ANGRY ! To be honest, my largest bobcats, males, were taken while I was deer hunting over thick cover with a woodland edge. The bobcats were traveling from the woods to the cover. They weren't stalking or creeping, they were walking normally, slow and carefully. The largest male bobcat I took KNEW I was there and came in to investigate, "curiosity killed the cat" you could say. Well fed and happy bobcats may be hard to call in. They may come in out of curiosity more than anything, so even if high in a deer stand DON'T MOVE, as bobcats hunt more from sight and sound than they do scent. Trust me, I was almost attacked from behind once when a bobcat mistook my moving, brown and long haired, head for wild game, almost had to clean out my pants, if you know what I mean. The best luck I've had with calls is with a simple rabbit in distress call and used at sunrise. These are just a few of my observations and I'm in no way qualified to give advice on how to hunt bobcats in other situations, but these ways work for me. If bobcats are where you hunt, you WILL eventually be successful ! So good luck, hunt safely, and remember your camera ! The picture is the last bobcat I took and will probably be my last bobcat. He was 35 lb. and shot with a 308, at my place.
To "clear" your house, or hunker down.
huntingman replied to Will Carry's topic in Training Discussions
X2 I'm also NOT yelling and giving my position away. BG is going to have to find us. I have no children living at home so.....my plans are a little different. -
To "clear" your house, or hunker down.
huntingman replied to Will Carry's topic in Training Discussions
Mad Squirrell, Thats a very good plan and smart !!!! -
That's a good deal and the 243 would be a nice rifle to start the boys, if they want to deerhunt.
Online Petition for TN to disregard Obamacare
huntingman replied to setsdw's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Done, Thanks for posting. -
Congratulations, always a pleasure to see a coyote hunted well Nice pics
Finally got to use my new call and decoy!
huntingman replied to ShaunM's topic in Hunting and Fishing
Way to go I have so many of them yotes on my place and am sick of them killing deer and I'm sorry for the loss of livestock. This year I rarely looked at the pics on my game cameras without seeing a yote or two or three. I keep telling myself to " Get out there and hunt them", but I seldom do and only got a few last year. Great story with pic, and congratulations! Oh....and I like your hunting rifle, similar to what I like to use. -
I pocket carry a Kahr pm9 in a DeSantis, and before that it was a S&W bodyguard which was also pocket carried for 12 years. With that said, I would or will try a supertuck soon and if I like that way, Oh well, I guess I may have to get a Kimber and just be done with it.
My daughter and son-in-law wanted a home defense gun when they got married and I recommended a S&W 686 right off the bat. Heck, I took them there and I funded it. Magnificent revolver, Now...I WANT ONE TO
To "clear" your house, or hunker down.
huntingman replied to Will Carry's topic in Training Discussions
I am not so naive to believe that it CAN'T happen to me. I have tried to protect my farm and my home the best I can with cameras, security systems and common sense. I know from first hand experience that some bad guys are very clever, but thats another topic. I want to be prepared for the worst, and all situations that I can. As for the topic, No.....I am not checking out a disturbance. I have done that before and it was nothing, but I realized how stupid I acted. My wife and I do have a plan and I feel everyones situation may be different. -
I've taken quite a few bobcats around my farm with a rifle and bow. Bobcats are in abundance on my farm, in the thick stuff. I was going to quit hunting them as I had one mounted. Several years ago my neighbors reported to me that they saw a huge bobcat roaming around close to my farm. I didn't think much about it as I wasn't going to hunt them, but this cat walked up when I was deerhunting. I wasn't going to shoot, but he stopped right in front of me at around 75 yards, and I saw how big he was. I got him with my Remington model 7 308. DRT. I am sure he is somewhere over 30lbs, as my home scale weighed him at 35. My back was hurting that day and I had trouble lifting him for the first pic. The pic with him on the back of my 4 wheeler gives a better look at his size. When male bobcats get this size, even in Tennessee, they start to hunt small deer. IMG]http://i695.photobucket.com/albums/
To "clear" your house, or hunker down.
huntingman replied to Will Carry's topic in Training Discussions
It's not so hard to come up with a plan on what to do in your situation, clear house or whatever, but more difficult to plan on, what if they get the drop on you? I mean, what if they come in your bedroom, turn on the light and have a gun on you. What will you do? How will you respond? Will you draw? obey? If you have a gunsafe, as I do, they will want it opened. It's hard to be prepared for all situations that may unfold in a burglary or home envasion, however it may be wise to think on as many angles as we can. -
I have to say a Kahr PM9. I have both the G26 and the Kahr PM9. Just love the Glock 26, I qualified with it in 1999 for my HCP. However, It was too much for my pocket, as that is how I want to carry. I found that I was leaving the 26 at home and carrying my S&W airweight bodyguard most of the time. I purchased the Kahr PM9 and have shot hundreds of rounds without one malfunction and carry it every where, just as easy as the S&W airweight. I guess that most are right on the Glock being the best for most, but just depends on you and how you want to carry. I will say this, it is the Glock 26 that is at my bed side and the one of two, the other being the G19, I would pick if I could only have one pistol. The grip I have with the thick Glocks feels so much better to my 57 year old hands. The Kahr takes some dryfiring and practice to get used to the trigger, but it's worth it to me. Now, thats just me My pick, as of now, is the Kahr PM9.