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Everything posted by Sheepdog

  1. Avoid Riverpark. Carry elsewhere. Win.
  2. You're not going to cram that 2022 into your pants like that, I hope...
  3. Sheepdog

    snub 357

    I've had bad, bad luck with Taurus--both their autos and wheelguns. If you're wanting to trade your 642 for a .357 snubby, I'd highly recommend the Ruger SP101. My first .357 revolver was an S&W 340PD. Wonderfully light, but painful to shoot. I still carry it, but I picked up a Ruger SP101 for practicing at the range. The extra weight does a lot to tame the recoil.
  4. What you need to do is buy a second gun, of the same make. Keep one filled with Glasers, and the other with more conventional hollowpoints that you have tested to ensure reliability. Carry them both, and if you're ever in a defensive situation, start with the Glaser-loaded gun. If it jams, just toss it and pull out the other one. Expensive? Yeah, sure. But it's cheaper than buying and firing 200 Glasers for reliability testing. And you get a second gun. Seriously, though. I used to load my carry guns with Glasers. I didn't test fire enough of them to be "statistically certain" they'd feed reliably in all of my guns, but I've shot a few--probably about 100 rounds in all. Mixed types of Glaser Blue and Glaser Silver. I've fired them out of a Beretta 84, Beretta 92, Glock 19, Ruger P89, Colt Defender, Kimber Pro-Carry, and a Kel-Tec P32. Never had a failure to feed, failure to extract/eject, or failure to fire. The Glaser Blues fully fragmented and stopped when fired into a gallon jug of water; some small fragments of the Glaser Silvers sometimes made it through and put small leaks in a second jug placed behind the first. I do not know how this performance translates to live targets, though. I've seen pictures purported to be of kevlar vests shredded by multiple Glaser hits, but didn't have the funds to do my own testing. I'll take donations, though, for the cause. There are also reports that the Glaser Silver does not fragment reliably after passing through drywall, so any hopes that this is a "safe" round for family members in other rooms may be in vain. Personally, I'd just go with a more conventional hollowpoint, such a the Golden Saber or Gold Dot.
  5. Kan! Lao wai! Welcome to the Forum, John. Hope you enjoy your time in China. As for guns...well, they're there. And there are cops who do carry. When I was there back in '96, I watched a cop commandeer a bicycle and chase someone who, I think, had also stolen a bicycle. Being on bikes, too, me and a friend followed to see what would happen. Long story short, the cop caught up to the guy and, still on the bike, drew his gun and pointed it at the thief while still riding. Finger on trigger, and the bike wobbling, I thought I was going to watch a guy get his head blown off (and not necessarily the bad guy, either. Beijing is a very crowded city.) Also, if you'd like to get your hands on a gun while you're there, you can check out the China North International Shooting Range, just outside of Beijing. I'll be honest with you. You can shoot all kinds of guns there, including machine guns, suppressed weapons, and from what I was told, RPGs and mortars, if you have the money. The bad news is that ammo is horribly expensive. The even worse news is that you're assigned a "range nanny" who loads the gun for you, attaches it to a chain that restricts which way you can point it, and then stands right behind you while you shoot, presumably to kill you with a kung-fu punch if you get a little crazy. Still, if you've just got to shoot, it's the only (legal) game in town.
  6. 3.5# trigger bar, night sights, and a good holster.
  7. Dear god! Are you crazy? If everybody knew how to think, how would the government control them? [/sarcasm]
  8. Detroit's only hope is to turn its administrative services over to Omni Consumer Products.
  9. I've got XS Big Dot sights on two of my Glock 19s and one of my XD45s. I think they're great for defensive shooting, but at the range, accuracy suffers a bit.
  10. Monetary incontinence. Glock 19 x 3 Springfield XD45 x 3 AR-15 x 3 Ruger 10/22 x 3 Ruger GP100 x 2 etc. etc. etc. I like the security of redundancy. If one of them breaks, I've got spare parts for the others, and probably another functional shooter. Also, if I want 20 or so magazines for each gun, I can just get 20 mags for three, and they can share, rather than having to buy 20 of three different types of mags (60 mags total). Of course, I've lost this advantage, but if you just stick with one type of gun, you'll probably get better with it, because it's all you'll practice with. All your mags will fit all your guns. You'll also save money on holsters.
  11. Actually, if you own the stock and the pistol at the same time, you can get nailed for "constructive possession." See Prince Law Offices
