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About bdykd0

  • Birthday 06/04/1958

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dyersburg TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    landscaping 4 wheeling woodworking
  • Occupation
    US Postal Service


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Taurus 650 revolver
  • Carry Weapon #2
    charter arms .38 sp

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  1. I went Sunday and was surprised there were fewer people than I expected. Moved around from table to table with ease and was able to browse slowly and look closely at all the smalls ... I bought a monocular and pair of Ospry binaculars to take on an Alaskan cruise this fall . I saw 2 nylon 60s and a Belgium browning that we're nice but priced nicely also ... I passed. Was surprised to see some primers and powder. All priced nicely as well. I enjoy the Jackson shows more than the Memphis shows
  2. Worst cut I ever got was when I was 9 years old hoeing weeds with my uncle . I reached down to clear away some debris and my uncle accidentally got too close and caught my fingers just about the middle knuckle with his hoe . They were still attached but barely hanging .. he wrapped my hand as tight as he could in his t shirt and we took off running for the house . He beat me to the chicken yard gate but I beat him to the house . Grandmother cleaned my fingers as best as she could with running water, wrapped each finger with an oily wick from several coal oil /kerosene lamps . They stayed wrapped that way for 2 days . Then new clean bandages and Vicks vapor rub . Never made into town to see a doctor. They healed fine and I was able to bend and use them normally by the end of summer. . I'm 63 now and the scars are still visible .
  3. Hello fellow dyersburgian. welcome.
  4. Daily prescription meds also ... especially heart meds ....
  5. Anyone have any experience with the Cimarron ? I've only seen them online, but they look most original to me
  6. Merry Christmas
  7. Yes, and I might add I live in a primarily rural area .... Lots of tractors, combines, water wagons, grain trucks, etc. when I do venture off to " the big city " , I either let my wife drive, or stick to the right lane and avoid high traffic paths to wherever I need to go
  8. Last time I checked, driving was still a privilege, not a right . Everyone needs to respect each other . I for one drive slower than most ... I'm aware of all my surroundings at all times and Don t risk my life or the lives of others by being hasty
  9. I have one in 44 mag ... I bought it as a piece to collect ; not as a practical purchase. by design, it shoots best from the hip, it doesn't shoulder well ... I drilled and taped the lever and installed a 1 inch bolt to be run up to engage the trigger each time it's cycled ( like the Rifleman ) .... It can be backed out to fire normally .... I had a custom made holster and bandelora rig to carry it diagonally across the front of my body as it's too long to draw from the hip .... I removed the front sight to aid in getting in/out of the holster .... It's a blast to shoot as cowboy action shooter .... But no practical purpose other than collecting/cowboy action
  10. Gramoxon is some serious stuff .... Kills just about anything .... Available at co-op
  11. Hi ... from nearby Crockett Mills
  12. bdykd0

    1911 Cimarron

    I read an interesting article recently on this pistol. I'm on the fence about ordering one. Does anyone have one and if so, do they like it ?
  13. bdykd0


    read somewhere where dry instant " grits " were used .... sprinkled around and allowed to be eaten by the ants .... it's suppose to swell up and burst them once they drink water ? maybe larger yard ants / not indoor sugar ants ? anyone ever heard this besides me ?
  14. I have a Zephyr model made by Thompson Machinery .... I'm very pleased with it's performance on my Ruger Mklll 22/45 & Browing Buckmark Whisper.... haven't tried it on a rifle though .


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