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Everything posted by BigK

  1. No doubt it's worth $20!!
  2. Since you said the heirlooms come later, I wouldn't break the bank on my son's first, especially knowing how 18 year old boys are. I'd go with something cheap and polymer, expecting him to clean it less often than I'd like to see something better be cleaned. I mean if he beats up an SR9 or an M&P, who cares. If I gave my son a nice revolver or 1911 as a truck gun I'd expect to see surface rust and/or scratches.
  3. I'm 5 out of 6 books into a series by D.J. Molles called "The Remaining". It's your infected, not zombie, type EOTWAWKI type story line. Without giving anything away, it's about an Army Captain who's in a program where he and others like him go into a bunker when there's danger and come out when it's safe and try to rebuild the world.
  4. I watched this back when it was aired. Great to see it again. I love me some fight science like this.
  5. awesome story, thanks for posting that
  6. That paper you signed makes no mention of any penalties for leaving before the 3 years is up. I'm no expert on employment contract law, but I'd guess that technically and legally you're off the hook. However, I agree with the others...be prepared to explain where you've been for the last 2 years to your next employer and don't expect a reference. If I were the hiring manager at your next job, I'd have to be fairly desperate for help to hire someone who bailed on an obligation at their last job...no offense. If the work conditions and pay at your current position aren't to your liking, I'd argue that paid training in the form of an apprenticeship was meant to offset those shortcomings and you should stick it out another year.
  7. Anyone interested in more details, here's the story: http://www.sbnation.com/2016/7/17/12208816/bellator-injury-cyborg-skull-fracture-photo
  8. if they vote Democrat, I wouldn't be surprised something like this could happen.
  9. that's too funny...somebody should take them snipe hunting next
  10. It just broke like that? Yeah RIGHT!
  11. The only pistol I've ever owned that was a complete lemon was a Taurus TCP .380. Most UNDER-rated handgun I've ever owned was a Hi-Point C9. I couldn't make that thing fail ... or miss.
  12. Last year set the Prime Day bar pretty low, so I couldn't possibly be disappointed this year.
  13. My bad, thought it was plastic.
  14. I ordered that Gear Head Works safety Thursday night and it arrived Saturday all the way from Christiana, TN to La Vergne, TN...LOL It feels fantastic! I was kind of leaning toward the long AK style safety that Obiwan recommended, but I like this small one better. Plus, it's aluminum.
  15. I got to shoot one this weekend that was tricked out with all kinds of upgrades...very fun "pistol"
  16. BigK


    None of my friends have bikes, so I have been riding by myself, which is kind of Zen. A friend from a bike-specific forum I read invited me to a group ride with her riding club. I was a little reluctant, because I knew they'd mostly be H-D guys and I don't ride a cruiser at all. They've been really cool with me even though most of them mistake my adventure bike for a crotch rocket. It's been a totally different experience, in a good way. Riding with a group is really nice, but I still enjoy the peace and quiet of a solo ride too:
  17. BigK


    I hope this isn't an unwanted hijack, but why the hell haven't we gotten together to do a TGO ride?
  18. Looks like you knew what you were doing. Impressive! That blue looks awesome,, BTW.
  19. BigK


    This is a tough time of year to try to get into a MSF class, but be patient and get in when you can. It's worth it. I got my first bike in 1981 and I just took the class in early May this year. I learned a LOT. In fact, I was surprised how much I didn't know from being self-taught. In the meantime, ride like everyone is trying to kill you. On a motorcycle it doesn't matter who's at fault in the accident. The guy on the bike ALWAYS loses. And, get some protective gear! A jacket with CE rated armor in the shoulders and elbows, some leather gloves with knuckle/wrist/finger armor, and some leather boots will go a long way toward saving you a lot of pain if you lowside your new ride.
  20. Heck yeah!! I want that grip pretty bad, but I'm holding off til I get to handle the one Obiwan has first. I just want to make sure it's enough of an angle change to justify the $60'ish. I also want their magloader too. I was very sad when I discovered that my Uplula didn't fit the mags. Honestly, I thought my Google-Fu was strong, but you have found a site I haven't even seen yet. You are right, that is THE perfect safety selector.
  21. I'm not especially crazy about indoor ranges, but I can do that, if you aren't interested in the TWRA range on Hobson Pike.
  22. Of course, nearly all those upgrades are sold out now. Mine has that welded trigger pack screw that CZ promises to eventually swap out. I wonder if drilling out the welded one will void the swap opportunity? I'm REALLY interested in meeting up to shoot, especially since you already bought every upgrade known to man. I'd love to see how much I need each one in person like that.
  23. I've never heard a bad word about that optic. In fact, it was my 1st choice too. Sadly, the Bushnell was on sale at Primary Arms for $59.99 and that's all I could afford after buying the Scorpion.
  24. I promise this is the last outfit I try on Barbie tonight...
  25. I want to shoot it again this weekend, but my favorite range is closed on Holiday weekends. Holler when you're ready.


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