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Everything posted by BigK

  1. I called them today. There are going to be around 400 tables. The guys at my LGS say it's going to be pretty big. They are sending half their inventory/staff there. I cannot wait!!! Admission is $10 for adults 12 and over, $2 for kids b/w 6 & 12, and free for kids 6 and younger. Dont forget to print the coupon...might as well save a buck.
  2. I had some trouble the first time I took my MK II apart. Then I finally found a video that explained why you have to do all that rolling and flipping and other gyrations. The tricky part is getting the hammer strut in the right position to close the main spring. Once you get the hammer back in place with the strut hanging down into the mag cavity, attach the barrel and slide in the bolt. Position the mainspring upward into the reciever hole until it clicks. Now the bolt stop is in place and all is left is to get that tricky little hammer strut in the right spot. Flipping it over and pointing the barrel up makes the strut fall against the mainspring. Then and only then can you lock the mainspring into place. Note: Failing to get the strut into the mainspring instead of above it or still haning down will keep the bolt from going all the way back (that's how you know you did it wrong). Hope this helped somebody.
  3. Great link, wish I had know about it when I first got my Mk II. I found out the hard way how to get the hammer strut in the right position. Now, I detail strip mine like they do in the link each time I shoot it. I only take the hammer assebly off every 1500 rounds or so and it still shoots as good as the day I bought it. What a great pistol, huh?


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