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Everything posted by BigK

  1. Remind me to never park so close to a burning fertilizer plant with my kid(s) in the vehicle while filming a fire.
  2. Prefers it rough, skips the Vaseline.
  3.   I know, but they shouldn't be during heavy traffic times.
  4. very cool pooch...wish my lil monsters were that well behaved
  5. If bicyclists have the same right of way as motor vehicles, they should be required to be capable of maintaining the speed limit...just sayin.     ...same goes for tractors.
  6.   I suspect having the right of way will not give you the power of resurrection.
  7. I have too many "other driver" pet peeves and y'all covered most of them, but maybe someone can tell me why holding a phone to one's ear makes idiots drive 10 miles slower than the flow of traffic?   One more...I was driving home from Franklin yesterday on a curvy, hilly, narrow road and found traffic putting along at 20 mph as far as the eye could see. As some turned off or passed, I found the problem. Some jackass in shiny underwear and a space helmet is riding a $1200 bicycle in commuter traffic on what could be the most dangerous road in all of Williamson county (Clovercroft Rd b/w Cool Springs Blvd and Wilson Pike). I found myself wishing this self-absorbed prick would hit a bump and disappear down the low shoulder.
  8. As long as Reid, Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Franken, Boxer and their ilk are around, I'll count Rand Paul as one of the good guys. I'd tade KY a Corker, an Alexander, a Cohen, and a Cooper in a 4-for-1 trade for Rand Paul any day.
  9. I sure hope I have the cash if I ever run across a CZ rifle for sale. Kudos on the Scout, they are great little guns.
  10. As much as I love my dogs, if one of them were attacking someone else's dog(s), I wouldn't blame them for shooting it. I know I'd do the same.
  11. I just saw a CZ 75 Kadet kit on eBay. I would never have expected they'd allow that.   http://www.ebay.com/itm/CZ-75-Kadet-Conversion-Kit-/200915384612?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec77d7924&BackToListReferer=http%3A%2F%2Fmy.ebay.com%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FMyEbayBeta  
  12. Oh crap! Please say you're kidding. It's hard enough to find reloading supplies at a reasonable rate as it is.
  13. If I were king, I'd have "RAPIST" tattooed on each cheek, so they can't hide it with a hat or glasses or beard.     Pedophiles would just be sentenced to extremely hard labor somewhere far from civilized people...killing is too good for them.
  14. Every tool I own from cheap $10 pliers sets from HF to my most prized safe queens get treated with care. I hate every scratch, dent, mar, and chip they get from misuse or carelessness, but if it happens in the normal course of use, so be it...they are tools, after all.
  15. Hands down, my favorite is my CZ 75 Shadow. It has a long trigger pull, like OP says, but it's super smooth and very light. The only problem with a trigger that light I can get it to pop off 3 or 4 rounds when I stage the trigger just right, so it's a sporting/range gun only and a little big/heavy for carry any way.
  16. Thinks meeting the "right" goat wouldn't be all that baaaa aaaad
  17. I bet! I can sit on it until the crazy blows over, if I have to. It won't be easy, but I'm learning to be patient.
  18. I'm down for one, but depending on how they look, I might go with 2. I've never built an AR, sounds fun.
  19. I'm not sure if it's the same dog, but I saw something like that on TV once. I think the dog's name was SkidBoot. Absolutely incredible animal and trainer. Ever seen this one? Sorry the poster doesn't allow embedding. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6479QAJuz8&sns=em
  20. I'm sure whichever one somebody likes best mostly boils down to whichever system you learn on. Dillon, RCBS, and Hornady all make excellent progressive presses. Lee...not so much.
  21. Looked pretty definitive to me. It was the controllability test that really convinced me. You just can't argue with the numbers. Glad the debate is finally over.
  22. Barry O.? Is that you?
  23. No longer welcome at the Baptist church for giving "the talk" in Sunday school
  24. I learned to reload on a turret press. Once I knew the process inside and out, getting a Dillon was a no-brainer. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone's first press though, because when I was a noob I'd have never gotten this rig setup correctly. Anyway, about the shell feeder... - I dump several hundred cases in the hopper and turn it on and it lines them up and drops them down the tube. - It even cuts itself off when the tube is full and turns back on momentarily to drop another when needed. - If a case has too much or too little powder, the powder check beeps. ($65 never bought me so much peace of mind) - All that's left to do is set a bullet on the shell and pull the handle. I can crank out 300-400 rounds per hour if I have primer tubes already full. Oh yeah, and the primer feeder also has a sensor too. It also whines to tell you when it needs filling. I swear to God, I can crank out 300 rounds faster than I can drive to Walmart and back to buy ammo. The shell feeder is expensive, I won't lie. I think it costs around $230 with one size of sorting plate that works for similarly sized cases. I've been using it for almost a year and have zero regrets about spending the money. I can decide at the last minute to run down to the range and knock out 200 rounds of ammo in less than 30 minutes, including checking for issues and boxing it up.
  25. Damn, I missed it!


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