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Everything posted by BigK

  1.   dang, it's bad enough to die that young, but after all that hard work, he didn't even get to reap ANY rewards from it...that sucks
  2. [quote name="R_Bert" post="1180094" timestamp="1408153377"]I took a look at TN university system tuition rates. Wow. I had no idea it was so expensive now. MBAs from $45K to $70K and more. I would have to sell my house or kill my 401K to even think about finishing a grad degree. No idea how I would even start back up now. Kudos to OP for getting it together.[/quote] Two of my co-workers have wrapped up their MBAs and one a PhD in the past couple of years. They say nothing but good things about the overall process and that the feeling of accomplishment surpasses just having their bachelor's degree. All 3 went slow (1 or 2 classes per semester), so the cost and class load is easy to handle and still work fulltime. The problem with all 3 people is that they still work at the same place. They'll NEVER get a fair return on their investment in time/money until they shop that new degree around in the market. Same would hold true for any new marketable skill, I guess.
  3. I like the blk/gray...looks great with the 2-tone. IMHO...black slide + silver frame + wood grips = looks like a Kimber
  4. [quote name="monkeylizard" post="1176532" timestamp="1407421411"]Not even close. I know I've seen threads reaching page counts up into the 20's if not the 30's. I'm pretty sure the Funny Pics thread (which seems to have been purged) went a lot longer. I know the gay wedding cake one was way up there too.[/quote] Don't forget the Martin-Zimmerman thread, it had to be way up there too.
  5. very well said, Sidewinder! Looting and rioting don't create justice anyway, does it?
  6. In the marketing class they forced me to take at MTSU they said some brands charge more just to position themselves in the market as a prestige brand. Despite operating costs and other expenses being only slightly higher, the higher price that some brand names charge gives buyers a sense that the product is of higher quality whether it really is or not. This is seen as a status symbol among owners and the market seems to accept it. I have no clue if that's the case here. I'm sure Colt and Sig have higher operating costs than less expensive brands and that they really do spend a ton on advertising. However, mil-spec is a MINIMUM standard, not the pinnacle of quality. If a $700 gun is mil-spec and a $900 gun has more polished parts due to higher standards, all that extra labor and machine adds value to the product. The question is what value the buyer places on that added machining. Personally, I place little to no value on it because I'm a lousy shot and my AR isn't my life or death weapon anyway.
  7. I live in a very large neighborhood that many would call racially and socio-economically diverse. I'm not giving everything I worked hard for to a bunch of thugs without a fight.
  8. We talk about dressing a certain way to conceal weapons here. We don't mind buying pants a size too big in the waist to allow for IWB or shirts too loose and long to serve as concealment. Personally, I include the option to pocket carry in this clothing choice. Since I know I'm gonna want to pocket carry from time to time, I look for loose fitting pants with big pockets on purpose.
  9. Until looters, rioters, and their ilk are shot on sight, they become more emboldened.
  10. I make a conscious effort to try, but wind up reflexively closing my left eye anyway. I'm sure that means I'm totally screwed if I'm ever in a gun battle and need more peripheral vision.
  11. OCTX harms the public view of the Pro-2A movement as much as The Westboro Baptist Church harms the public view of Chrisianity.
  12. [quote name="tnhawk" post="1179803" timestamp="1408076912"]I like my G27 for IWB but I can't carry it in my pocket.[/quote] It don't work in skinny jeans :D Just kidding...couldn't resist
  13. The old rifle looks pretty darn cool too
  14. Congrats on the new rifle. I'm sure you'll love your M&P Sport as much as I love mine. I've made a few cosmetic changes to mine to make it fit me better, but I'm not a good enough shot to need anything this gun doesn't do.
  15. You won't even notice the grip safety is there if you properly grip the guns, so that makes the manual of arms almost identical except for the ambi safety on the SA. You WILL notice the difference in the sights, though. Springfield has swept back rear sights that maximize the sight radius and an awesome FIBER OPTIC front sight! I find that the width of the G36 makes it seem huge in comparison, so it may be too thick to pocket carry. The front to back size of the G36 grip is much bigger too. If you have big hands you might find the XD-s too cramped. If you have small hands you might find it hard to get a good hold on that G36 when it goes boom.
  16. I used to pocket carry a Ruger SP101 all the time and it's wider, taller and longer than a G26. I guess the pockets are bigger on pants for bigger guys. I don't wear baggy pants, but they aren't blow your shoes off when you fart pants either.
  17. Kudos, another win for the good guys!
  18. I took a short break from college (1989 til 2001). Going back was the best decision I ever made. I didn't finish my Chemical Engineering degree, though. I chose Computer Information Systems instead, another good decision.
  19. [quote name="jacob" post="1178791" timestamp="1407865920"]It's ok...it's just Sam Adams...[/quote] Hey, what's wrong with Sam Adams? :O
  20. [quote name="Clod Stomper" post="1178984" timestamp="1407894187"]Wait.... When did ar15.com and m4carbine.net merge?[/quote] I'm guessing all the sites that cater to AR-15 owners are full of gun snobs, huh? I wonder if the 1911 forum members turn their noses up at anything that isn't a Nighthawk or a Wilson Combat.
  21.   Maybe he bought the holster at Walmart :D last week?
  22.   Ain't that the truth...the first 10 replies would be 'you're an idiot if you buy an AR that costs under $3K'
  23. I'm building an AR now, but very slowly. The problem I'm having is figuring out what I want it to do that my M&P Sport can't do in MY hands.   A better handguard design (thinner and lighter), a better stock (I prefer fixed over carbine), or a better trigger (something like a Geissele would be cool) would make it more fun to shoot. I can upgrade my existing gun with these features and still be under $1000.   Owning a $4000 LWRC or even a $2000 Colt just doesn't do anything for me. It won't transform me into 2X or 4X as good of a shooter or be 2X or 4X as fun to shoot.
  24. I trust my handloads, but prefer to carry factory SD ammo. I don't shoot enough SD ammo to notice the savings or warrant the perceived risk.   Even if nobody has ever been prosecuted for using handloads, I feel better knowing thers's one less thing to defend if, God forbid, I ever find myself in court. I can always use one less thing to worry about.
  25. Never heard of it until your post. Looks like it's not even made to match the gun, but looks aren't the important thing. I'd rather not give up the conceal-ability that the extra height adds, but if I had big hands, that might be a different story. Considering they say they've sold thousands, I'm surprised there's only 3 reviews.


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