you can use this for areas that are local to you
OK, here is the write up.
You need to download GIMPfirst...
Find an image you want to use.
Something with scenery in it works well. You don't want any pictures with a huge glob of a common color in it. If you're picture has something like that in it, just crop it down to get rid of it.
Here's the original picture I used. It's a picture taken in the Ozark forest.
Bring it into GIMP and perform a Pick noise filter (Filters>Noise>Pick...). Just max out all the settings here, but use 10 for the Random Seed value.
Once that's done, you can perform a Make Seamless filter (Filters>Map>Make Seamless...). This is optional, but it allows for the texture to be patterned repeatedly (similar to tiling a windows background).
Now you need to pixelize it (Filters>Blur>Pixelize...). Digital camo has a ratio of 2:3 (width:height) and they're approximately 1/4" tall in real life. So pixelize it accordingly. I used 10:15 on this one.
Now you'll notice that there are way too many colors. Digital camo has 3 or 4 colors in it. So lets index it down to 4 colors (Image>Mode>Indexed...)
Bam, all done. Easy, huh?