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Everything posted by BigK

  1. That looks nice. I like the shapes you put in the reinforcement around the top. Dyeing it a different color was a good call as well...gives it a classy look. Kudos.   Good looking knife too.
  2.   Taking my grandson shooting when he's old enough is one of the things I look forward to the most in life.
  3. Only an hour? What kind of commitment is that?
  4. I had a friend looking for a 15" slim handguard, so when I saw those Matrix Arms handguards this morning, I sent him the link.    I was a little late (2 weeks, LOL). He already bought one of these and says they are solid as a brick bat, despite the low price.   http://www.omegamanufacturinginc.com/Omega-Mfg-AR-15-Key-Mod-KeyMod-Free-Float-15-Extended-Rifle-Length-Handguard-Rail_p_518.html
  5.   One of my favorite blade shapes. I almost bought an Old Timer 152OT at a gun show, but it was one of the new ones (made in China).
  6. I got 10 coyote brown nylon straps with loops on one end and hooks on the other. You're welcome to them, if you're ever up near Smyrna/Lavergne or Franklin. Added: If not, you can get 3 of them from LaRue Tactical for $5 or $2 each. http://www.laruetactical.com/retaining-strap-velcro-discreet-case or you might give the kind made to be cable ties a try. http://www.harborfreight.com/10-in-hook-loop-cable-ties-20-pk-69074.html
  7.   LMAO...That's funnier than the original story.
  8. congrats, I joined the grandpa club about 5 months ago too...sure is cool, isn't it?
  9. I saw this on Google+ today and about shot Mt. Dew out my nose...
  10. all funny, but the DST one had me rollin
  11. glad they got their fallen comrade out, impressive heroism
  12.   I've done this with 9mm and 45 acp with no ill effects. Seems like they'd flare and crimp just fine to me, but I don't reload rifle ammo, so what do I know?
  13. Have you tried Joey's House of Pizza? I absolutely love the place and the people that own it, but I'm curious how it stacks up.
  14.   Welcome (soon) to TN. Since I've lived in mid-TN/Murfreesboro area my whole life, I'm a bit prejudiced, but I commend you on your choice of where to hang your hat.   Let us know when you get settled in and get ready to look for gun shops, shooting ranges, and the like. You'll be near a LOT of great spots.
  15. My wife KNOWS I won't answer texts during my commute home, but that never stopped her from texting me to ask me to stop on the way home for something. I'd just walk in the door and say she should have called me instead (bluetooth/hands-free).   We were driving somewhere the other day and she heard my truck read me a text message and got royally P'd off. Now I don't have an excuse to make her go buy her own damn tampons or whatever.
  16. Hmm, I've been shooting a lot of Aguila hyper velocity .22 LR lately through my Ruger Mark II and I didnt notice a smell at all. In all fairness I was at an outdoor range AND I was too busy being amazed at the group sizes/accuracy they produced over the cheap bulk stuff that I usually shoot. :D
  17. I wonder what would have happened if Dontray Mills was know to be an out-spoken 2nd amendment supporter: a southern while male with a rebel flag; referred to by his neighbors as a "militia-type" or "prepper?; or NRA Life member. I wonder if someone like that forgot to dot an "i" or cross a "t" on a federal document; ran across a shotgun on sale that his buddy has been looking for and picked it up for him; or maybe even got caught shouldering a Sig arm brace. i have a strong opinion on what the judge would do in that case?
  18. BigK

    4 Lb AR-15

      that's impressive weight savings for the length and it looks cool too
  19. Hard to believe. I watch NYC cop dramas all the time and the cops almost never miss. The bad guys on the other hand shoot worse than Imperial Stormtroopers.
  20.   Whoa...good point, mine would be out of the fight first broken nail, but I'd never call her a liability...           ...to her face. :hiding:
  21. Mine too. I should have named her RADAR, because she's like an early warning system for storms. Won't leave my side during a storm.
  22. BigK

    Ruger AR 556

    Sounds like a lot more features for the money. I'm glad I asked.
  23. BigK

    Ruger AR 556

    I'm a Ruger fan too. I've got a buddy torn between the 2. I can't get him to let me help him build one instead. It's good to have additional input to relay to him.
  24.   I'm 45 yrs old and had never heard a grease fitting called a zerk until now and neither has my spell-checker, LOL.
  25. BigK

    Ruger AR 556

    I haven't had a chance to handle one yet. On first impression, how would you say it compares to a M&P Sport?


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