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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Nice! Before now, I'd only briefly checked out TTAG. Thanks for posting the link. I just spent 3 hours there reading. Good stuff, well-written. I ordered some cards for when I run out of TFA cards.
  2. I understand that you can never really *know* how many times, but my thought process is that most reloaders haul off their brass. That rationale makes me think range pickups seem like they'd be most likely to be once-fired factory brass. Aside from the ocassional reloader that left his brass because he knew it had been reloaded too many times, what am I missing? You're not the first I've heard say this, so there must be a big hole in my thought process somewhere...please help.
  3. I use 115 gr Critical Defense in my carry gun (CZ P-01), because they feed perfectly and expand reliably with good penetration and great weight retention (especially for non-bonded ammo). I also like the idea that they won't clog. In my HD handgun (Glock 17) I have 3 Glaser Safety Slugs followed by 115 gr Critical Defense. I figure my first shots are likely to be my least accurate and I don't want to shoot through walls. By the time I get to the later rounds, I hope to be more accurate. I just bought some 230 gr Winchester PDX1 for my 1911, but haven't tested them yet. From what I've seen the 4X denim and gel tests were very impressive. Testing premium SD ammo for function/reliability sure is expensive!! I'm glad someone else is doing the ballistics testing for me...whew!
  4. I've heard of this problem a lot too, last time I ordered from Lee I bought a couple of extras just in case. I must be one lucky SOB, because mine still has the original installed. I have loaded somewhere near 2000 rds of 9mm, 400 rds of Makarov, and 450 rds of 45 acp on that original part. I don't know if it's because I keep mine over lubricated or just blind-stupid luck.
  5. I saw a bumper sticker that "Obamonomics...Trickle Up Poverty"...I'm going with that one.
  6. You gus Mmmmmmmmm, that sounds freakin' awesome!!!
  7. Great article. Interesting that he was already filthy stinking rich at the time of the events in this article. If more knew this side of him, I think there'd be less distrust.
  8. I think I'm gonna ask Santa Claus for the full box set when it comes out. I can see me watching this series again and more than once over the years.
  9. If that were a SA/DA instead of a striker-fired pistol, I'd have kept it, if I liked it.
  10. BigK

    So I did it.

    Definitely one of the most underrated handguns for the money. I believe that for the price, you'd have a hard time finding a fair way to be disappointed.
  11. I'll play...I'd build an AR-15.
  12. This country needs a balanced budget amendment REAL bad. I'm ok with provisions for deficit spending for true emergencies, but what's happening cannot continue. I don't know what the limit is, but we should use Greece as an example of what NOT to do.
  13. If profits are all about greed, then I'm all for it. In fact, greed is as good a motivator for innovation and convenience as we have in this country.
  14. BigK


    TMF, I read WWZ too, good read. The audiobook was even better. Different readers for different parts. One of my favorite bits was the comment that the zeds were so dumb they couldn't get themselves out of seatbelts, so you had to be careful around 'abandoned' looking cars. That place looks familiar.
  15. God knows the USPS could use the revenue too!
  16. Let's say I had 500 loaded rounds and don't need/want them any more for whatever reason. Could I sell them for the EXACT cost of the components if the buyer "intended to pull the bullets and reuse the components"?
  17. BigK


    I think it depends on which zombies we're talking about. The more traditional ones aren't very coordinated, so they definitely ain't swimming I agree with Mike, they'd likely bob and sink. The scary part is they'd be at the bottom of the pond or whatever forever.
  18. makes me wonder how close Bush vs Gore would've really been if everyone who voted had to show ID.
  19. I hope she's telling the truth. I have no reason to doubt her, but I also have no reason not to. Of course, we'll never hear the other side now. Just saying, if the cops find out she just was mad at him for not admitting the kid is his or not wanting to marry her or whatever...she's not much of a hero then. Assuming she's telling the truth, hell yeah...you go girl!
  20. If we can't agree as a country that presenting ID to vote is the least we can do to prevent voter fraud, we'll never agree that requiring a basic knowledge of the government that you got from your "free" public education will prevent poor voting decisions.
  21. I think there's a reason the Israeli airport security system hasn't failed in 40 years. Like someone else said...profiling. It's a tool, not a form of racism. We are too politcally correct here for that, so we strip search kids and old ladies to prove we're not Islamaphobic. The Israelis have no aversion to keeping suspects' luggage for 3 days, because they seemed suspicious. They have no problem pulling somebody that acts oddly aside to interrogate them. They don't care if you're offended and they don't cower at accusations of racism. But they key to this being successful is you can't do it to everyone...just the potential threats, which they clearly have a keen eye for.
  22. While I respect your perspective, what the TSA is doing is about 80% for show. It's mostly just a dog and pony show to make it look like they are protecting us. Don't get me wrong, I think they have good intentions. I just don't think they're as serious about stopping terrorism as they say they are.
  23. too bad the chinese, who make up most of the market for the ivory, don't share our same values


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