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Everything posted by cknight8

  1. i have never understood the desire behind fanny packs... they look uncomfortable as crap, and i just dont see the need for it. with a good holster and a good leather belt, its not hard to conceal a handgun...
  2. i would love to make it to the range more often...work has been killing me lately!
  3. while it is possible to conceal guns, there is no way he could move around like that. i have on one occasion carried concealed 5 handguns while going to walmart, just to prove to my wife that i could. she was complaining about me wanting her to carry one small S&W J frame snub nose. two of the five were full size Beretta 9mm's... oh and i love the 870...
  4. cknight8

    Im Drunk

    i think it would be hard to consume that much fluid period, even if it werent beer... thats a lot of liquid!
  5. i thought something weird was going on...just wasnt sure what it was. glad you got it fixed with minimal effort involved...
  6. welcome from a fellow Jefferson Countian...
  7. i'm a newbie here...where is the shoot at in Oak Ridge? i might be able to go, just have to check the schedule to see if the 15th is open...
  8. thanks again guys. Mike, i'll try to be at the 15th shoot...gotta check the schedule though
  9. Marswolf, i would have loved meeting at the shoot yesterday, but i didnt get a chance to get online and didnt see it until today. Kingsport is a little drive away, but reasonable close enough. maybe i'll catch you guys the next time...
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  11. Hey guys, nice little forum you got here. i like seeing a gun forum that is specific to our area. i love hunting, fishing, shooting, and generally just being outdoors. i'm a volunteer firefighter for my local community as well. looking forward to hanging out around here on TGO...


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