  12. No argument, there. If the consumers are confident, what are they buying? There has been no significant uptick in sales--with the exception of cars during the "Cash for Clunkers" program--since January. I think the market is going up due to speculation. Speculation is being driven by corporate numbers looking better. The numbers are getting better, not because more sales are being made, but because companies are streamlining operations and cutting dead weight. And this means layoffs. That's good for companies now, but everybody is going to be hurting for a while. My prediction? Prepare for the worst Christmas retail performance in decades. I agree, and I'd love to see it happen. But you and I know that it never will. Gold is near record highs--in dollars not adjusted for inflation. If you adjust the historical prices for gold to account for inflation, then gold has been priced at more than $2,100 per ounce--that was in the 1980's, I think. Do I expect that gold will drop again? Yes, I do. But not any time in the near future. Gold will rise as inflation kicks in. And inflation will happen. On this, there is a lot of evidence that you're wrong. Case #1: Zimbabwe. With bread somewhere around Z$1,000,000,000 and rising, by the time you work enough to make Z$1,000,000,000,000, the price of bread is around Z$20,000,000,000. And that's if you can find work. So what families are doing is panning and digging for gold. While the price of gold (in Z$) is volatile, it's value (in loaves of bread) is stable. Rural Zimbabweans are desperately panning for gold powder to ward off starvation | World news | guardian.co.uk Case #2: Argentina. People in Argentina have seen hyperinflation, as well. Again, the price of gold (in Argentine pesos) has been volatile, but its value (in the amount of food it buys) is stable.
  13. The economy is doing what? This is a sucker's rally, in my opinion. Every Friday brings news of more bank failures. The FDIC is broke, and considering borrowing money from the banks it's supposed to be guaranteeing. Foreclosures continue, and the banks are sitting on a whole bunch of houses that, on paper, are worth $$$$$, but in actuality are worth $$. There is a huge wave of ARM resets on the horizon, which means that the number of people unable to afford their mortgages will skyrocket again. The banks may be doubly screwed this time, because the Kansas Supreme Court recently ruled that a company that has registered 60 Million mortgages has no right to foreclose, because they can't produce the notes. China, Japan and other foreign countries are shying away from US bonds. China, in fact, is divesting itself of US bonds, and buying gold and silver, which it is calling in to store in a newly constructed facility in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Obama got his 3.6 trillion dollar budget approved, along with his 787 billion dollar stimulus package, is burning through half of Bush's 700 billion dollar stimulus package, is trying to add socialist medicine on top of all that, and is pushing for Cap and Tax. The Fed is running the printing presses at full speed, and inflation is imminent. That's why I'm buying metals. Gold, silver, brass and lead. No, I don't expect that I'll be conducting everyday transactions with these items. I don't expect cash to disappear. But I DO expect that a bag of groceries that's $50 today will be $75 or more in the near future. And I also expect that, if I am able to buy those groceries with 4 oz of silver today, I'll still be able to buy them with 4 oz of silver when their price in paper money goes up. Oh, and by the way, I've purchased from both Kitco and APMEX, with good experiences. I do, however, prefer APMEX. I think they're a little cheaper. I'm curious to know, though--if you purchase bullion here in TN, do you have to pay sales tax? That would be pretty hefty on a $10K purchase.
  14. Update my Facebook status. "OMG...being robbed..."
  15. Just ordered my second Sig 2022 from Bud's. $439 delivered? Awesome deal on a great shooter. One thing I should mention, though, is that the gun does not come with two grips--just one.
  16. Blackhawk Serpa. Very comfortable, no problem concealing with an untucked shirt (for me). I have also carried using a SmartCarry holster, which I used when wearing loose shorts, and even while swimming. If your pants are a bit tight, it can be uncomfortable, but otherwise, it works well. One other thing--when I used the SmartCarry holster, I used a Saf-T-Block on the trigger. Just personal preference.
  17. I wonder what this would look like through binoculars...
  18. Another +1 for Surefire. Best lights on the planet, bar none. That said, the fact is, you don't always need, or want the best. Sometimes, "good enough" is just that. For instance, when I'm flying, I bring one of my lesser lights in my carry-on, lest some overzealous security guard decides my metal flashlight with crenelated bezel is a "weapon." I'd rather lose a $20 knock-off than a $100 e2d.
  19. Whoops. Sorry I missed it. Hadn't visited the forum in a while, and didn't even know when it was going to be. But yeah...the early AM thing doesn't work that well for me, anyway. And 9AM is early, on a Saturday.
  20. I'd be interested in that 10/22T.
  21. I did see discounts. The Sig P2022 dropped by $20. The Ruger SP101s dropped by $11. There were several others I noticed, as well. Sure, the discounts weren't that huge. But from what I understand, the retail market for guns operates on some pretty thin margins already. The problems with the "inflated" prices happened after they tried resetting the prices to normal.
  22. I'd definitely try to make an open carry dinner. Can probably do lunch, if it's on a weekend.
  23. Here's my favorite: Ruger SR9. A bargain at $827! https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=53651
  24. Seriously...I just came here to ask what the hell was up with their prices. I thought they were mad at me for abandoning too many high-dollar shopping carts. There's one thing I'm purchasing tonight, for sure. Hope the other stuff I want reverts to normal pricing, soon.
  25. Damn fine work, Steve. Thanks for letting me try it out. I'd say it was a blast, but it was really more of a whisper...


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