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Everything posted by piper266

  1. I bought my M&P15-22 about 3 months ago and love it. I've had and shot thousands of rounds through multiple 10-22's and this adds a new level of fun with the .22. My rifle has been very reliable and I've had no FTF's or FTE's at all with the good ammunition. (CCI or Winchester super x) Just can't beat them.
  2. It hasn't kept me from buying one, but it did encourage me to sell one. Like the other guys said, you can certainly find .380 out there, but you'll have to pay dearly for it. I had bought a Bersa .380 about 3 years ago for my wife to carry when you could get .380 at Wal-Mart for less than 9mm. I have since sold it and bought another Glock 9mm for here to carry instead. We shoot quite a bit, so I wanted to have a dual-purpose range pistol and carry pistol that I could find ammunition for and not go broke doing it.
  3. Alot of people hanging onto their Glocks...no surprise.... For me it's my Glock 19 and any and all firearms that were gifts or heirlooms
  4. Dido on the Bersa .380. For the money, you can't beat it.
  5. My wife and I went to get our carry permits together. (she tolerates my hobby pretty well and she thought it would be fun to go together:) ) After we were both legal to carry, she only carried if she felt like it, or if I reminded her. Unfortunately, I was out on a trip for work when she called me and told me a man was following her all over Wal-Mart and making inappropriate remarks to her. I could hear her fear as she began to cry over the phone. She hadn't picked up her Glock that day and now she knew she needed it. Fortunately, she made it out to her vehicle and got home quickly. Now she carries everyday...no matter what.
  6. There you have it. Thanks.
  7. My family is headed down to Fall Creek Falls S.P. this coming weekend. With all the changes occurring lately, does anyone have some current information on whether I (a carry permit holder) can carry in a Tennessee State Park? Thanks in advance.
  8. piper266

    .22 Plinker?

    I have to say, I think you'd be well served with the Walther P22. I bought it to save money...as usual...and it's a great value. It comes with alternate back straps for a different fit for you or your wife. It comes pre-threaded for a silencer(if your wife doesn't like the noise). Take-down doesn't require a PhD is Engineering like the Ruger .22, and it just plain looks good. That's my opinion.
  9. Bought mine about 2 months ago from The Armory in Lebanon. I've put about 800 rounds through it with no trouble whatsoever....a great rifle at a great value!
  10. It's his house after all. Let him defend it how he chooses to.
  11. Just bought a Glock 26 for my wife as well. She loves it. Plenty of power in the 9mm round, without too much recoil. You can't go wrong with Glock.
  12. Can I ask where the course was held?...I'm in Murfreesboro
  13. I've had a Glock 19 and 26 for almost a year now and have been carrying concealed for most of that time. I have to say that Glock has done a great job on their "Sport Combat" holster. For the money you'll spend, you'd have a hard time finding and OWB holster that even comes close. It tilts the pistol forward slightly for comfort, it's completely ambidextrous, and stands up to any abuse you can throw at it. It has strong retention and holds the pistol high enough on your belt as to easily cover it with an untucked shirt. All this for about $15.00. In addition, it doesn't harm the finish as many leather holsters do over time. Well, I'll stop ranting....it's a great buy!
  14. Not all that impressed...sorry.
  15. Thanks for the info guys. I actually called Glock yesterday and even they didn't have a definitive answer for me! I've been carrying my Gen 3 Glock 19 for about a year now and absolutely love it. I'm betting I'll love the Gen 3 26 that much more.
  16. Hello out there. I'm getting ready to purchase a G26, but I'm thinking about waiting a few months for the Gen 4 version. Does anyone know when they're coming out with these...if at all? Thanks.
  17. I have to say I agree with most of you guys. We, as citizens, should never have to pay a fee to exercise the rights granted to us by the Constitution. However, I still say a class of some type should be mandated in order to ensure domestic safety...no different than obtaining a driver's license.
  18. To be honest, the only info I can give you is to google search "charlie haufman memorial range". He has a detailed web-site with all the info. My friend and I have been going at least once a week for the past three months and have definetely enjoyed it. We had been going to Stones River TWRA range, but got tired of their RSO's always looking over your shoulder. Hope that helps.
  19. I just joined the Charlie Haufman Mem. Range just south of Franklin. I live close to 840, so it's only about a 25 minute drive for me from Murfreesboro. $40 range fee once a year. He supplies spotting scopes, targets, sand bags, etc... and nobody ever bothers you. Go on a weekday morning, and the range is all yours. He has two pistol ranges, 25/50/100 yd. rifle range, and a 400 yd. range, as well as a skeet area.
  20. Good shootin' Dubya! See you on the range!
  21. I think you were certainly justified to have your weapon out. The second they pull into your driveway at that speed, you don't know if they're preparing to jump out to mug you or hit and run. Especially with your girlfriend with you...there's no time for second guessing things. In that situation, if you hesitate, you're dead.
  22. Hello Everybody. I've been interested in all firearms since I was a pretty young, but I didn't actually buy my first rifle until after I finished college. Since then I've built up a small collection of some of my favorites. (Springfield 1911, Glock 19, a few 10-22's, a few MilSurp rifles, etc...) Just joined the Charles Haufman Range in Franklin and looking forward to throwing some lead! Anyway, hope to learn alot here and talk to you guys soon.


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