Every company has problems, and it is frustrating as heck when something you are waiting on gets caught in the black hole. I guarantee there are just as many problems with Fed Ex and UPS deliveries.
As a postal employee, I take pride in my job, most of us do. Like any other company there will always be a percentage of employees who really don't give a crap. Sad, but it is a fact.
I also challege you to do a little independent research on the post office finances before jumping on to the "We have to bail them out" train. The post office has been required to prefund retirees health care and benefits since 1970. No other company or government acency has to do this. Currently this account has been over funded by 75 Billion dollars. Since 2006, we have been required by congress to prefund at the rate of 5.6 billion a year! It would seem simple to let us use some of the money in that fund to offset expenses, right? Unfortunately, all that money goes into the governments general fund, and it seems to have been spent by our elected officials!