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Everything posted by BigK

  1. SRHEC on Hobson Pike Saturday the 9th work for you?
  2. With sights this low, not many red dots will allow co-witnessing. The Bushnell TRS-25 is absolute co-witnessed with no riser. I wish it were .25" higher, so it would be easier to pick up. I've never seen a 1/4" riser, but I measured it and a 1/2" riser would be too high to see the sights at all.
  3. The sight look too low at first glance, but the cheekweld puts you in the perfect position.
  4. Faux suppressor by SilencerCo Push button for side-folding stock. I like the way the bolt locks back. I added those M-Lok rail sections and plugs.
  5. Sorry, what kind of d-bag buys a new gun, brags about it on his favorite gun forum, promises to post pics, but never follows thru? My bad...
  6. I cant believe I forgot to post pics!! I'll remedy that this afternoon.
  7. I've come real close to getting an original Skorpion a few times, but chickened out because I knew I'd like it too much and would have to start reloading .32 ACP by the truckload.
  8. Are you talking about the trigger and striker spring kit and/or the trigger shoe replacement from HB Industries?
  9. i heard about that and of course I got the welded version...wouldn't you know? I'm on their list.
  10. I toyed with the idea of building an AR in 9mm or buying one. Seemed like the builds are hit and miss on reliability and the buys are expensive to get something that runs good. So I saved up and got the Scorpion Carbine last weekend. I've only had it out to the range once, but that one time was pure bliss. I tried a Hi-Point carbine before that and while it's really fun and easy to operate, I just wanted something better.
  11. Some of you were way luckier than me. I got the same shipping notice for 6/13-6/20, but went ahead and emailed yesterday to see why I had no tracking info yet. Their reply says my order also got messed up, but their diligent quality control team caught the error, corrected the artwork, and ordered a replacement for me "AT NO ADDITIONAL COST" (which I thought was funny and very nice of them NOT to charge me extra for getting my order right the 2nd time). They must be really good at what they do, because the replacement they promised yesterday is supposed to arrive sometime between today and Monday (I'm gonna hold my breath until that comes true, LOL). No worries though, mistakes happen, but based on my experience and some others on here, I don't think TeeSpring is ready for prime time. At least they caught the error instead of me, which makes me luckier than some of you. Plus, I have a clean shirt or 2 to wear in the meantime.
  12. You've gotta learn to settle for what you can get and learn to love it...my wife loves it when I say that.
  13. I wish there were more all over the country.
  14. My thoughts exactly. I acknowledge that .380 has come a long way and is adequate, but 9mm is still better and I wish I could hide the smallest 9mm as easily as I can the smallest .380.
  15. That's what i thought the OP meant too. I read on thinking there might be an explanation, because I have noticed the same. I log into my laptop open Chrome and 2 tabs load (one is this forum and one is my favorite motorcycle forum). I choose a thread and start reading on the mc forum since I know this one takes longer to load. On another note and NOT directed at you OS, just a comment in general: I love talking politics, but that is becoming impossible to do in a civil manner on this forum lately. So, if David changes the policy, I won't miss out on anything enjoyable.
  16. jeez dolo, looks like you yanked the nail out of the bed what did you do to yourself, dude?
  17. I promised myself one of these as soon as I hear they were making them. When we had the TGO get together at Everything Weapons I filled out a purchase request or whatever you call it for one. I was warned by more than one person that most dealers would rather sell them on Gun Broker at a big markup than to honor the purchase request. Well, I'm here to tell you they did me right! I got a call saying his distributor is finally taking orders and I can finally get one, so I rushed down to pay for it. I got there just as he was on the phone placing the order. It took 8 days to come in, but they called me after-hours tonight to say it's finally here. I get to go pick it up tomorrow!!! The only bummer is that I already committed to teaching a buddy who's never shot rifles before about ARs and AKs first thing in the morning. I only recently got him hooked on guns and he has 3 handguns already and realizes a long gun or 2 are much-needed additions to his collection. Needless to say, his wife probably hates me, LOL. After we run through some rifle basics, I'm gonna let him shoot a few then I'm off to pick up my new toy. Bonus! I get to go to the range again to shoot my new toy.
  18. I considered Academy "one of us" until they pulled MSRs off their shelves to cater to the anti-gun crowd. Keeping all the other guns on their shelves was a financial decision. Continuing to sell anything that resembles a MSR out of the back room like they are something to be ashamed is also a financial decision. Choosing sides by hiding the scary looking rifles that make the hand-wringing ninnies cry is a political decision and that's what makes them "one of them" in my book. They can't be on both sides of the fence at the same time. There's only 2 sides, right?
  19. I can actually make out most of what that says and all I can say is WOW! I actually LOL'd at the part about removing all the scary looking guns including air soft guns. BTW...thanks for posting that. I appreciate ya!
  20. Nissan dealerships don't hide the Altimas when a drunk kills somebody with one.
  21. Everyone is equally entitled to an opinion and I accept that. Likewise, I'm entitled to ignore those opinions when i find them offensive.
  22. for the record: I love reading what one TGO'er recently been dubbed " worn out, rusty and twisted Leftist logic" from OS. I can do without green frog genitalia, but I'm not overly offended by it. I respect the rights of all people, including "the gays", but I can't embrace them. I can only respect them as fellow Americans. I accept that btq96r just ain't like the rest of us sometimes...bless his heart...and can live with that Therefore... It was totally you, LOL
  23. I don't really blame CTD or any other company for charging what the market will bear during a panic. That's capitalism, that's the free-market...like it or not. Pulling guns off the shelf today that you had no qualms selling yesterday is a political decision, not a financial decision. I say this because they didn't have time to do a market analysis since Orlando happened. They haven't been threatened to be boycotted by any anti-gun groups since Orlando happened. They're just making a knee-jerk reaction IN ANTICIPATION of some kind of possible future backlash from the left. So, I don't see how it could be a financial decision instead of a political one. It certainly says a lot about what they think about those who they hope to appease. They think the anti-gunners are too stupid to see through this pathetic ploy to brown-nose the left. As dumb as I think the gun grabbers are, I don't think they're dumb enough to think Academy cares or they wouldn't have been selling AR-15s yesterday. It also says a lot about what they think of the pro-2A crowd. They either think our business can't be lost, despite this politically correct bull$hi+ or they think our numbers are too small to concern them or they think we will roll over and take it like we usually do.
  24. I agree with your point in spirit. This is just one retailer and it's their decision to make and they didn't cave all the way in, just part of the way. However, when it comes to OUR rights and MY principles, if we keep giving up inches, someone will start taking feet. The reason the left gets their way on stuff like this is because they stick their guns, pun intended. If they gave up inches as often as we do, the NFA would be repealed by now and there'd be federally required reciprocity.


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