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Everything posted by VERO1

  1. VERO1

    9mm Revolver?

    Other than the Taurus, you'll probably be paying $600 + for a Ruger or Smith, if you can find one.
  2. Probably only able to use duct tape on lighter calibers. I am thinking some short drywall screws would be best for heavy calibers!
  3. I tried a search to see if this thread existed previously and came up empty. Has anyone besides me puchased a gun because you had ammo for one? I have done it several times, the last was an S&W Model 57, because I had 2 boxes of 41 mags that had been laying around for several years. Yeah,yeah I know I could just sell the ammo, but what fun is that?
  4. I was just looking through the feedback forum, and thought how nice it was to see 100+ feedbacks with no negative remarks. I think it says a lot for the members we have onboard.
  5. I ain't standing in front of it!
  6. I have never understood why laser grips are so dang expensive! I can buy a pair of Pachmeyer or Hogues for around $20. I can buy a nice laser for $5-$10. If I want the laser mounted in the grips I am looking at $200 plus. Heck the Crossman BB pistol I paid $29 for, came with a rail mounted laser that fits my XD perfectly. I'm sure recoil would probably kill it, but I really look cool when I strap on my Mall Ninja gear!
  7. Hey Frank. We did the same thing last year. Moved from Vero Beach and haven't looked back. Wish I would have done it a long time ago!
  8. Smith and Wesson will give you a letter telling who and when they shipped the gun to originally. It will also tell you what it was when it left the factory. I believe they charge you $35 and it will take a month or so to get it.
  9. I didn't get one, but I did deliver about 25 of them today. Yeah! lets make them to big for the mailbox, that show them!
  10. VERO1

    Saiga 12!!!!

    Oh Man! Looks like I created a monster!!! Glad that old worn- out bird gun is working out well for you! Keep the pictures coming and I may have to go find myself another one.
  11. VERO1

    New Adult Toy

    Good thing you shot it before taking it home. Now she can't make you take it back!
  12. J-Frames and Keltecs in front pants pocket.
  13. Most of the time you have to get one closest in size and then grind it down to fit. I'm not sure you can get one for a specific gun unless the manufacturerer offers them.
  14. OOPS! I didn't realize that they were that high.
  15. +1 on the Paras. They have recently come out with a new 9mm. I think they call it the PDA. I believe they are in the $700 range. I have the LDA in.45 and have had no trouble with it. I got it asNIB for a little under $600. I do like the EMPS, just not the sticker shock.
  16. VERO1

    baby eagle thoughts

    I don't have the baby, mine is the full size. It will be the last gun I get rid of. They are heavy, but they also are very accurate and well made guns. I have been looking at adding a baby eagle in .45 to the safe.
  17. You could always go with Thunderwear! If he finds it then,you may want to consider a career change.
  18. Agree wit 2HOW. I'm also shooting up a lot of old stuff and updating. Shot a box of 9mm Super Vel from the early 80's. They barely operated the slide. Of course they had less than prime storage conditions. Most of the time they were sitting in a hot Florida garage.
  19. Generic Diet Dr Pepper from Wally World-------------on the rocks! Alright, be honest. Who's sneeking sips of Glock Koolaid?
  20. Uh, You didn't happen to post ad #420567 for a free 7mm on LSN, did you? If not someone else must be having the same luck you are!
  21. As a charter member of the big boys club, I have had made some of my best clothing scores at Dillards and Belks. These two seem to have the best selection of Big Mens stuff. Watch them when they run there sales, if you keep an eye on them a lot of times after the sale they slap on an additional % off lowest price. Also with some of the Dillards closing there is some pretty nice stuff pretty cheap.
  22. VERO1


    There is a shop in Morristown on Cumberland that has a pretty good inventory if you can interrupt the B.S. session long enough. I prefer to go a little further to Sevierville to the Sevier Indoor Range. Decent selection, nice people, and your wife can rent different guns to really figure out what she likes or dislikes.
  23. Back in the old days we used to load them with the cavity forward. Would sometimes tumble a little, but boy did they expand well! We called them poor boy hollow points.
  24. VERO1


    Thanks for the "Heads Up" this guy sounds like a real business man.


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